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donderdag 23 maart 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE JORDAN News Journal Update - Graphic image warning: It’s a MASSACRE! Dogs are being INTENTIONALLY torched while alive, hung, buried alive, shot and poisoned!


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Graphic image warning:
We need your support today to care for dogs rescued from UNIMAGINABLE CRUELTY in Jordan - and to double our efforts to STOP THE CARNAGE!

Please donate now

Dear friends, 

My heart is heavy with sorrow as I write to you today. A tragedy is unfolding in Jordan that demands immediate action. Countless innocent dogs are being subjected to the most unimaginable cruelty and torture - beatenburnedstabbed and even buried alive.

It is a HORROR that should never be allowed to happen to any living being.
We need your support today to care for the rescued dogs – and to double our efforts to STOP THE CARNAGE!
Please donate now

It all started when a video was posted of a dog attacking a child. The video is not even from Jordan, but local media outlets are spreading it to incite fear and hatred towards dogs, portraying them as vicious killers. More videos of callous acts to dogs followed. One in particular is awful beyond words. We cannot show you the entire video because it is simply too horrible, believe us, this is evil that knows no bounds and we are working to bring the guilty people to justice.

A group of teenagers set a small dog alight in a despicable video taken by the perpetrators (not shown in full).

Horrible as it is, things like this are happening every day in JordanSome young men and children see killing dogs as a “fun” and seem to compete to find the most barbaric way to inflict suffering. Now, a media frenzy is making things worse. 

We know of dogs who have been burned alivehungburied aliveshot and poisoned.

The images are heart-wrenching. It is hard to believe that anyone could be capable of such cruelty towards innocent creatures. My team and our partners on the ground are doing everything in our power to help save as many animals as possible. But we cannot do it alone. We need your help.

Please donate now

The Network for Animals team has been working tirelessly to mitigate the cruelty. We have had victories in the past by providing resources to our partner animal shelters and by putting pressure on municipalities, which stopped the killings. But now, we need your help once again. 
There is strength in numbers and if we come together as one, we can show these cold-blooded killers - and the animals who desperately need us - just how strong we are. Any donation you send today will go a long way in helping us with this vital cause. 

Please donate now

The survivors of this genocide must have a haven, food and the best possible care. They need to know that they are loved, that they are valued and that they are safe. It is our duty as human beings to come together and provide the support they need to heal and recover from this trauma.

I urge you to donate right now and sign our petition to the King of Jordan, to step in and outlaw dog killing. Let us come together as a global community and send a message that such CRUELTY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

Please donate now

Every signature counts. If enough people sign this petition, we can send a powerful message to the Jordanian people that we will not turn a blind eye to this abhorrent cruelty. We can show them that the world is watching and that we DEMAND CHANGE. We can demonstrate that we value the lives and well-being of all animals, including dogs.

For the animals,

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. As a dog lover myself, I am appalled by this media misrepresentation. Dogs are loyal, loving companions that bring joy and happiness to millions of people around the world. It is unfair and unjust to paint them as bloodthirsty beasts. We must do everything we can to provide them with the protection and care that they need and deserve. Please, if you possibly can, donate to Network for Animals today and sign our petition before it is too late. 

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