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zaterdag 17 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, FDCA - Il Cantiere #10: CGIL XIX ° National Congress Does work create the future? - It depends on how and who defends it by Cristiano Valente (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Congress of Bad Godesberg, misquoted by the leader of Action, Calenda,

following the electoral agreement that the PD of Letta concluded with the partyof Fratoianni SI, was, in 1959, that congress in which the Social Democraticparty, Spd , from the then German Federal Germany, radically and officiallychanged his theoretical and political setting. In fact, the radical approachderiving from his previous Heidelberg program, adopted in 1925, which made theSPD the self-declared representative of the working class and the working masses,was definitively scrapped, turning the party into a large Labor force, open tothe market and to the representation not only of the workers' electorate, but ofdifferent classes and classes, even opposed to the working masses and above allby binding themselves to the dynamics of the economic system of the free market,abandoning the convictions and impulses, still present in vast strata of workersand the less well-off classes , of the need to overcome the capitalist economicsystem.There can therefore have been no Bad Godesberg for a party, such as the PD, whichsince its inception has intended to combine references and strategies of thatworld of social Catholicism, present for many years, albeit a minority, withinthe former Christian Democrats and previous derivatives of that world linked tothe former PCI, coming, in turn, from further hybridizations and geneticmutations, made in years far back, which we can trace back to the Salernoturnaround of the PCI of Togliatti, in 1944, to get to the Eurocommunism ofBerlinguerian memory, of the early 1970s of the last century.Therefore, no break with alleged communist or radicalizing drifts, much less withinstincts and strategies that are minimally re-centric to Marxism, but completeadherence to a liberal progressive framework of which the season of formersecretary Veltroni, first secretary of the party, represents well.But this is not the interest of these notes, which instead want to take intoconsideration an important and fundamental political event, such as the nextcongress of the CGIL, the largest Italian and European trade union, which shouldhave seen its beginning precisely in these days when we write.Following the crisis of the Draghi government and the subsequent electionsscheduled for 25 September, the XIX Congress of the CGIL was moved to October,with its final meeting scheduled for March next year.A first consideration. This choice very much confirms the subordination of themanagement group to political alchemy and the total absence of politicalautonomy, despite the fact that this is constantly referred to in officialdocuments, in the statements of the various leaders in the street rallies.This political crisis could and should have represented a greedy and furtheropportunity for the project and the indications of the union, discussed bymillions of workers in the assemblies, in the workplaces and in the categories,simultaneously with the electoral campaign, to become the social agenda on whichto eventually measure and condition political forces. But so be it.This subordination, moreover, can be seen in the whole document "Work creates thefuture" presented by the national secretariat for discussion, in which, rightfrom the start, it is explicitly stated that the declared objective is to aimthrough bargaining at "spaces of codetermination" recognizing "equal dignity"between values and "interests represented by work and the company". (1)But not only. The document indicates as a strategic choice "an idea of thecompany as a system in which all subjects can be active protagonists. In whichthe model of single and exclusive command is overcome where the union is admittedonly a priori subordinate and collaborative and assumes regardless of theobjectives of the company ". (2) Thus we arrive at a priori refusal of the needfor a conflictual union, of conflict as such, by erasing with a stroke of the penthe struggle between classes and the relative power relations between them,limiting ourselves to recognizing (their goodness) that "the company is a complexsocial system in which different points of view, different subjectivitiescoexist" and that the negotiation, even if necessary, must be addressed andauspicious to "open a space for negotiation that makes it possible to define apoint of equilibrium (3)A position therefore entirely internal to the mercantile and liberal system, selfassuming a position of equidistance between capital and labor.This is why concertation and not class conflict, that is, the relationship withthe government, even if formally denied, thus becomes the ultimate goal, if notthe only reference of a "participatory trade union" which is alluded to asopposed to a " conflictual union "(4)The reasons and interests of part of the world of work are inevitably andconstantly sacrificed by this approach, which, by denying the factual reality andthat is the greater power of companies, precisely through occupational blackmail,denies the very historical function of the union as an organization. ofresistance and continuous and progressive improvement of the entire working class. From these premises "for a new protagonism of male and female workers, the needfor" new forms of economic democracy "derives from the already fallacious tradeunion elaboration of the 1970s.This was one of the many proposals elaborated in those years of power relationsclearly favorable to our class, born in particular in national negotiationswithin public production structures, in those years still very present, fromsteel to shipbuilding, passing from energy electricity and hydrocarbons, up totransport, not yet affected by the privatist fury of the late 1990s by thecenter-left governments, from the Prodi government to the D'Alema government andwith the convinced consent of the trade union structures themselves, CGIL in thelead.As a corollary to this approach, the indication of any participation in themanagement of the companies is introduced in the following pages, referring toarticle 46 of the constitution. (5)If we need to talk about Bad Goesberg, in the sense of genetic mutation, perhapsthe actual and true one lies precisely in these indications and elaborations thatthe CGIL management team is indicating.In fact, it is a question of co-management, the possibility and necessity ofrepresenting workers on boards of directors or in equal bodies, such assupervisory committees or others.A real tear in the history and over a hundred years of practice of the classstruggle and trade union organizations in Italy.Such a choice, if convinced and set by the management team, would need to bediscussed extensively and in the light of the sun and not introduced withfleeting references and occasional insertions.In fact, it is not the first time that a topic of this kind has been explainedand argued by the National Secretary himself.There is a first trace on the "Pact of the Factory", the agreement reached by thetrade unions on bargaining with Confindustria on 28 February 2018.This agreement which, although it came when the CGIL was preparing for itsXVIIIth Congress, did not see the participation of the workers, nor that of theintermediate and peripheral structures of the organization, signed by theconfederal management group in the most absolute and sought-after isolation.This agreement introduces the concept of participation by promoting "a moreflexible industrial relations system that encourages, above all, through theextension of second-level bargaining, those processes of cultural change capableof increasing the forms and tools of participation in companies. organizational." But above all with a lexical similarity to the current congressional documentpresented for the XIX Congress, it is stated that "Confindustria and CGIL, CISL,UIL also consider an opportunity to enhance forms of participation in theprocesses of defining the strategic directions of enterprise "and endorsing theidea that worker and boss have a common interest in the company, it continues byaffirming:" Economic changes require involvement and participation and determinea different relationship between company and workers and workers. (6)Subsequently, the same issue was taken up by the National Secretary in his reportat the conclusion of the Organizational Assembly held in Rimini in February ofthis year. In the article reported by the trade union site "Collective" we canread: "people have the right to be involved in the choices that companies make,before decisions are made that in some cases concern organizational models andthe role of work if we think in that direction. 'it is also a theme of new rightsof codetermination, rights that do not exist in our country today ".These are Landini's quoted and therefore textual statements to which the writerof the article cannot refrain from stating that "codetermination is a strong andvery innovative word for the culture of the CGIL" (7)In fact, such a convinced approach presupposes the non-recognition of classconflict as the engine of history and above all the liberation from exploitation.of the working masses as a chimera, condemning the movement of workers to aninevitable and constant subjection to capital.Nothing very new in the theoretical, political and historical landscape in thehistory of the international labor movement.And nothing new in the history of social democracy and of the communist partiesthemselves, bearers of what they have always beenwe indicate it as the reformist utopia, at least for those who pursue thisapproach in good faith. In any case it would be necessary, in order not tocontinue in the misunderstandings, on the part of the trade union leadership, tofully explain these arguments starting from the congressional discussion, whichwill begin in October.If the firm and therefore the capital is not seen as an adverse party in theinterests to be pursued, but it is considered an active and preponderant part ofa free market, abstractly neutral and irremovable, in the absence of the firmthere is no work and therefore the interests of the latter inevitably become apriority, to be safeguarded with respect to any competitors, perhaps foreigners,with respect to the interests of male and female workers, who thus becomedependent variables.And this is how from a structure that defends the economic and social conditionsof all workers, the union ends up by taking charge of the competitiveness of thenational economy as a whole, or by marrying entrepreneurial groups from time totime, it becomes the bearer of particular, communal interests, regional, party,or "who can have more".Here lies the strategic and I would say theoretical weakness of the majoritydocument, where an attempt is made to develop a reasoning on the need to combinecentral government policies with regional, municipal and territorial policies,particularly in our south, with a real one " supercazzola ":" It is necessary tocoordinate the policies governed by central administrations with those ofspecific competence of the territorial institutions: especially in the South, thetransformation and innovation of production systems in a sustainable key willhave to start from the guidelines of intelligent specialization supported bycohesion policies, structurally based on bottom-up approaches, that is, thatenhance the territorial and supply chain vocations "(8), but above all, movingforward in the reasoning where, with an exchange of perspective with respect tothe primary interests that it would be necessary to defend, namely employment andsalary, is indicated as the objective of the union, the need to "attack dwarfism,undercapitalization, the scarce propensity to invest in innovation,sustainability and quality of the vast fabric of small and very small businessesthat characterize our country, much more than in the rest of Europe." (9)Basically, the national interest is assumed for a greater competitiveness of ourbourgeoisie vis-à-vis the other European and world bourgeoisies, among otherthings in open contradiction to the initial indications of the document on theneed for a "multilateralism" understood as the presence of more supranational andcontinental economic actors (USA, China, Russia) and the European unitary project.A project that should include a common economic and financial structure with asingle foreign policy and consequently a common military defense force still inprogress.It is no coincidence that one of the themes of this electoral campaign isprecisely the possible international policy of the future government between analleged adhesion to the unitary project, albeit unbalanced on the terrain ofadhering to Atlanticism and therefore with American traction, or in defense ofthe presumed national priority interests. .In addition to being a utopia, a real mess, were it not tragic for the fate ofour class, of the international working classes and for the future of the newgenerations. From this tangle of contradictions inevitably derive other and much moresignificant repercussions, in that part that should be concrete and immediatewhat to do.Such as the need to defend wage levels by recovering real inflation levels,which, although indicated, is not in the least explicit and organized through ageneralized national battle on wages and above all by not canceling andovercoming the agreement on the Factory of 2018 and for contractual wageincreases. refers to the HICP, i.e. the harmonized index of consumer prices netof imported energy products, today following the war in Ukraine and the sanctionsimposed on the Russian federation which have increased beyond measure, bringingreal inflation beyond 8%. As well as with respect to the right to health andpublic health, increasingly necessary and to be strengthened also due to theworld pandemic and the new and inevitable pandemics that technicians andscientists increasingly diagnose, "as a guarantee of universal law to health "andit is not stated with the same clarity that it is necessary to close with thepolicies of support and dissemination of corporate welfare which undermines anddrains capital for public health as well as disrupting the current essentiallevels of assistance. already undermined by the diversity of regional healthsystems with the different services and conditions provided for in the differentjob categories.As with the pension, which from the Fornero reform sees claiming the goal of 41years of contributions, with a strike organized badly and in haste on lastDecember 16 and without any continuity, despite the government attitude of totaldenial, without in the least saying that if even if this conclusion is reached,with the contribution system, now widespread and generalized, future pensionswill be no more than 60% of the last contribution.There is no mention of a self-criticism on pension funds, the so-calledcomplementary leg, on the contrary, in the last point of the platform, the needis indicated to "relaunch adhesions to the negotiated complementary pension,making it effectively accessible even to those who work in small businesses andyoung people through the launch of a new semester of silent consent and informedadhesion, the tax reduction on returns and greater support for investments in thereal economy of the country by the negotiated pension funds "(10) which means snatching the severance pay, which is to all intents andpurposes wages, albeit deferred, from young male and female workers.In fact, what happened in 2007 when the current legislation came into force wouldrepeat itself: all those whose severance indemnity was set aside in the companyhad six months to decide whether to confirm this option or direct what accruedfrom that moment on to the supplementary pension.In the absence of an explicit choice, the severance indemnity would beautomatically channeled towards the category fund with a capacity for revaluationthat is no longer automatic but linked exclusively to the financial market,moreover using one's salary to support financial funds, the same ones thatperhaps delocalize in Serbia, Poland or Turkey the productive activities.Finally, the imperative need for a generalized battle on the reduction of hoursis almost totally absent, which could represent a real alternative to thereduction of the workforce following the introduction of new technologies and newproduction models.The short paragraph in which the need to reduce working hours is statedgenerically speaks of "redistribution of working time", linking this objective to"coherent and consequent company bargaining" (11) which means giving up anational and generalized battle for the reduction of hours.Information technology, digitalization, as well as the processes now partlystarted in the automotive sector, from the narrow production of motor vehicles tocomponents, as well as the collection and processing of huge information, theso-called "big data" have made superfluous not only the greater part of themanual labor, but also a great part of the clerical work and in general of theintellectual work.A strong and consistent reduction in generalized working hours is therefore theonly way to work everyone and work less, just as there is now an imperative needto reduce the extensive precariousness of employment contracts that characterizesand penalizes in particular young people, women, the growing foreign workforce,increasingly over-exploited in the agriculture and logistics sectors.In short, a clear and strong desire for discontinuity with the practices andarguments of the current CGIL management group would be needed which identifiessome unifying themes, in order to be able to win over some fundamental objectivesof the material conditions of the working masses so that confidence in thestruggle and in class solidarity.Note(1) Work creates the future A new trade union model for unity(2) Idem(3) Idem(4) Idem(5) Work creates the future - The new social contract: democracy, freedom,participation. paragraph 4)(6) see Trade Union Defense n.45 April 2018(7) Colletiva.it 12/02/2022 Landini "Democracy and participation: work startsfrom here" by Davide Orecchio(8) Work creates the future - New model of sustainable development and publicpolicies for full employment(9) Idem(10) Work creates the future-New welfare state for cohesion, inclusion and fullemployment and public citizenship networks.Paragraph 3(11) Work creates the future -Enough precariousness and reduce working hours_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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