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zondag 15 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA PALESTINE ISRAEL HAMAS WAR News Journal Update - (en) Russia, AIT: The War in Palestine: An Anarchist View (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The conflict in Palestine is a tragic example of the devastating effects

of state oppression and power struggles in a region that has long beenthe epicenter of geopolitical tensions. From an anarchist perspective,it is important to view this conflict in the light of the struggle forfreedom, justice and solidarity among all people. ---- First of all, itmust be recognized that both the State of Israel and Palestinianfactions have used repressive tactics and strategies that have resultedin violence, oppression and suffering among civilian populations.Anarchists advocate the abolition of all states and self-government oflocal communities, where people have the right to make decisions thatdirectly affect their lives, regardless of political or militaryleaders. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we see how states andpolitical leaders perpetuate an endless cycle of violence and repression.The solution lies not in creating a new state or expanding the bordersof an existing one, but in building communities based on cooperation andsolidarity among all people, regardless of their ethnic origin ornationality. Rather than looking to leaders or politicians who promisesolutions, anarchists advocate bottom-up organizing, where decisions aremade in popular assemblies and where justice is achieved throughdialogue and reconciliation rather than state imposition.Further, it is important to recognize the importance of internationalsolidarity in the fight against any oppression in Palestine. Anarchistsbelieve in working class unity and solidarity among oppressed peoplearound the world. What is clear to us in the Israeli-Palestinianconflict is the need for people around the world to unite in support ofjustice and dignity for all people in the region. This involves puttingpressure on governments and companies that support oppression inPalestine, as well as working on networks of mutual support andsolidarity with affected communities.The conflict in Palestine is a painful reminder of the horrors of stateoppression and power struggles. The true solution is to abolish statesand create self-governing communities based on cooperation andsolidarity. The time has come to consciously act against militarism inPalestine and throughout the world - a militarism that justifiesfratricidal war between peoples and legitimizes capitalist exploitationsupported by governments and states. International solidarity iscritical in this struggle for justice and dignity in Palestine andaround the world.This is not a short or easy path. Resolving the war situation requiresconcrete action from an anti-militarist point of view. From ourcommunities to the world. Each of us is an agent of change,participating in anti-militaristic campaigns leading to the reduction ofmilitary spending, the reduction and abolition of armies, and thepeaceful resolution of conflicts between nations. The real struggle isnot between brotherly peoples, but against the empire of capital, whichcauses suffering to millions of people every day through oppression,exploitation and war.Pedro Peumo (Chile)https://revistalibertaria.cl/guerra-en-palestina-una-mirada-desde-el-anarquismo/https://aitrus.info/node/6165_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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