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maandag 2 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) Spain, CGT: Paper Barricade Nº53. Activist pensioners (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Old Age and Life Support Payment ---- Whenever I reflect on our existence here,

the thought comes to mind that no one chooses to come into the world. However,our life continues to be a battle of daily struggles for survival and despite nothaving that primary choice, once here, decision making is the guideline thatgoverns us in order to survive. ---- In the midst of all the torments that occurday by day, due to precariousness and labor-social misery, where tears rinse oursouls more frequently than necessary, in which desolation invades us and settleslike way of life permanently, we look forward to retirement. The end of themonstrous paved road, not chosen but forced. Retirement and pension like a dream,the chimera of leaving behind the torture of life, of running to meet all theobligations that life prepares for us...Charges that at an early age turn us into people with a very strict sense ofjustice and annihilate from our minds all the flourishes of "postureo", robbingus of the joy of living as an imposed and accepted way... and after all themassacre of the lived and suffered, with the last forces of resistance thatinhabit us, we cross the threshold towards retirement, hopeful that another lifeis possible, even if it is in the last stage.The time of reward for the effort made, but a new battle opens in this fieldagainst those who disrespect their day-to-day struggle, from the moment theyentered the damn labor market, contributing to the support of the country withtheir efforts and contributions, but with their cuts and trifles at the hands ofunscrupulous politicians, capitalist theses are imposed on us, turning the laststage of our lives into a fight for survival, without seeing the contributions toour pension diminished after years of contribution, for the benefit of thecommunity and ourselvesCarol GarridoPaper-barricade-n-53-23-12-2022-1311.pdfhttps://www.cgtandalucia.org/docattach/8540/Barricada-de-Papel-n-53-23-12-2022-1311.pdfhttps://www.cgtandalucia.org/blog/8540-barricada-de-papel-n53-pensionistas-activistas.html_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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