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maandag 2 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #FREIBURG #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Germany, #freiburg fau: Back to full tariff transfer! - Statement of the Freiburg Solidarity Alliance SuE (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The following is the statement by the Freiburg solidarity alliance for social and

educational services on Mayor Buchheit's reply to our open letter: ---- Asalready stated in our open letter, we generally welcome the fact that the grantswill no longer be frozen in the future. We assume that the diverse protestscontributed to this decision. However, we consider it necessary that the futureincrease in subsidies must fully reflect the tariff increases and that the cutsmade for 2021/2022 be reimbursed retrospectively. ---- You write yourself thatalthough the tariff increase of 1.8% from 2022 will be passed on to the providersfrom 2023, the tariff increase from 2021 will still not be taken into account.This means that providers will have to continue to operate with a permanentdeficit in the future, which will certainly result in a negative compoundinterest effect in the event of future increases. The sponsors must also pay forthe SuE allowance agreed from July 2022 and the higher rankings in individualareas in 2022 from their own funds. In addition, according to your letter, theadjustment of the phase durations, which will take effect in October 2024, willonly be debated in the following double budget 2025/2026. In plain language, thismeans that costs incurred in 2024 will also remain with the sponsors.In view of the current inflation rate of 10%, the fact that the expectedcollective agreement for 2023 is set at 2.5% is either a pipe dream from amunicipal employer fairy tale or should already make it clear that very toughcollective bargaining disputes are to be expected. As a solo alliance, we arehappy to take on this ball.In the day-care centers, the availability times continue to be reduced, whichleads to a permanent increase in working hours and overloading of the skilledworkers. More staff and smaller groups are needed to make the professionattractive again. We fear that with this policy, more and more skilled workerswill leave the field.It is already apparent that parents and professionals are being played offagainst each other in day-care centres. We advocate taxing the wealthy and thewinners of the crisis higher in order to be able to finance daycare centers andother social services with sufficient equipment.We are opposed to the fact that our working conditions and the quality of workare further deteriorated by maintaining the cuts. Therefore, the complete passingon of the tariff increases and the reversal of the reduction in the availabletime must be reflected in the current double-budget debate.Because the Freiburg budget is now bubbling up again. This means that thearguments of the majority of the municipal council at the time on the policy ofcuts in the social sector are no longer necessary. From our point of view, this line of argument was already wrong back then and itis even more wrong now. Therefore, the social infrastructure needs to be expandednow.The crisis hits our target groups hardest, who depend on a good socialinfrastructure. The continued cuts exacerbate the situation of these people andthe professionals who support them. With its current policy, the city of Freiburgis making it clear who should pay for the crisis - the people with an increasedneed for support, the parents of daycare children and the specialists in socialand educational services.As social workers and educators, we continue to resist a logic that sees cuts inthe social and educational sectors as legitimate as soon as the budget situationis tight. We and the people we work with (children, homeless people, thoseaffected by poverty, etc.) are not available for the household restructuring. Itremains:We say no to a policy of cuts that is carried out on the backs of us employeesWe say no to a policy of cuts that is to the detriment of all people who dependon a good social infrastructureWe demand: Yes, to the tariff loyalty of the city of Freiburg and the carrier: inWe demand: Get the money from the richest ten percent of the population (they owntwo-thirds of the wealth)https://freiburg.fau.org/2022/12/23/zurueck-zur-vollen-tarifweitergabe-stellungnahme-des-freiburger-solidaritaetsbuendnis-sue/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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