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zondag 8 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, apoyo mutuo, Colectividad #8: I STATE MEETING ON SOCIAL ECOLOGY/COMMUNALISM By Pedro A. Moreno (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The idea of this I Meeting on social ecology and communalism at the State level

arises from a group of people interested in the matter from different parts ofthe Spanish State (Cantabria, Andalusia, Nafarroa, Castilla...). With the mainobjective of talking about social ecology and communalism, drawing inspirationfrom our rich revolutionary history, here, in our peninsula, with its surroundingareas of influence (Iparralde and Catalunya-Nord). As well as in the currentexemplary contemporary achievements, which have been carried out by the Kurds andthe Zapatistas. ---- All this, with the challenge of finding people willing tobuild a community movement. A new sociopolitical subject with an integralperspective, who has the will to carry out this work by contextualizing andupdating both Bookchin's thought and the current contributions that have beeninfluenced by his work or that have clearly been directly derived from it, asThis is the case of the Kurds and their Democratic Confederalism.This meeting also aims to talk about theworld of work and possible cooperative alternatives tocapitalist wage labor; or of necessityessential to understand that this planet is finite and that,therefore, it is impossible to base the world on logics ofinfinite growth. All this, in order to saveour kind; ending at the same time with dramassuch as that of imposed migrations, which produce the"Western democracies", run by big capital andthat have the connivance of the companieswesterners. We also want to remember the formulasdemocracy of yesterday: the open councils or the strugglesrevolutionaries that the comuneros of Castilla defended,the people of the Paris Commune and the anarcho-syndicalistsof Iberia in 1936. All this, combined with the present andwith the socio-environmental crisis that we are experiencing and that we mustapproach from alternative frameworks to the hegemonic ones(Municipality, Region and Confederation as alternativesin front of the current centers of power: CommunitiesAutonomous, Nation State and Interstate Organizations).Sociopolitical proposals that do not forget that in the StateSpanish there are strong territorial and identity tensions.For this very reason, social-communalist ecology cannot bestand idly by in the face of this conflict and shouldprovide solutions. In this sense, we firmly believe ininternationalism and, therefore, the need toimplant in our political model the right to decide thefree adherence of each people to the confederal project thatdeem appropriate.In short, our commitment is to start creatingthose new institutionalities that can awaken aindispensable and contagious enthusiasm, a"re-enchantment" of humanity, making us to theonce several questions:What are the difficulties we face?Who are these people we have tolead? How should we proceed to startexchange experiences?Knowing that without a unifying approach to thecore of capitalism, resulting in a coherentpolitical proposal that replaces it and that is capable,time, to unite from the beginning the differentactors, what awaits us, is already happening, they are somedefenseless and particularized social movements invery specific themes. For this reason, ourpurpose in this context acquires all its relevance.Perhaps it makes sense that we reflect to make ainventory of these difficulties, but also of thepeople and groups potentially willing to receiveour proposals to get closer to dialogue, either inthe sphere of struggles and that of alternatives inall aspects of life.In this task all are welcome. an arduous roadwith which we hope to have the organizations orgroups close to our theses and with all thosepeople we can classify as intellectuals withopen-minded, social science researchers,natural, political, philosophical, cognitive, outsidersof the Academy with training and a long etc of peoplecommon mortals who have something to say andcontribute to this process and ecosocial transition, whichwe must start from a confederal perspective.For us, it is about starting to developa collective intelligence. we can give ourselvesSatisfied people who come to this meeting,if we manage to create a minimal collective structure.All this with the purpose of continuing to delve into theline of creating an authentic movement of ecologysocial and communalism, capable of integrating alldifferent concerns and give them emancipatory responsesfrom social and political logics.https://apoyomutuoaragon.net/download/colectividad-8_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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