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zondag 15 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL KURDISTAN PALESTINE News Journal Update - (en) Brazil, FOB: Resolving the Palestinian and Kurdish Question (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 By Co-Presidency and Executive Council of the Union of Kurdistan

Communities (KCK) ---- Thousands of people, both Israeli andPalestinian, lost their lives in the attacks carried out by Hamas and inthe subsequent attacks launched by the Israeli State against thePalestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip. The mutual attacks resultedin a complete massacre. We are deeply concerned and saddened by thissituation. As the Kurdish Liberation Movement, we would like to expressour condolences to the Palestinian Arab people and the Jewish people ofIsrael. Not only what has been done so far, but also the scenarios beingdiscussed for the future are extremely worrying. These are extremelymistaken attitudes that deepen the problems and result in the massacreof people. Firstly, these attitudes must be abandoned immediately andthe attacks must be stopped.Just as Hamas' methods are wrong, the Israeli state's attitude is alsounacceptable. The Israeli state must end the attacks and blockadeagainst Gaza and must not resort to violence against the Palestinianpeople in any way.The Palestinian problem cannot be resolved through violence, but throughdemocracy and recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people. Aviolent approach will only deepen the problems. The bitter picture thathas emerged in recent days is the result of the Palestinian problemhaving been brought to an insoluble situation. The cause of this is theproblem itself. If someone is really bothered by this situation, theyneed to focus on resolving the Palestinian issue. Every step to betaken, every attitude to be taken without discussing the solution to thePalestinian issue and the rights of the Palestinian people will lead tothe worsening of the problems. The centuries-old Palestinian issue hasproven this fact countless times.The events in Palestine and Israel have once again demonstrated theimportance of a "democratic nation" approach by Leader Apo[AbdullahÖcalan]for resolving problems in the Middle East. The statist mentalityis the root of the problems faced by society and humanity. From historyto the present day, as the statist mentality developed, problemsincreased. The fact that the state was born in the Middle East plays adecisive role in the fact that the problems in the Middle East are sonumerous and deep-rooted. On the other hand, the problems deepened evenfurther with the transfer of the nation-state system developed bycapitalist modernity to the Middle East. All the current problems in theMiddle East, including the Kurdish issue, have their origin in thementality of the nation-state. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict also hasits roots in the nation-state mentality. All the problems of the MiddleEast, especially the Kurdish issue and the Palestinian issue, can onlybe resolved by overcoming the nation-state mentality.This is the only way to correct the wrong course in the Middle East. Ifwe want real change in the Middle East, this can only be achieved byovercoming the nation-state mentality, by developing Leader Apo's"democratic nation" system, based on coexistence, equality and life inof the peoples and, on this basis, with the democratic solution of theproblems of the Kurdish and Palestinian peoples. The problems cannot besolved by establishing more states, as they say. On the contrary,problems can be solved by strengthening society, developing democracyand developing a life in accordance with the life of the "DemocraticNation", based on free, equal and democratic self-government and thewill of the people. This is how the problems of both the Jewish peopleand the Palestinian people can be solved.Jerusalem, which is considered sacred by three religions, and theancient Palestinian and Israeli geographies can be lived in freedom andpeace with this model. Otherwise, nation-state models inevitably lead toconflict, war and mutual destruction. This is best seen in theArab-Jewish reality. The only method to eliminate this conflicting anddestructive dilemma is the "democratic nation" approach.The cause of the Palestinian people is legitimate and nothing can denythe legitimacy of that cause. As the Kurdish Liberation Movement, wehave always defended the just cause of the Palestinian people. Thesolution to the Palestinian issue is as important as the Kurdish issuefor resolving problems and developing democratization in the MiddleEast. The State of Israel must see this reality and, above all,recognize the existence and democratic will of the Palestinian people.The solution to the Palestinian issue is a fundamental condition for allthe people of the Middle East, especially the Jewish people, to live infreedom, security and peace. On the other hand, a correct and respectfulapproach to the historical dramas and genocides experienced by theJewish people is absolutely necessary. Without a solution to thePalestinian question, the Jewish people cannot feel at ease in theirconscience and cannot condemn and eradicate the treatment to which theyhave been subjected. We believe that the Jewish people have sufficientconscience, wisdom and will. The Jewish people are one of the ancientpeoples of the Middle East and have a very important place andcontribution to the formation of Middle Eastern culture and sociality.Just like the Kurdish, Arab, Persian, Turkish, Aramaic people, etc. ofthe Middle East, the Jewish people have the right to live in the MiddleEast, in the ancient geography where they historically lived.The Turkish state and the AKP-MHP government do not address thePalestinian issue sincerely and honestly. They consider it entirely asan issue that can be explored. Fascist leader Tayyip Erdogan approachesthe Palestinian issue with this understanding and tries to use it as abargaining chip to carry out his policies of Kurdish genocide. That isthe only reason they are interested in the Palestinian issue. Otherwise,they definitely do not side with the Palestinian people wholeheartedly.If the Turkish state and Tayyip Erdogan were sincere in what they said,first of all, they would not approach the Kurds in this way and wouldresolve the Kurdish issue.Just as one cannot be correct and democratic in Israel without seeingand recognizing the rights of the Palestinian people, one cannot becorrect and democratic in Turkey without seeing the Kurdish reality,without recognizing the rights of the Kurdish people and withoutsupporting the people's struggle. Kurdish. In particular, one can neversupport the just cause of others. The approach to the Kurdish people andthe Kurdish issue in Turkey is like a trial by fire. It is absolutelyimpossible for those who look down on Kurds or ignore Kurds to approachothers correctly and support them. If this is being attempted, thenthere is a huge distortion and a hypocritical lie. This is what theAKP-MHP government and Tayyip Erdogan are doing. In his speech, TayyipErdogan, on the one hand, allegedly says that the State of Israel'sattacks are unfair and condemns them. But on the other hand, in the samespeech, he talks hatefully about how he will attack the Kurds even moreand kill more Kurds. Isn't this hypocritical dishonesty and deceivingthe world? Those are definitely crocodile tears. How can you talk aboutwhat is happening in Gaza and the suffering of the Palestinian peoplewhen what is being done in Rojava is obvious and will continue. In theTurkish state's air strikes against Rojava, the area's entireinfrastructure system was bombed. Dams, power plants, oil wells, supplydepots and many other facilities were hit. Dozens of people lost theirlives in these attacks.Those who do this to the Kurdish people cannot be expected to be sincerewith the Palestinian people and their cause. On the other hand, thosewho do not raise their voices against the attacks and massacres of theState and the AKP-MHP government against the Kurds and Rojava, and thosewho see this as correct and support it cannot be in a real approach. Thetears shed by these groups are nothing more than the crocodile tearsshed by Tayyip Erdogan. Maybe they are not aware of what they look like,but everyone in the world except them knows very well what they look like.https://lutafob.org/resolvendo-a-questao-palestina-e-curda/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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