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zaterdag 17 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #SICILIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy #Sicilia Libertaria: URNS ARE DISCOVERED, THE DEAD RISE - Elections. No more carrots, just sticks. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 If it weren't for the fact that they represent a great hoax, we wouldn't care

about the elections. The majority of Italians don't even go to vote; among thosewho do, many vote out of inertia. Every result does not change the fact that thebosses always govern, understood as the big capitalists, banks, finance,military-industrial lobbies, the church, the mafia; a consolidated power bloc,strong in its international ties; an orgy of intertwined and associated figuresunder whose dependencies the parties act, without even the mask of a differentDNA, linked by the liberal verb, perhaps conjugated with different languages butperfectly similar in substance. ---- We anarchists have always maintained thatall parties are equal; this provokes us with accusations of indifference, whilein reality it is raw realism, the same manifested by many people, first of allproletarians, who have tried it on their own flesh. And that they are allsimilar, their common statism and their identical hierarchical and authoritarianorganizational methods demonstrate it, even in those who profess the opposite.Only anarchists give as much importance to form as to substance, defining thecontainer (the party), a means that spoils even a positive content and derailsall claims in the muddy maze of authoritarianism, without any possibility ofreaching the end.If the shape unites them, even the contents have now almost completely flattened:the substance is identical; left and right are more and more provisions of seatsin parliament and less and less political and ideological positions.The right-wingers wallow in the liberal bedlam, the most consistent from thispoint of view being servants of the masters by constitution, and the former left,increasingly right-wing in disguise, who chase the "adversaries" on their ownground, and when they go to the government they manage to do all kinds of filththat their competitors have not been able to do, perhaps because the squares inprotest have prevented them.But what program?Having made this necessary premise, we would have liked to delve into theelectoral program of the individual parties but we realized that there is noprogram, but a general caciara in which they pretend to stand out. Everyone isclaiming the action of the Draghi government (except the fake opposition of theBrothers of Italy, which would have gladly done worse, and while it claims itsalleged virginity it has already secured the support of a large part of theentrepreneurs in the North); everyone is competing in claiming PNRR funds byfiring proposals that do not differ from the one thing that is certain: the moneywill end up in the hands of the sharks of industry and major works, the richNorth, the banks; everyone is pushing their shoulders to prove themselvesatlantists of the first hour, faithful servants of NATO, guardians of themilitarization of our territory, arms shippers to Ukraine and supporters of theincrease in military spending. All are distinguished by the lack of ideas aboutthe climate crisis caused by the system they defend and on which they depend; allpeel their hands in applauding Pope Francis and in supporting the church'sconservative privileges and positions in matters of civil and social rights.Everyone fills their mouths with words such as "young people", "environment","work", but the disaster of a young world without prospects, precarious, forcedto flee abroad; the chasm with no return of the environmental situation, whichcontinue to increase with the crazy choices in energy matters; rampantunemployment, illegal work, fixed-term contracts of a few days or weeks, are theresult of their policies.This scum: the Berlusconi gang, the Salvini gang, the Melonian fascist gang, thepentastellati gang, the Letta gang, is in power, who have always been whorecently, and their actions have always been directed against the mass ofworkers, against minorities, against the territories devastated by destructiveworks and extractive projects that enrich big capital. Even when they tried to"eliminate poverty" with the citizenship income, all their inconsistency andinability to go through with it emerged, taken as they were by the urgency tobecome adults and responsible, that is Christian Democrats. Everyone now wantsnuclear power, considered an ecological alternative, and in the meantime theydefend the fossil, indeed they go to look for it in distant shores (Horn ofAfrica, Mozambique) and lower their horns towards the US blackmail that imposesliquefied gas and US oil. All supported the police management of the pandemic,the repressive laws, the discrimination and speculation that characterized it.What they don't sayIf we had wanted to find something with respect to the social question, to theneeds of ordinary people, of the working people attacked by the high cost ofliving; if we wanted to find something with respect to the rights of those whoproduce the goods that society consumes; towards an equitable distribution ofwealth, to the detriment of large profits; if we wanted to find something aboutreal and decent wage increases and pensions, or towards a guaranteed wage forthose who do not work, or towards free education, or a reduction in working hoursto make room for the unemployed, or taxation in the towards the rich to reinvestin goods and utilities towards the increasingly poor masses, or a housing policythat crushes real estate speculation and grants housing to millions of homelesspeople, or towards immigrants, increasingly exploited, marginalized, reviled. Ifwe had wanted to find something of this type in the electoral propaganda, wewould have struggled in vain, because there is nothing, only smoke and fine wordsthat hide the substance of a subservience to capitalist interests. The far leftargue that if the bosses do well, the exploited will also receive crumbs ofwell-being. All the others argue that the bosses have to do well, and that's it.Someone will object: "but there are Leu, the Greens, Pap and others who tell youthese things". We will answer with Totò's phrase: "But please me!". Fightingpower as a salary from power and making profit idiots in Parliament is a farce atbest.Voting hunt in SicilyWe also vote in Sicily. The ranks of the parties are at work; the unpresentablesare all there: Castiglione, Cuffaro and ugly company; the right, which aspires toconfirmation in the government, candied the unpresentable of the unpresentables,Renato Schifani, an iron Berlusconian, formerly an iron Christian Democrat. Theleft-victim candid Giuseppina Chinnici, another inconsistent Christian Democrat.Salvini descended on the island with Meloni, promising, together with Berlusconi,that this time the bridge over the Strait will be built. Even the 5 Stars and thePD want the bridge, but "after serious studies". But what do the Sicilians careabout the bridge? In a territory subject to the robbery of its resources andlabor-arms; turned upside down by the most destructive industrialization that adevelopmental perversion has ever been able to create; depopulated withindividuals, trees, productive activities essential to social life and withoutinfrastructures worthy of the name; militarized and thrown into the fray of allthe wars of the 21st century; deprived of its water, its land, its present andits future: who do you want the Messina bridge to be interested in if not thecapitalists and speculators of great works, the mafia, international bankers?With the usual ass-faces, Salvini, Meloni, Schifani, Cuffaro, Lombardo, come torake in support in Sicily while supporting differentiated autonomy, that is, thefederalism of the rich, more and more money and resources in the North; whilethey support the wage cages, ie lower wages in the South, "both life and less";while they have worked to reduce to a flicker the same PNRR funds destined forSouthern Europe, originally 60% of the sums lent to Italy, then triumphantlyreduced to 40%, and in fact now downsized to 14%. And in this the left-left hasput a hand, with its liberal and Christian Democrat voracity. After all, theseparties are all in the pay of the same entrepreneurs and bosses.Don't voteThere is not a single reason to go to vote; not a single reason to be duped bythe promises of people who have always speculated on our lives. There is noargument in favor of electoral participation: a mystification of the naïve andunwary; a mass distraction operation for a change that will not change a thing,but will continue to undermine popular needs, moreover in the name of the "willof the majority of Italians".Not voting is a gesture of dignity; it is a choice with respect to voterindifference and electoral corruption and more; it is a way of distancing oneselffrom a political class responsible for the most serious problems of society. Itcan represent a first act of resistance, a moment of reflection to start lookingelsewhere, at the many possibilities that by acting from below and united,struggles, projects, activities, actions can be put in place to try to reallychange conditions for the better. of life of those who have been and are victimsof this liberticidal system.https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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