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zondag 15 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE UK ISRAEL GAZA News Journal Update - (en) UK, ACG:[Czech, Tridni Valka]From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World... No War But Class War! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We re-publish the following statement from Tridni Valka (Class War) .

The Anarchist Communist Group is preparing a statement on the situationthat we will be publishing soon. ---- Statement from Tridni Valka (ClassWar) in Czech Republic: ---- From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the wholeWorld... No War But Class War! ---- October 7th, 2023 - another day of abloody, decades-long conflict between opposing capitalist factions inthe territory of "Israel/Palestine". Our bourgeois masters are onceagain pushing our proletarian brothers and sisters to murder each otherand expect us - depending on where we live - to rally in support of oneor the other side.Hamas and Islamic Jihad are launching rockets against the towns in"Israel" as well as sending their militias to go street by street andexecute or kidnap "civilians" and "soldiers"... just like what happenedin Srebrenica, in Sabra and Shatila, in Bucha...IDF is bombing and shelling indiscriminately across the Gaza ghetto,flattening whole neighborhoods, as well as cutting off the supply ofwater, electricity, food, medicine... just like what happened inFallujah, in Homs, in Mariupol... or just like it did so many times before.We have heard justifications for support of the war in the territory of"Palestine/Israel" many times - perhaps more than any other conflictsince the WW2 is this one portrayed as a "Holy War" between "good andevil". We see this warmongering bourgeois argumentation coming frommedia, politicians, "right", "left" and "ultra-left" as well as some ofthe so-called "communists" and "anarchists".The bourgeois ideological construct of "Israeli/Jewish exceptionalism"is tossed around both in a positive and in a negative sense and used byour class enemies to prevent, hinder and crush the development of theclass solidarity between "Jewish/Israeli" and "Arab/Palestinian"proletarians.On one hand "Jews/Israelis" are allowed to defend their "state andidentity" even by some of those that claim to be revolutionaries and tooppose all states and national identities, because they "uniquelysuffered" during the Holocaust.On the other hand, different groups that also claim to berevolutionaries and to "fight for the working class interests" neverextend their call for fraternization to "Jewish/Israeli" proletariansand instead lump them together with their "own" bourgeoisie and call fordestruction of Israel as "uniquely oppressive state". At the same time,instead of supporting the proletarians in Gaza and West Bank to rise upagainst their "own" exploiters, they call for a support of the"Palestinian" national state.As communists, we totally reject all false communities that try to unitethe exploited with their exploiters; the proletariat in the territory of"Israel/Palestine" has no common interests with its "own" bourgeoisie,just as global proletariat has no common interests with global bourgeoisie!"Anti-imperialism" and "national liberation" are nothing else thandefense of imperialist interests of that faction of the bourgeoisie,that is not currently dominant. Nothing changes in this regard, if thatside is much weaker, or if some of its leaders are willing to sacrificethemselves for their cause!As communists, we call for a destruction of all states equally, as theyare nothing else than the local expression of the global capitalistState, a structure of organized violence of the bourgeois class againstthe proletarian class!Proletarians in the "Israeli" forces - you have no interest in defendingany "Jewish Homeland", it is a land of "your" bourgeoisie, not yours!Refuse to shoot and refuse to enforce the blockade that is starvingmillions of your class brothers and sisters. As you have shown manytimes before, refuse to follow the orders, resist the military service!Proletarians in the "Palestinian" forces - you have no country toconquer! Refuse to kill or be killed for the interests of your exploiters!Proletarians on the "home" front - how many times have you sufferedbombing, shelling, shooting? How many times you were violently repressedby your "own" State when you dared to strike or protests? For how longhave you lived in misery? Rise up and refuse to support "your" State andits wars, you can lose nothing but your chains!In "Palestine/Israel" as well as in "Ukraine", "Azerbaijan/Armenia","Sudan" and elsewhere, our class enemies are turning us either intocannon fodder or into cannon makers. More and more, all these "local"bourgeois conflicts are helping with the formation of few opposingsuper-blocks, that are coming closer and closer to the open, possiblynuclear, military confrontation. Confrontation that has potential to endall life on this planet.Our only hope is to turn the weapons against our "own" generals, againstour "own" bosses, to refuse to obey the orders, to refuse to produce thewar materials - to oppose both the carnage of the capitalist war and themisery of the capitalist interbellum (or as our class enemies call it"peace")!Let's take the example from our comrades that mutinied in "Russia" and"Germany" against the slaughter of the WW1, or those that fraternizedacross the trench line in the war between "Iraq" and "Iran", or those inthe "American" uniforms during the war in "Vietnam" "fragging" theirofficers!Proletarians with and without uniform, let's organize together againstthe capitalist system of exploitation of the human labor that lies inthe root of all the misery, all the State oppression and all the wars!Let's turn this war into class war for the global communist revolution!Tridni Valka - October 8th, 2023https://www.anarchistcommunism.org/2023/10/10/from-gaza-to-tel-aviv-and-to-the-whole-world-no-war-but-class-war/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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