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zondag 15 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN ISRAEL PALESTINE News Journal Update - (en) Spaine, FAI: Enough of Genocide, Long live the struggle of the Palestinian People (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

As a result of the serious events that are happening in Palestine inrecent days, from Acción Libertaria, we want to remember that the Stateof Israel keeps the Palestinian people under brutal occupation. Thatthrough this illegal and illegitimate occupation the Zionist State istrying to exterminate the Palestinian people by perpetrating what couldsurely constitute the greatest genocide of the 21st century ---- Israel,with the construction of the wall, the checkpoints and other criminalpractices, has done of Gaza an open-air prison, a ghetto that almostdoubles that of Warsaw, the largest ever built. Inside, the Palestinianpopulation is denied the most basic rights inherent to any human being,by denying, they are even denied their right to exist.We denounce that with the excuse of defending itself from terrorism,Israel applies a policy of terror and expulsion through permanentmilitary incursions, in which war crimes are regularly perpetrated. Asan example, in the first half of 2023 alone, the Israeli armed forceshave killed 34 boys and girls from Palestine in routine actions.We want to make clear the permanent illegality of the State of Israel, astate that today fails to comply with more than 100 United Nationsresolutions and more than 40 Security Council resolutions. By failing tocomply, Israel fails to comply with resolution 181 of the United Nationsof 1947, the founding resolution of the State of Israel. Does anyoneremember what happened in Iraq when international thugs alleged thatthis state was failing to comply with a United Nations resolution?Far from what happened in Iraq, the State of Israel is constantlyrewarded for its crimes. He is a criminal, but he is our criminal. TheEuropean Union and, in particular, the Spanish State are a good exampleof this international collusion with Israel's genocidal policies.The EU became Israel's first trading partner when it signed, in 1995, aEuro-Mediterranean Association Agreement that came into force in 2000.This Agreement was revised in 2008 for an "improvement of relations."Each year, the EU receives 25% of Israeli exports and Israel imports 40%of its purchases from the EU.However, the clauses of the preamble and article 2 of said AssociationAgreement (on therespect for Human Rights, democratic principles, and the United NationsCharter), havebeen systematically ignored by Israel without any response from "itspartners."preferential." Furthermore, in its article 83, the aforementioned treatyprohibits trading in any productoriginating from occupied territories, a clause also violated by Israeland ignored by "its partnerspreferential."The Spanish State is Israel's tenth trading partner in the world, andIsrael is Spain's first market in the Middle East. From the 80s untiltoday, the establishment of different bilateral agreements andconventions between Spain and Israel has continued. Among these tradeagreements are, as could not be otherwise, the purchase and sale of weapons.We want to express that we are deeply repugnant by the statements madeby the leaders of the international community in support of the strategyof terror and extermination perpetrated by the Zionist State. There hasbeen no time for Joe Biden, who in 2021 claimed not to be Jewish but aZionist, to express his "unwavering support for Israel", after which allhis servants of the international community, like Pedro Sánchez, havehad no time to join to violence, the violence of putting the victim,Palestinian and executioner, Israel, on the same level, and demandingthat the Palestinian people allow themselves to be exterminated withoutprotesting much.We want to denounce the hypocrisy of equalizing the actors of a conflictthat can be staged in stones against tanks and whose consequences arepunishable by 20 years in prison for throwing a stone, even if from 12years of age. While supporting, subsidizing and applauding those who areperpetrating genocide with tanks.We also want to denounce the hypocrisy of that part of the internationalcommunity, which is the same one that, raising the flag of the fightagainst occupation, sends weapons to Ukraine to weaken a geopoliticalenemy at almost zero cost, at the cost of lives and property. sufferingof the people of Ukraine.In view of the situation we can only say, in the most forceful waypossible, LONG LIVE THE legitimate and legal STRUGGLE OF THE PALESTINIANPEOPLE against the occupation and for their existence.In Zaragoza on October 9, 2023Libertarian Actionhttps://federacionanarquistaiberica.wordpress.com/2023/10/09/basta-de-genocidio-viva-la-lucha-del-pueblo-palestino/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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