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zondag 15 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE AUSTRALIA ISRAEL HAMAS WAR News Journal Update - (en) Australia, MACG: Resist Genocide (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Israeli military has ordered the residents of the northern half of

Gaza to evacuate within 24 hours. It is impossible for over one millionpeople to do this in such a short time. The order can only beinterpreted as a public relations formality and prelude to genocide. Allworkers and soldiers in a position to prevent this have a duty to act.---- The order to evacuate is a sign that the IDF is about to launch aground invasion of Gaza that will make no distinction between civiliansand combatants and from which there is no safe refuge. The result willbe a massacre.What is being prepared is not about bringing Hamas to justice. It is thecollective punishment of an entire people, dominated by an apartheidsystem, which the far-right government in Israel wants to seeeradicated. The legal prohibition against genocide erected in 1945 willbe rendered utterly meaningless.Enlisted soldiers of the IDF must defy their orders. They are being sentto kill innocent men, women, and children who only want to be free, andto live. To end this atrocity they need to mutiny. They must march onJerusalem and arrest their criminal government.Workers of Israel must strike and cut off supplies to the military andcripple Netanyahu's war.Sailors of the US Navy in the Eastern Meditarranean should also defytheir orders. Otherwise, they will be complicit in the destruction ofhomes and the murder of families. If they sail their ships home to portthey will be welcomed as true defenders of human rights and justice.Workers of the US - Israel's immunity from justice depends largely onyour government's aid and support. Take to the streets. Raise this withyour co-workers and unions. Demand an end to American complicity inapartheid and genocide. Action can be taken in support by workers acrossthe globe through solidarity protests. Local challenges to ruling classand media complicity with Israel's crimes can begin to coalesceinternational pressure.Wherever work is done which contributes to the Israeli war machine, theworkers must strike, cut off trade, and close down any activityassisting the IDF in their massacre.We recognise it is likely too late to prevent Israel's massacre in Gaza.If it can be prevented, it must be. If it cannot be prevented, it mustbe stopped as early as humanly possible. And once the workers of theworld have prevented the planned genocide, we can address the questionof peace with justice for all."NEVER AGAIN" MEANS NEVER AGAIN - FOR ANYONEhttps://melbacg.au/resist-genocide/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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