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maandag 2 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CGT-LKN: CGT shows its solidarity with the anarchist Alfredo Cóspito, on hunger strike against the Italian prison system (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has issued a statement in which it

expresses its solidarity with the Italian anarchist Alfredo Cóspito, who has beenon a hunger strike since October 20. ---- The anarcho-syndicalist organizationhas recalled in this statement that the Italian anarchist has been on a hungerstrike for two months in protest against the Italian State prison system that haskept him in high security modules for 10 years, and against the "41 bis", thetoughest Italian prison regime, established in 1992 by the State to force theconfession of detainees and prevent their communication with the outside world.CGT has explained that this system produces serious mental and physical disordersin prisoners, in addition to being a way of condemning the person who is isolatedto political and social death.Alfredo Cóspito, indicated in the statement of the anarcho-syndicalists, is acomrade who has been on the front line of the anarchist struggle since the 1980s.His convictions have been the excuse on several occasions for the Italian State,which has not hesitated to protect At other times, real criminals, such as groupsof fascists involved in large massacres, have been arrested, sentenced to lifeimprisonment and denied the possibility that it could be reviewed.Cóspito's actions, they assure from the CGT, have not caused victims, for thisreason they consider that behind this political-judicial montage there is onlythe persecution and criminalization of the Libertarian Movement and anarchist ideas.The CGT, through its Secretary for International Relations David Blanco, hasdemanded the release of Alfredo Cóspito and the abolition of this prison regimefor practicing violations of the human rights of prisoners, even going so far asto harass and harassment in many cases.https://www.cgt-lkn.org/blog/archivos/14726_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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