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zondag 1 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GREECE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Greece, Saints Anargyro - Demonstration against the murderous state | Friday 23/12 Agioi Anargyro square at 19.00 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On December 5, 2022, one day before the 14th anniversary of the murder of

Alexandros Grigoropoulos, another 16-year-old, Kostas Fragoulis, is shot in coldblood by a uniformed assassin of the DIAS Group. A 16-year-old child with anEL.AS bullet. in the head he was murdered, because he left a gas station withoutpaying 20 euros worth of fuel, because he was Roma, because the state does nothesitate to shoot at point blank range those who do not belong to the ranks ofthe privileged in this society. ---- Kostas Frangoulis comes to be added to thelong list of victims of murderous police violence. It comes to be added to a longhistory of ELAS pursuits that result in point-blank shootings at the expense ofunarmed people. Every time such an incident happens, we come to mind so manynames of people who accepted the brute force of the state and many of them paidfor it with their lives. We can think of so many people who, in a moment, werejudged to have no value either because they didn't stop at a police checkpoint,or because they resisted state authority, or because they were tortured to deathin some A.T.The murder of Kostas Frangoulis puts us in front of our responsibilities. Not tolet the murderous state shoot in the wild without getting answers. In order notto let all sorts of misanthropic racists ugliness over the body of the murdered16-year-old. So that state bullets don't become the norm and so that we don't getused to the death of people of our class by the uniformed bastards who patrol thestate and the bosses for hire. It is the responsibility of all of us to takeinitiatives and take to the streets in force to respond with rebellion andstruggle. Justice will be judged and given in the streets.We invite you to a neighborhood demonstration against the murderous state onFriday, December 23 at 7:00 p.m., starting from Agioi Anargyro Square.We support all the mobilizations that have been called or will be called in thecoming daysLet the murder of Kostas Frangoulis not go unansweredRebellion NowInitiative of Anarchist Saints Anargyro - KamaterouComrades/equals from the western districtshttps://anarchism.espivblogs.net/2022/12/17/diadilosi-enantia-sto-kratos-dolofono-paraskeyi-23-12-plateia-agion-anargyron-stis-19-00/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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