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zondag 1 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #CATALONIA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Catalunia, EMBAT: Faced with the State crisis of December 2022 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Before yesterday, Monday the 19th, what had been seen coming for months or years

was fulfilled: justice - fully politicized - became a stone in the way of theso-called democratic normality. For those who don't know, the Judiciary (and itsmain suspended courts such as the Supreme Court, the National Court and theConstitutional Court) is the heir of Francoism. When Franco said that "dejo todoatado y bien atado", he was partly referring to this. ---- We cannot sell whathas happened now as an "unprecedented attack on popular sovereignty". Thejudicial power, just like the Monarchy or the Army, is drawn from the Francoregime and is the guarantor of a public order based on the values of the fascistdictatorship, covered by a democratizing varnish that after 2017 was definitivelyremoved. ---- The renewal of the judicial power does not imply that the SánchezGovernment is altruistic. In fact, it is an attempt to accumulate more power onthe part of the Government since the judiciary is in the hands of the politicalright. The PSOE is also directly responsible for the situation. It has leftunpunished the anti-democratic practices practiced by the courts for decades.Leaving aside the responsibility of the Popular Party, the socialist barons havealso brought resources to the Constitutional Court to paralyze Catalangovernmental or parliamentary laws or resolutions.Everyone can remember the challenge to the housing or energy poverty laws,approved in the Parliament of Catalonia. The Constitutional Court always acts indefense of the most powerful. It characterizes a State model that shields therich over the weakest.Finally, we will also refer to the international context, where precisely justicehas been a tool in the hands of the interests of the right or ultra-right toparalyze progressive policies. Coups have gone from military to judicial, as wehave seen in recent examples. They impose a constitutional legality that isalways against popular interests.And if we take a look at what is happening in the European Union, we also seethat a large-scale corruption scandal has erupted. In this case, it is thelobbies that parasitize Brussels and use all possible means to gain support fortheir causes, as has happened with the purchase of Eurochamber politicians byQatar or Morocco.The action of the judiciary puts us in front of the limits of parliamentarismthat anarchism has always denounced. Democracy endures until the interests of thepowerful are touched. When they feel threatened, they use all the levers at theirdisposal, including the judicial or, in the last resort, the military.Apart from this state of affairs, popular power rises. It is necessary to movefrom disenchantment or rejection to parliamentary politics and build a societybased on self-management and mutual support. We must build the Poble Fort thatpromotes a process of removing this liberticidal, oppressive State anchored insociological Francoism.Let's turn the page. Let's sweep them awayLong live popular power!Onslaught, December 2022https://embat.info/davant-la-crisi-destat-de-desembre-2022/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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