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zondag 18 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #330 - UCL News, Red and Black Summer Days 2022 (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 As every year, nearly 150 UCL activists and supporters met from August 7 to 14 in

Bécours (Aveyron) for meetings, debates and training. A time of self-management,where everyone participates in collective tasks in a friendly atmosphere. ----The red and black summer days of 2022 were not spared by the heat wave. On aground roasted by the sun, it was sometimes very difficult to supporttemperatures oscillating between 30 and 35 degrees. But above all, as in manyother places, fires raged, about ten kilometers away, and the Canadairs flew overthe area throughout the week... which ended in a deluge of rain and hail. Theecological emergency is there.One of the challenges of the week was to strengthen cohesion within theorganization. These days were a great success from this point of view. The strongpresence of young people, especially the group from Grenoble who came in force,gave everyone a great energy. Good times with militant karaoke, letting off steamon the dancefloor, improvised yoga and boxing classes... But it was above all theopen stage that was rich in emotions. Songs, political or more personal texts,jokes ("how many anarchists does it take to change a light bulb ?") followed oneanother until late into the night. In a difficult political and post-Covidcontext, camaraderie is a strength.Rich and varied discussionsUnfortunately, regrettable absences have led to the cancellation of severaldebates, around Magali Della Sudda's book, Les Nouvelles Femmes de droit, withthe Afro-feminist collective Mwasi, or with La Horde. But the stimulatingpresence of a Kurdish comrade, and the discussions with German and Italiancomrades put internationalism at the heart of the discussions.Anti-patriarchal struggles were also widely represented, with single-sexmeetings, debates on our strategy and quality training on our materialistconception of LGBTI struggles. For the first time, a gender-neutral meeting washeld, which it is hoped will open the door to greater social diversity in theorganization.The union issue has not been forgotten either, and has been worked on more in itscross-cutting dimension (unionization of feminized sectors, of migrants, linkswith ecological and feminist struggles, etc.).The debates ended on the preparation of the militant return, in a context of therise of the far right, the deterioration of the climate and social tension, wherethe revolutionaries will have to make their voices heard in the face of therevival of social democracy embodied by Nupes. Lots of work ahead for therevolutionaries. But thanks to these days, we are pumped up!  EliseA (UCL Clermont-Ferrand)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Journees-d-ete-rouge-et-noir-2022-9694_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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