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zondag 15 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE UK ISRAEL HAMAS WAR News Journal Update - (en) UK, AnarCom: War - the faces of Capitalism unmasked. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Israel demands the exodus of a million Palestinians in 24 hours, in a

sickening parody of biblical proportions. ---- Netanyahu's gambit inGaza is taken directly from the playbook of Putin and Assad.  Collectivepunishment through annihilation. ---- The dictatorial destruction ofGrozny, Aleppo and Mariupol is reenacted in the democratic 'freeworld's' endorsement of the destruction of Gaza. ---- Like the movieFace Off, umasked, capitalist 'democracy' and capitalist dictatorshiplook interchangeable.We could all be forgiven for thinking only one war was going on. Itseems global media can only focus on one at a time. The 150,000 dead inthe European war are shunted to one side.  The West is addressinganother of its global rivalry priorities while Zelensky lambasts themfor turning their gaze.The movement of British naval forces to join those the USA has alreadybrought in from the eastern Mediterranean to protect Israel, (thoughclearly not from a Gazan air force!) suggests another gambit is in play.  It happens to be within range of Russia's Mediterranean fleet at theSyrian port of Tartus.Israel's bombing of Damascus and Aleppo airports in Syria has barelyreceived a mention.  They have targeted what they see as Iranian assetsin that country.  This suggests old scores may be addressed in this fogof war and under the protection of a power bloc sponsor.Two other faces have also become interchangeable, the agony and despairof our class on both sides.  The massacre at the Be'eri Kibbutz sitsalongside that of the Ukrainian village of Bucha in the graveyard of ourillusions.  The good guys and the bad are also interchangeable.Whilst anti-semitism is disturbingly on the rise throughout Europe andbeyond, and racism from warring actors adds fuel to the fire, behind thedivisions here is clearly the theme of national concept and religiousdifference.The holding and subjection to the act or threat of violence of hostagesis iconic of the barbarism of this conflict. The Islamic fundamentalistMullahs of Hamas ordered the stealing of our class for their gain.Israel's far right religious orthodox minister of National Security,Itamar Ben-Gvir, has supported settler violence against Palestinians. Hehas also called for "cruel punishment" retribution against Arabs.His sidelining to enable a unity government has led to no softening ofrhetoric.  His stand-in as new Defence Minister, Benny Gants, statedthat Israel was fighting "human animals".  An 'othering' that permits 2million people being deprived of food, water, power and medicine -clearly not needed in a desert of rubble.As this conflict continues to unmask, we see the political extremes ofthose orthodox faith views are mutually interchangeable too.Hamas has 150 captive hostages in Gaza.  The Israeli state has more than2 million.  For Israel, the paramount safety of is hostages is a redherring as it acquires 'bunker-busting' munitions to destroy the tunnelsthey are probably held in.The son of an elderly Jewish peace activist kidnapped by Hamas was askedwhat he thought his mother would think. He said, "she would behorrified.  You can't cure dead babies with more dead babies."  Apowerful heartfelt sentiment full of innate humanity.One that would resonate as strongly either side of this conflict line.That would resonate as strongly in Ukraine and Russia.  The players areessentially the same, the loser in both is our class. These conflictsare interchangeable too!War is always against our class. No war is legitimate except our ClassWar against it!By Dreyfushttps://anarcomuk.uk/2023/10/13/war-the-faces-of-capitalism-unmasked/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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