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donderdag 5 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #333 - Spotlight, Megabasins: let's refuse the privatization of water (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On the weekend of October 28 to 30, thousands of people (seven thousand according

to the organizers) gathered in Sainte Soline, at the call of the collectiveBassines non merci, Les uprisings of the earth, and supported by dozens ofassociations, unions and political organizations (including UCL) for three daysof mobilizations against the mega-basins project in the south of Deux-Sèvres.---- In the region, no less than 16 basins, including that of Sainte Soline, areat risk of being built. These gigantic plasticized craters are used to storewater drawn from groundwater to monopolize it in order to irrigate intensiveagriculture for the benefit of export and industrial animal exploitation.The weekend of protest having been banned by the prefecture, a giganticrepressive device made up of 1,700 gendarmes, 7 helicopters, army trucks, a watercannon, as well as a drone were at work to intimidate , verbalize and file theactivists. Identity checks and searches took place upstream (as far as Poitiers)and in the huge area where it was forbidden to drive a vehicle. Unsurprisingly,when it comes to defending a crater, there is money: at least one helicopter wasconstantly flying over the camp.Despite this abundance of means put in place and the violence of the repression,the determination of the demonstrators of all ages and the ingenuity of theorganizers of the day, we managed to thwart the very many roadblocks whichseparated the camp and the mega basin. The demonstrators thus crossed, on foot,on crutches, in wheelchairs, by bicycle, the fields and their ditches or hedges,but also the lines of gendarmes who deployed their entire warlike arsenal: teargas, de-encirclement, deafening grenades ( GM2L replacing the GLI-F4), chemicalmarker rifles, and some LBD shots.The diversity of tactics was used brilliantly, in particular by dividing thedemonstration into three processions with different levels of intensity. Thewhite procession was able to keep the police in check while keeping the intensityof the conflict relatively low (human chain, moving farandole), preventing thestate forces from holding a line, breaches being created thanks to courage anddetermination of the protesters. More offensive tactics have also shown theireffectiveness, with the red procession arriving first on the site of the basin.Repression hurt againIndeed, after an hour and a half, he crossed the protective grids before beingvery violently pushed back. The repression having once again caused injuries andmutilations, while the memory of the death of Rémi Fraisse on the ZAD du Testetin a similar context of police violence is still in everyone's mind. The medicscounted fifty injured on Saturday evening, including 4 in serious condition.6 police custody are also to be deplored, with 4 immediate appearances before theNiort court on Monday, October 31. We convey our support to the injured andrepressed by this disproportionate repressive device.Nevertheless, this day was able to show that by a strategic unity, mixing all theorganizations of the social movement and working in a common intelligence, aswell as a strong will and going in the same direction, we can win importantvictories. Because in addition to the invasion of the basin, it is also thesabotage of one of the many pipes of the basin which was severed this Sunday 30by the militants, and the construction of a watchtower surrounded by palisades.The groups of the Libertarian Communist Union, present on this day, would like tosalute the organization of this weekend and we thank the comrades who welcomed usand whose logistics and efficiency are to be underlined.This fight against this umpteenth resource grabbing project carries with it thedesire to build a fairer world, rid of a destructive model of agriculture, whichimposes itself on all populations without worrying the environmental impact andthe catastrophic consequences that this can have on the ecosystem. We willrespond to future calls to mobilize, and urge all political and militantstructures to invest in this fight as soon as possible.NO BASARAN!UCL Deux Sèvres, Bordeaux, Finistère, Caen on November 11, 2022.At the time of going to press, the State has signed an agreement for theconstruction of 30 mega-basins in the Vienne, with a storage capacity of 8.8million cubic meters of water. The Uprisings of the Earth and Bassines non mercihave announced a new date for national mobilization for March 25.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Megabassines-refusons-la-privatisation-de-l-eau_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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