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zondag 18 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, Anarchico Galatea FAI: The anarchist movement and the Spanish civil war - Ninth Part, Posted on September 5, 2022 by galatea (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 V. Mayo sangriento: Barcelona 1937 and after ---- A predictable storm ---- The

"events of May", that is the armed confrontation inside the anti-fascist camp,are not a bolt from the blue. The signs of a growing tension can be found, aswell as in the killings of La Fatarella at the end of January 1937, in a coupleof accidents in which two important exponents of the opposing tendencies die: CNT- FAI and POUM on the one hand and PSUC and ERC on the one hand. other. On April25 Roldán Cortada, exponent of the UGT, of the PSUC and former of the CNT(treintista wing), was killed in dark circumstances; two days later, in thevillage of Puigcerdà in the Pyrenees, Antonio Martín, a well-known anarchistmilitant, falls into a conflict with the Generalitat police.Also in April the protests of the population explode for food shortages, and thisincreases the sense of precariousness and tension caused above all by the firstbombings of the Italian legionary aviation, which cause dozens of deaths andconsiderable destruction. May Day, the traditional international meeting ofworkers' movements, does not see any march or other mass initiatives which, inthe already heated climate, could have given rise to provocations and furtherviolent clashes.In those days the Generalitat renewed yet another pressing invitation to thePatrullas de Control of the workers' organizations to hand over their weapons tothe new unified security service placed under its orders. The prevailing beliefin the working base is well expressed by an article that appeared in "SolidaridadObrera" on 2 May: " Comrades, weapons are worth more than speeches!", Followed bythe consistent rejection by the "people in arms". In fact, the Patrullas continueto operate and void the injunction of the Catalan government, to which theyremind that those weapons were conquered at very high human costs on July 19,1936 and that they guarantee real and not delegated power, not even through theCNT - FAI, at the top of the institutions. For some time the forces that opposecollectivization and in general the revolution in progress have found theirpolitical referent in the PSUC. This party was born in Barcelona in July 1936immediately after the victory over the coup, in which its members participatedvery little, and has grown strongly month after month. His entry into the Catalanautonomous government initially gave him few places, but soon his space expandedby exploiting the popularity of the Soviet Union.The PSUC soon became the USSR's crucial point of reference for bringing therevolutionary situation in Catalonia under control, a territory whereanarcho-syndicalism and, albeit to a much lesser extent, non-Stalinist Marxismhave a considerable influence on the masses of workers. Furthermore, both allowthemselves to attack the image and politics of the Kremlin, in particular bydenouncing the Stalinist trials underway in 1936. These criticisms, which uniteMarxist dissidence with sectors of the most powerful CNT, give a lot of annoyanceto the Soviet state that presents itself. as the "homeland of socialism". Tounderline the strategic function of the PSUC,The "fratricidal war" between anti-fascists began on 3 May when a group ofGeneralitat policemen, under the command of Rodríguez Salas, an officer belongingto the PSUC, attacked the Telefonica building in the central Plaza de Catalunya.The stated purpose is to install the delegate appointed by the Companysgovernment as responsible for running a valuable service that holds de factopower. The rumor has been circulating for some time, probably, that a telephonecall from the President of the Republic Manuel Azaña was blocked by a Cenetistswitchboard operator who would have mocked the highest political figure. Theoffense would constitute the straw that overflows the camel already filled withthe "patience" of Companys, who complains about the indiscipline of most of theanarcho-syndicalist militants. But the episode, or its representation, it canalso be read as the symbol of the intolerance of institutional power towards areal power that relies on the control of strategic points, such as the telephoneexchange. This site, occupied after a bitter struggle by the CNT fighters, ismanaged collectively by one of its Comité, with some UGT delegates in asubordinate position. For many militants of the CNT - FAI it is an achievement,reached on July 19, 1936, not to be missed.The armed workers of the Telefonica barricade themselves on the upper floors,while the autonomous police remain on the ground floor. The news immediatelycirculated in the popular districts of the city and in a few hours a spontaneousgeneral strike broke out: dozens of barricades were erected, similar to those of19 July, around which the shootings multiplied.A notable part of the members of the CNT - FAI believe that the time has come toput a stop to the expansionism of the PSUC, which is counting on its alliancewith the ERC. The appeals for calm and confidence launched by the political andtrade union leaders in the course of the negotiations to "resolve the incident"are perplexing. On the radio, for a couple of days, the proclamations of theautonomist and communist leaders alternate with those of the anarcho-syndicalistleaders. Among the latter we hear the voices of two Catalan ministers of the CNTconsidered leading exponents of irreducible anarchism: García Oliver andMontseny. Everyone says they are in favor of ending the struggle, dismantling thebarricades and returning to work and calm, with the promise that thoseresponsible for the police provocation at Telefonica would be removed. By now thedead are numbered by the dozen and will reach more than 300 throughoutCatalonia[1]. On May 5, shooting near the headquarters of the organizations wasrecorded and two leading exponents of the parties to the conflict were killed.Antoni Sesé, general secretary of the UGT and manager of the PSUC, is unable totake possession of the post of new minister of the Generalitat as he falls closeto the Sindicato de la Industria del Espectáculo of the CNT; Domingo Ascaso,elder brother of Francisco, the hero who fell on July 20, 1936, is fatally shot acouple of hours after Sesé. secretary general of the UGT and manager of the PSUC,he is unable to take possession of the post of new minister of the Generalitat ashe falls close to the Sindicato de la Industria del Espectáculo of the CNT;Domingo Ascaso, elder brother of Francisco, the hero who fell on July 20, 1936,is fatally shot a couple of hours after Sesé. secretary general of the UGT andmanager of the PSUC, he is unable to take possession of the post of new ministerof the Generalitat as he falls close to the Sindicato de la Industria delEspectáculo of the CNT; Domingo Ascaso, elder brother of Francisco, the hero whofell on July 20, 1936, is fatally shot a couple of hours after Sesé.Meanwhile, the Largo Caballero government appropriates the public order anddefense services of the Generalitat, suppressing the autonomous Catalan offices,sends a couple of warships into the port and prepares the shipment of thousandsof Guardias de Asalto to re-establish institutional control and public order. Onthe morning of May 6, the bodies of Camillo Berneri and Francesco Barbieri werealso found near Plaça Sant Jaume, near the seat of the autonomous government.Calls to cease the shootings eventually achieve the desired effect, and if anyconfrontation continues, overall the intensity and severity decreasesignificantly. A group of radicals, both libertarian and Marxist, which is calledLos Amigos de Durruti[2]tries to trigger a revolutionary movement against therenunciation line of the bureaucracies of the libertarian organizations, but theintent manages to survive only a few days. On May 7, according to theGeneralitat, he resumes work in factories and offices, as well as in publictransport. The conclusion is hailed as a victory by the PSUC, evidently aware ofthe risks taken in those days, while the CNT - FAI declares that the hectic daysended without winners or losers. In reality, it is not easy for anarchist leadersto take stock of this tragic conflict that reveals the limits and contradictionsof collaboration in the name of the anti-fascist war. The progressive increase ofinfluence from formations, such as the PSUC and the ERC, that July 19, 1936seemed to count for very little, and this to the detriment of the strengths ofthe libertarians, implies a very negative judgment on the choice of the CNT - FAIleadership not to push the revolutionary momentum to the bottom, at least inCatalonia[3]. On the other hand, as reiterated several times, the confrontationdoes not take place only in the richest, most modern and most libertarian regionof Spain.May 1937 causes the irreversible crisis of anarchist participation in thegovernment of Largo Caballero. The socialist leader, an expression of the UGT, isput in difficulty by the pressing request of the PCE ministers to decree thedissolution of the POUM, accused of "espionage in favor of the enemy" and ofbeing "the inspirer of the criminal putsch of Catalonia"[4]. The former unionleader, once hailed by the Stalinists as the "Spanish Lenin", refuses to acceptthis request and resigns. Two days later, on the immediate designation of Azaña,a new government was appointed chaired again by a socialist, Juan Negrín, butthis time coming from the current of Indalecio Prieto, responsible for theorganizational and bureaucratic structures of the PSOE and therefore rival ofLargo Caballero. Beyond the socialist label,The hunt for dissident revolutionariesAfter the suspension of the newspaper "La Batalla", the closure of the officesand the expulsion from local government bodies, on June 16, 1937 the ComitéEjecutivo del POUM, including the secretary, was arrested en bloc. Andreu Nin,former member of the government of the Generalitat.The goal for the Stalinist Communists, in the wake of the contemporary Moscowtrials, is to obtain full confessions from the espionage defendants, inparticular from the most prominent personality, the Catalan Nin. The latter,after extolling the Russian revolution in the early 1920s and then attacking thecentralization of power in the hands of Stalin and the repression against the oldBolsheviks, fled the USSR to escape the Soviet police. The interrogations he issubjected to, in prisons managed directly and secretly by the PCE, areparticularly harsh, but Nin seems not to give in. The inquisitors continue totorture him to make him plead guilty, according to the practice tested in theSoviet Union in the trials of the "counter-revolutionaries". As in other similarcases, the useless questioning leads to death or the impossibility of presentingthe accused in a public trial. The delicate question is resolved with an alreadytested practice: liberation is pretended by a Nazi team and his body disappearsin the Madrid countryside. To those who write on the walls: «¿Donde está Nin?»,The pro-Moscow Communists answer «¡lei Está en Burgos o en Berlín!», The capitalsof Franco's and Nazi enemies. In recent times, research conducted in the KGBarchive in Moscow confirmed that both this and other disappearances were directlyled by the Kremlin. The trial of the other leaders of the POUM was held inOctober 1937 and ended with the acquittal of the charges of espionage andtreason, but with a conviction for causing the clashes in Mayo sangriento[5].In Barcelona and beyond, after the end of the armed conflict, the repressiveinstitutions proceed with hundreds of arrests of the most radical militants. Aparadoxical situation arises. The CNT apparently keeps its strength almostintact: the confederal armed columns support a not secondary part of the wareffort, the industrial and rural communities continue to function thanks to thestrong anarchist influence, the trade unions are in full swing. At the same time,however, hundreds of militants, if not thousands, are arrested on infamouscharges such as having stolen or killed under trade union protection. And thecrimes were also committed in the early stages of the popular armed response tothe coup attempt. To get an idea of the scale of the phenomenon, it should beborne in mind that in the Tortosa prison, in southern Catalonia,The response of the Catalan CNT takes place at two levels: promoting theestablishment, inside and outside the prisons, of Comité pro Presos to supportprisoners and the formation, decided by the Comité Regional, of a specialComisión Jurídica directed by the lawyer Eduardo Barriobero, Republican close tothe CNT and defender in many trials before 1936. In fact, the Comisión is payingfor the progressive loss of real power of the union and little can do in favor ofthe "anti-fascist prisoners" who wait for a long time for the relative publictrials to take place. Officials of prisons and judicial offices respond withsufficiency and generality, unthinkable before May 1937, to requests for preciseinformation on the contents of the accusations and on the detentions in progress.The situation seems to have stalled to the point that some unions criticize the"ghost commission" and go so far as to organize evasions by relying on thecomplicity of the employees of the prison structure, appointed at the time whenGarcía Oliver was Minister of Justice. Some illegally freed detainees are thenalso made to flee from Barcelona and find protection in the confederal columns atthe front.Within the various bodies of the CNT there are heated debates on how to operatein defense of the detainees, who are often accused of wholly spurious crimes. Theunion leaders are particularly reluctant to protect the CNT militants who weremost exposed in the clashes of May 1937, who mostly remained without officialorganizational support until December 1937.In a meeting of the Comité Regional of that period, the final motion recognizesthe correct position of the Comité Jurídico against the defense of extremistelements, even if they are members of the CNT, and delegates any solidaritycommitment to the individual unions who will choose it under their ownresponsibility.Numerous letters of protest are sent from the prisons, in particular from theModelo of Barcelona, to the institutional bodies and to the Comité of the CNT. Ingeneral, forms of open struggle are threatened in the case of non-protectiveinterventions or non-respect for the rights of "anti-fascist prisoners"[6]. Thesecretary of the Catalan CNT, Josep Doménech, meets with the Minister of Justiceof the Generalitat to obtain permission to visit the jailed militants, who are onthe verge of unleashing a revolt. After a couple of days, over 200 detaineesdeemed "dangerous" are urgently transferred to other prisons in the region andfor a few months the situation remains under the control of the authorities.Following various forms of protest, from the hunger strike to the destruction offurniture, which also includes jailed international volunteers, 800 prisoners ofvarious political tendencies are moved to the new prison residence in the centerof Barcelona, recently inaugurated, and to the work camps in the surroundingarea. It is the latter solution that, in the course of 1938, made it possible todefuse the prison revolts, with the agreement of the CNT which managed to obtainmany releases.Keep on...https://gruppoanarchicogalatea.noblogs.org/post/2022/09/06/il-movimento-anarchico-e-la-guerra-civile-spagnola-decima-parte/Note to the capitol[1]P. Pagès, Catalonia at war..., cit., p. 209. Altre fonti stimano in circa 500i morti del maggio 1937.[2]M. Amorós, The revolution betrayed. The true story of Balius and The Friendsof Durruti, Virus, Barcelona, 2003.[3]C. Semprun Maura, Libertad!, Elèuthera, Milano, 1996.[4]P. Pagès, Catalonia at war..., cit., pp. . 211-213.[5]The burning theme of May 1937 still produces new works. Most recent is thedense and "equidistant" one by F. Gallego, Barcelona, mayo de 1937, Debate,Barcelona, 2007. Among the "lined up" we remember at least the anthologyBarcelona, mayo 1937. Testimonios desde las barricadas, Alikornio, Barcelona,2006 and A. Guillamón, Barricadas en Barcelona, Spartaco Internacional, sl, 2007.Intentions of ideological reflection on May and on the political line of therevolutionary left can be found in the work of G. Munis, Lessons of a defeat,promise of victory, Lotta Comunista, Milan, 2007. To defend himself from theaccusation of having planned and managed the complex plan of the kidnapping,interrogation and disappearance of Nin, the Trieste communist Vittorio Vidalirefers to the normality of Stalin's eliminations: "Why on earth would I have toorganize that staging?" At that time, if an anarchist or a poumista had to beshot, it was done without fuss. Let alone if they needed me». In G. Bocca,Palmiro Togliatti, Laterza, Rome-Bari, 1973, p. 301.[6]F. Godicheau, The Spanish War. Republic and revolution in Catalonia(1936-1939), Odile Jacob, Paris, 2004, pp. 297-328.https://gruppoanarchicogalatea.noblogs.org/post/2022/09/05/il-movimento-anarchico-e-la-guerra-civile-spagnola-nona-parte/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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