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donderdag 15 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CNT #431 - Critical and transformative consumption - OTHER LOOKS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The constant persecution of trade unionists in states of the global south for

defending their territories against the barbarity of our consumption models mustlead us to a trade union response proportionate in solidarity. ---- Avoidnutritionism, gastronomic hedonism or environmentalism as objectives inthemselves, a constant to take into account in the search for the improvement ofour occupational and community health, prioritizing the radical humanization ofexchange relationships and creating broad, diverse and emotionally safe dialogueforums. ---- For years we have been clear that our structure of production,distribution and consumption must be overcome qualitatively and quantitatively-including the existing model in agroecological consumption groups- to avoiddynamics that once again reproduce the precariousness of workers from thecountryside, from the sea and from broad sectors of sustainable agri-foodtransformation (for the LIFE they generate). In these alternative contexts, insome cases, class inequalities are also aggravated and the broad participation ofneighbors is not achieved, either due to disconnection with the discursiveframework, or due to priorities of each other or due to conditions of structuralpoverty of the homes.The conventional production and distribution model consciously makes us sick,attacking the public health system.To talk about critical and transformative consumption, we must also highlightthat the concept of sustainability -Slow, Km0, ecological, natural, sustainabletourism- is being radically engulfed by the capitalist framework and byprivileged socioeconomic sectors, which hold individual discourses ofconsumption, but also supposedly alternative health or education. All of thissupported by the multiplication of sustainable technicians, making it difficultfor us to discern between their priorities -that of the technicians- and those ofthe group, through subsidized organizations that are presumably at the service ofglobal productive responsibility. We have a clear and doubly fraudulent examplein the conceptual framework of rural and sustainable tourism stimulated by auniversity, institutional or employer discourse that ignores, for example, thelegalized exploitative and precarious working conditions that we cannotunderstand as sustainable for life, as well such as turning the destinations ofthis type of trip into an elitist and unaffordable context for the working class,also creating serious problems of access to housing.It is no less true that in our organization and as a result of complexcircumstances, we have gradually abandoned the agri-food industry and the ruralenvironment, these being directly linked to the concept of environmental healththat has historically been present in CNT. That is why the reconstruction ofsolid information and distribution networks, with efficient logistics tools andfair prices, but also with community control of the entire production process andnot only of the properties or shortcomings of the final product, forces us toseek a breakdown of the consumer/producer dichotomy. In this way we will be ableto strengthen the ties of solidarity, of human and trade union confluence in ourplaces, also counting on a reflexive local business that integrates communitydiscourse, democratizing in practice access to a consumption model that improvesthe lives of all, not only of an elite, and fleeing from the paternalism of thestate, a solution that the structure of social services has prepared for us inthe face of the poverty that they themselves generate.Yes, it roams freely, however, in our towns, the exploitative agro-livestockbosses, ecologically and disguised as progressive unionism, unionism linked insome cases and demagogically to international networks that fight for FoodSovereignty. It is thus that our small villages and rural unions should bepampered to the extreme, with the fundamental objective of building sustainableproductive identities, the exclusive productive and cultural identity being thealibi under which the economic and political control of our regions is coupled,with fine patronage networks in which everyone wants their piece.We are clear that the conventional model of distribution -supermarkets, largedistribution markets, small franchisees from the towns... - in which we activelyparticipate is criminal and is making us sick, millions of euros of public moneybeing injected through the PAC, generating in society a misleading view of costprices, unaffordable for people who try to work in connection with their naturaland human environment outside the subsidized circuit.There are already advanced models, such as that of some French AMAP (Associationfor the Conservation of Peasant Agriculture) in which the search for overcomingthis producer/consumer dichotomy is consolidated, also taking into account whatthey have to say people who get their hands dirty on land or in the sea, peoplewho are not always listened to in order to integrate the needs that theirdifficulties demand. It is also convenient to remember the model of AgricultureSustained by the Community (Urgenci) or the enhancement of those CommunityParticipation Systems (SPG) as a practical example of good work, integrating inthe process tools as useful in pedagogy as community kitchens (nursing homes,schools...) with educational projects in themselves.We must create real and democratic alternatives in the conditions of productionand access to food and the goods necessary for life, just as our organization hasbeen doing historically.In another order, the immobile sentimentality or the inactive nostalgia about therural environment and its bucolic productive tools of yesteryear, lead usinexorably to the paternalism of the subsidized state, to representative andpatronage clientelism. In another, the dogmatism in which in many cases we settleallows us to rest placidly in inaction, but facilitating the establishment of theneoliberal structure and the disappearance of dozens of interesting incipientprojects that are already spread throughout the territory, projects that lack ofsupport in everyday life: financing, logistics, human support...That is why we must create real and democratic alternatives in the conditions ofproduction and access to food or goods -to their property- necessary for life asour organization has been doing historically, alternatives that make palpable amore necessary proposal than ever in a context where food and energy sovereigntyare non-existent, seriously endangering life. We cannot continue to make use of aproduction model in which we use the land as an extractive matrix, tearingeverything we need from it without reflecting on the damage we cause in ourpurchases and the superfluous needs we generate.We must wrest from the productive power the coverage of vital needs with thepolitical struggle, but also with logistical and economic proposals. Individualand collective responsibility must lead us to progressively abandon financialentities and conventional production and marketing networks in all areas, sincethere are already real alternatives to which we have something to say.Our model of the Various Trades Union (SOV) is an optimal model to break withcorporatism and the compartmentalized vision that exists in the face ofconsumption habits, historical and organizational potential that we must takeadvantage of to raise awareness of these problems, in which the agri-food sectorIt should function as an educational tool in critical and transformativeconsumption of the first order, taking care in our organization of those nucleior small unions of the towns that undertake trade union work at the service of aproductive and sustainable consumption model and, as a consequence, of a societyrural respectful, diverse, free and egalitarian.https://www.cnt.es/noticias/consumo-critico-y-transformador/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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