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zondag 1 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Czech, AFED: A3: We don't need a president (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 What exactly do we need a president for? Useless! Download, print and share the

December issue of the A3 wall newspaper! ---- In mid-January, a big spectacleawaits us - the presidential elections. Until then, we enjoy enough talking headswho try to impose on us the idea that they are the most qualified for this post.Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. You really need this at a timewhen a large part of people are wondering if they will get out of debt thiswinter. And that's not counting the part that is going through or has alreadygone through the blessing of execution proceedings. ---- Let's stop and put ourhands on our hearts... and the question: Why do I need a president? ---- Anyanswer? ---- The office of the President is just such a feudal heritage, which issupposed to remind us of our subordination to the authorities, the supposedlyage-old and eternally given social hierarchy. For the faint of heart, there isthe idea that this hierarchy has its representative head. At the same time,today's kings and presidents are only puppets who are the main decoration of thefacade of the regime, whose real power processes are supposed to remain hiddenbehind this facade. And the difference between kings and presidents is onlyformal. The fact that one simpleton has it from God (hahaha) and the other fromthe will of parliament or poor voters does not change things that much - at leastin countries where heads of state do not have any significant executive power.And another question: Do I have any need or interest in having a head of state?Any answer?What could such a person possibly do for me? How could or could it change thatunder the capitalist regime we workers are forced to sell the ability of ourheads and hands to profit-making owners, bosses and speculators of all kinds? Itis stolen from such a person, since his goal is to protect such a regime with hisperson in a representative position.Both Zeman and ex-president Klaus are excrements of the worst that the capitalisttransformation could bring. At the time of its premiere, they were the architectsof the project, whose goal was to transfer social wealth into the hands of a fewpeople and impose the values of selfishness, competition and consumerism onsociety. Perhaps the most tragic sight was the presidency of Václav Havel, who,precisely by his presence at the Castle, provided this antisocial project withhis person as a kind of moral screen.But the screen was torn apart by the gales of capitalist fury. And as soon as welooked around, we found out that we live in a reality that only some wish for.Politicians have sold us as cheap labor to multinational corporations, so thewealth we create with our labor ends up everywhere. A small caste of billionaireshas formed on the domestic market, who use tax havens to pour as much of whatthey squeeze out of us into their pockets as possible. They destroy the climate,devastate nature, exploit workers and buy politicians - even though Babiš, forexample, began to consider politicians unreliable, so he preferred to directlyacquire state positions through advertising specialists to fool the voters. Onthe other hand, we have families who will never be able to afford their ownhousing; pensioners who recalculate every crown; students who spend more timeworking part-time than studying; people who, thanks to legal moneylenders, willprobably never get off the bottom again; single mothers with two jobs...Yes, under capitalism, the underprivileged are only defended as human resourcesand outlets for the consumer machinery. The only thing those who take advantageof us fear is us, the underprivileged. It would be enough to say NO!, stop thewheels of capitalism, take back social wealth and start organizing on a politicaland economic level based on the principles of equality, self-government andsolidarity.But so that ordinary people do not threaten those at the top, sophisticated trapsare prepared for them - dull consumerism (disinterest in the surroundings),hatred (dividing us on the basis of race, nationality, gender or sexualorientation) and "democracy" (the false idea that in elections for we decidesomething). At worst, the regime has less sophisticated tools in reserve -violence and the entire repressive apparatus based on it.Presidential elections are said to be an opportunity for change. So let's ask onelast question: What (real) change could the election of the president bring me inthis capitalist state?Any answer?I guess the "choice of the lesser evil" can be understood in justified cases,because there can be candidates who can do more damage than is generally expectedof them. And perhaps it is even more true that we do not need a president.A3 (December 2022) can be downloaded HERE https://www.afed.cz/A3/A3-2022-12.pdf.Download, print, share!The A3 wall newspaper is published by the Anarchist Federation every month. Theyare mainly intended for dissemination through plastering in the streets orposting in workplaces and schools.https://www.afed.cz/text/7816/a3-nepotrebujeme-prezidenta_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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