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zaterdag 17 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #VALENCIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CGT #Valencia: Citizen Security Law, for whom? By Inma Sellés Ors (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On May 1, the General Confederation of Labor took to the streets in Valencia, as

it has been doing traditionally in all the territories of the State. It is knownthat the demonstration on May 1 is essential for unions and the working class, itis a day that combines struggle, a festive character, the union of the workingclass and the meeting between workers from different unions who demand laborrights and announce their achievements and struggles in its different sectors.---- The Confederation has spent years making its own tour in Valenciaaccompanied by all that association, organization and group of workers who fightfor social change, separated from the majority unions and who long ago lost theperspective of what it is to go down to the mud and work side by side with theirpeers. Although there are similar things between the different unionorganizations; they all carry their flags, their badges and their shiny acronymsso that they can be seen by anyone who wants to look, they all sing their more orless correct slogans and they all try to make themselves heard and seen, withhuge balloons, smoke canisters and the odd spectacle, but there is a great andimportant difference between them and that is that not all these organizationsare treated the same by the so-called State security forces. While thedemonstration of the regime's unions takes place without any impediment orrestriction, the increasingly numerous demonstration of the CGT is surrounded bypolice who control every movement of the people attending, even identifying threepeople for carrying three canisters of smoke as an allegory to the flag of theorganization, the red and black anarcho-syndicalist flag. The people who carrythe smoke canisters are surrounded by police who rudely ask them to throw thecanisters away and to identify themselves with the promise not to open a file,but with the warning that "they take notes in case something happens." fire inthe city of Valencia that day". Luckily, that unfortunate situation did not occurand the boat carriers finished the day calmly thinking that no arson attack inthe city would fall on their shoulders or on their conscience. But let's notforget, all unions are not the same, nor are they all treated the same. So onecalm and quiet day in August, the boat carriers received a fine of 601 euroseach, for doing what all unions do on May 1, put on their best clothes and go outinto the street , for holding a pot of smoke with the colors of the flag thatrepresents them as workers. In short, for defending their rights as workers onWorld Workers' Day.The Confederation wonders if these complaints are not politically motivated, ifthe application of the "citizen security law" is not made to defend the interestsof only one part of the citizenry, the one that suits the power at all times, andif It will not be that these guarantors of State security look at each other withdifferent eyes.Inma Selles OrsSecretary of Organization of the CGT-València Union Education Sectionhttps://www.cgtpv.org/ley-de-seguridad-ciudadana-para-quien/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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