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zondag 8 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #333 - Antipatriarchy, Injunctions: Grossophobia, another medicalized misogyny (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Fatphobia refers to the oppression of fat people. Faced with injunctions to

thinness, each year thousands of people in France have recourse to surgeriespushed by the medical profession. Women are the first victims of theseinjunctions and their consequences. ---- A reaction that we often receive when weare a girl and we talk objectively about being overweight is the famous " but no,don't say that, you're super pretty ! ". A sentence that is intended to bepositive and full of good intentions, but which says a lot about the frameworksof thought in which we evolve. If thinness and beauty go hand in hand, thereverse of this association has concrete, and often violent, materialconsequences in the lives of fat people.The discrimination suffered by fat people is often greatly underestimated andminimized, whether in the private or public sphere. In particular, fat people whobelong to gender minorities find themselves at the crossroads between ableism and(trans)misogyny, a most humiliating place on the spectrum of these oppressions,and which is even more marked when these people also experience racism. Themechanism at work is simple: the place of a woman in society is (among otherthings) that of a desirable body.The entourage as a vector of the normWhen you're a fat chick (or have an invalid body in general), the most common,mundane violence is questioning your place as a woman. Aren't you desirable? Thenyou are not a real woman. In fact, the social pressure that is exerted the moston fat bodies is that of a return to " normal ", and for women, it is necessarilycoupled with an injunction to desirability.The first place where a violent, intimate and prolonged control of bodies isexercised is that of the family circle. The entourage often puts pressure, overtor insidious (or both), on fat people, including from a very young age, to makethem understand that they are, at best, out of place. Let's say it does a littlestain on the family portrait.As an extension of the family institution : the school. Peer control of bodies isa commonplace practice, especially during adolescence. Mockery, rejection, evenharassment, are part of everyday life, so much so that fat and fat teenagerssuffer a real continuum of grossophobic violence that really never stops, andwhich can start as early as primary school. Humiliating nicknames, injunctions tosport, food control, grossophobic remarks, bullying, everything is good to pushfat and fat young people to hate their bodies and to want to get rid of them atthe slightest bulge that protrudes.The impacts of this heteronormative social control often have traumatic andprofound psychological consequences, which mark the people concerned throughouttheir lives.Emmanuel Dufourself-mutilate to conformIn girls, this pressure is so heavy that it also affects thin bodies. The shadowof weight gain hangs over everyone, and with it its procession of shame andeating disorders (TCA). In the line of sight : its desirability. " Careful, ifyou get fat, the boys won't want you anymore ! "we regularly remind the order ofthe girls of a dozen years, sometimes less. The message is clear: your value ismeasured by the degree of desire that boys will have for you, and if you are fat,then you are worthless. The impacts of this heteronormative social control oftenhave traumatic and profound psychological consequences, which mark the peopleconcerned throughout their lives, including when their body returns to normal.One never ceases to have been fat or fat.This control of the body is also carried out by a significant actor: the medicalcommunity. We know the banality of dieting techniques used by women to achieve adesirable weight, which often lead to dangerous behavior and can lead to eatingdisorders. For obese bodies, this logic is pushed to the extreme and, unlike theothers, piloted, supervised and sanctioned by health professionals.Under cover of a " health " question, which again hides validist biases and whichhas little to do with the real comorbidities caused by severe overweight, theobese are pushed by the medical profession towards drastic surgical operations.and invasive, which often have serious consequences on their daily lives andon... their health !   Indeed, bariatric surgeries, which consist of reducing the stomach's abilityto swallow (gastric band, sleeve, bypass, etc.) and which are mostlyirreversible, are accompanied in addition to the usual surgical risks,nutritional deficiencies and sometimes complications that make it impossible toreturn to a normal diet.A questionable result, when we know that this is a population alreadyparticularly exposed to TCAs. Especially since the psychological consequences ofthese operations are rarely presented by doctors and often minimized, so much sothat they do not appear alongside the lists of side effects of surgeries. Infact, psychological follow-ups before and after the operation are not always putin place, which has drastic consequences. A 2016 study indicates " 50 % increasedrisk of suicide after surgery, excessive consumption of alcohol, narcotics,medication or self-inflicted injury ".[1]Curiously, the health issue seems to evaporate at this point in the pitches ofdoctors pushing for these surgeries. Another figure: 82% of these operations areundergone by women. An element that is all the more interesting to take intoaccount when we know the patriarchal biases and the proportion of men in themedical services, and in particular the surgical ones. The control of the classof men over that of women is, here too, legitimized and reinforced by the medicalinstitution.Kill the body fatOften presented as " last chance " operations, it is clear that theirconsequences on our quality of life and our health are discredited and minimized.As long as the bodies aren't fat anymore, then it doesn't matter. The message hasalways been the same: our lives are not worth those of thin people. And as women,they do not exist outside the gaze of men. And everything is good to get us outof this big body, even if it means killing us.Audrey (UCL Saint-Denis)To validate[1]"Five-figure obesity surgery", Lemonde.fr.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Injonctions-Grossophobie-une-autre-misogynie-medicalisee_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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