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zaterdag 14 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL News Journal Update - (en) Brazil: FOUNDATION MANIFESTO - Libertarian Socialist Organization (OSL) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Anarchism is not a beautiful fantasy drawn from the imagination of a

philosopher, but a social movement of the working masses. For thisreason, it must gather its forces in a general organization that actsconstantly, according to the demands of reality and the strategy of thesocial class struggle.Dielo TrudaAn effective political practice therefore requires knowledge of reality(theory), the harmonious postulation with it of objective values oftransformation (ideology) and concrete political means to achieve it(political practice). The three elements merge into a dialectical unitythat constitutes an effort for the social transformation that the partypostulates.Uruguayan Anarchist FederationAs a result of the first session of our Congress, which took place inJuly 2023 in the city of São Paulo, we declared the LibertarianSocialist Organization (OSL) founded.The OSL is a Brazilian anarchist organization created by the groups thatmade up the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ, state of Riode Janeiro), the Anarchist Socialism Libertarian Organization (OASL,state of São Paulo), Rusga Libertária (RL , state of Mato Grosso), theColetivo Mineiro Popular Anarquista (COMPA, state of Minas Gerais), aswell as individuals from other locations in Brazil. It intends to be anationwide organization and, therefore, encourage new centers throughoutBrazil.The choice of this name is a tribute to what was the first nationalorganization of Brazilian especifista anarchism: the former OSL, whichoperated between 1997 and 2000, and whose name was later used by the SãoPaulo militancy of that same current, in a process that ended more than15 years ago. years. There are activists in the current OSL who werepart of these two previous initiatives.In this Manifesto, we present our references and origins, and also, insummary, our principles and conceptions.OUR POLITICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL REFERENCESWhen we say that we are an anarchist organization, we have a veryprecise notion of what anarchism is, based on an analysis of its globalhistory over the last 150 years.Anarchism is an ideology or political doctrine, a libertarian,anti-authoritarian and revolutionary form of socialism, which aims tomobilize the oppressed classes - wage earners in the cities andcountryside, peasants, traditional and marginalized people -, throughcertain strategy, to carry out a social revolution that establishes anew society based on socialism, self-management, federalism, equalityand freedom.Supported by an ethical conception, anarchism starts from a socialcritique of all forms of domination - economic, political,intellectual-moral and, therefore, class, but also gender, race,ethnicity, nationality, etc. Its aim is this socialist, self-managed,federalist, egalitarian and libertarian society - in which there are nomore classes and domination, in which property is collectivized, thepeople themselves govern themselves, and a concordant culture serves asthe foundation for this entire project. of widespread socialization.The appropriate means to achieve this end imply the constitution of aclassist and combative social force, which is based on this group ofoppressed subjects, and which can intervene in the class strugglethrough processes that involve: increasing participation of militancy,construction by base, encouragement of conscious struggle and voluntaryengagement, independence from class enemies and their structures.[OSL,"Defining Anarchism"]Anarchism did not arise from purely philosophical and intellectualreflections, but as an ideological and doctrinal expression (action andthought, practice and theory) of a sector of workers and popularmovements engaged in the class struggle of the 19th century. It wasconsolidated with the founding of the Alliance, the first anarchistpolitical organization in history, which, through secret and publicbodies, acted and decisively influenced the International Workers'Association (AIT or "First International", 1864-1877).The Alliance's main militant was Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), whosepositions can be understood as a radicalization of the federalistsocialism of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865). Participating in thesepopular movements and struggles, Bakunin and other allianceists - suchas James Guillaume (1844-1916), Adhémar Schwitzguébel (1844-1895) andGiuseppe Fanelli (1827-1877) - contributed decisively to the formationof anarchism, both in theoretical terms and practical.Throughout the 1870s and subsequent decades, anarchist positions spreadto the world's five continents. Important for this diffusion were boththe influence of his two greatest classics, Mikhail Bakunin and PiotrKropotkin (1842-1921), and his revolutionary syndical experiences, whichinspired the creation, strengthening and radicalization of unions andsocial movements.The relevant participation of anarchists in popular movements occurredin different countries, such as: Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Bulgaria, theUnited States, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, South Africa, Egypt,China, Japan, Korea and Australia. It also occurred in almost all LatinAmerican countries: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia,Nicaragua, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia and Cuba.Historically, anarchism has been maintained over time in differentlocations around the world, in more and less vigorous moments, betweenebbs and flows, without, however, ever having disappeared. This ideologyor doctrine has constituted a prominent part of unions and socialmovements, and has significantly influenced them.[Corrêa, Black Flag]However, it is not enough to say that our organization is anarchist.Because, throughout its long history, anarchism has internally coexistedwith many debates and divergences, which have even established its majorcurrents: mass anarchism and insurrectionalist anarchism.In broader terms, we join the historical current of mass anarchism,which had revolutionary syndicalism as its main strategy. Thisaffiliation can be explained insofar as: we defend the organization(organizational dualism) in opposition to anti-organizationistpositions, contrary to the organization and which demand individualaction or in small informal groups; we defend possibilism (struggles forreforms within certain strategic frameworks as a path to revolution) inopposition to anti-possibilist positions, which assert that strugglesfor reforms only reinforce capitalist society; we defend the need forviolence (people with weapons, insurrections, advanced struggle, etc.)linked to and concomitant with mass movements, as opposed to positionsthat see violence as a trigger (propaganda for the fact),In more specific terms, due to our organizational perspective, we joinorganizational dualism, that is, the historical expression of anarchismin which activists and organizations claimed the need for a simultaneousorganization at a political-anarchist level (political organization orparty) and at a social-popular level (mass popular organization). Thisexpression had an echo in different parts of the globe, including theglobal south, encouraging the creation of anarchist organizations suchas the Mexican Liberal Party (in 1906, in Mexico), the Society ofAnarchocommunist Companions (in 1914, in China), the FederationAnarchocommunist of Bulgaria (in 1919, in Bulgaria),the[Libertarian]Communist Party (in 1919, in Brazil) and the ArgentineAnarchocommunist Federation (in 1935, in Argentina).In organizational dualism, our main historical references are among themilitancy that defended homogeneous and programmatic forms of anarchistorganization (especially platformism and especifism), as opposed toheterogeneous and flexible forms (as in the case of synthetism).Central references for us are: Bakunin, his reflections onorganizational dualism, the experience of the Alliance from 1868onwards, especially his work in the International; Errico Malatesta(1853-1932), his reflections on the anarchist organization (which hecalled the "anarchist party"), on organized anarchist participation inunion, anti-fascist or insurrectional movements, in addition to theexperiences he built: Anarchist Socialist Revolutionary Party (1891 );Ancona Anarchist Party (1913); Italian Anarchist (Communist) Union(1919/20).The Group of Russian Anarchists Abroad is also a central reference forour organization - in which Nestor Makhno (1888-1934), Piotr Arshinov(1887-1937), Ida Mett (1901-1973), Jean Walecki (1905-?) and MaximeRanko (1905-1952) -, who edited the magazine Dielo Truda and, in 1926,published the "Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists".We demand platformism, especially some of its expressions, such as theFederation of Anarcho-Communists of Bulgaria (FAKB), active between the1920s and 1940s in Eastern Europe, and the "Libertarian CommunistManifesto", written in 1953 by Georges Fontenis, in France . Wevindicate, in the same way, the Latin American especifism of the 1960sand 1970s: in Uruguay, with the experience of the Uruguayan AnarchistFederation (FAU); in Argentina, with the experience of the organizationResistência Libertária (RL).OUR TRAJECTORY IN BRAZIL AND SOME INDICATIONSIn Brazil, the trajectory of our activism dates back to the process ofpolitical opening after the military dictatorship. In that context,anarchism was reorganizing itself, and some of our oldest militants werepart of this process, still in the 1980s and 1990s, especially in Rio deJaneiro and, later, in Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo.In addition to many activities in the popular field (community, studentand union), these activists contributed to different initiatives in theanarchist field. Among others, we mention: in Rio de Janeiro, theCírculo de Estudos Libertários (CEL, 1985-1991), and its successor, theCírculo de Estudos Libertários Ideal Peres (CELIP, 1995-present) and thebulletin/newspaper Libera (from 1991 onwards) - longest runninganarchist periodical in the entire history of Brazil.This older militancy was directly involved in the first contacts withthe Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU), in the articulations betweenthe FAU and Brazilian anarchism (in the mid-1990s), in the formation ofthe Brazilian Anarchist Construction (1995) and in the writing of thedocument "Struggle and Organization" (1996) - process that foundedespecifist anarchism in Brazil.She contributed to the construction of the Libertarian SocialistOrganization (1997-2000), the aforementioned national pioneeringorganization of Brazilian especifista anarchism, and the PopularResistance trend in different states (from 1999 onwards); participatedin the founding and struggles of the Gaucho Anarchist Federation (FAG,from 1995 onwards), the Rio de Janeiro Anarchist Federation (FARJ, from2003 onwards) and the Organized Anarchism Forum (FAO, from 2002 onwards).This militancy also comprised anarchist organizations in São Paulo (LutaLibertária, Organização Socialista Libertária) and Mato Grosso (RusgaLibertária); built the FARJ support network - which helped thearticulations in several states and the founding or re-founding oforganizations in São Paulo, Ceará, Santa Catarina and Paraná (between2008 and 2011); coordinated the approach and entry of this network intoFAO (between 2009 and 2011); participated in the FAO and in thepreparation of the founding of the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination(CAB, 2012).[OASL/FARJ, "Elements for a Historical Reconstitution of OurCurrent"]Between 2012 and 2022, the militancy that is now part of the OSL made updifferent state organizations of the CAB and collaborated with thedevelopment of these organizations and the CAB itself.Even though all these initiatives in recent decades were the work of amuch larger group of activists, we can say without fear that we hadsignificant relevance in all of them. So, modestly, we are proud to havecontributed, in Brazil, to the successes and mistakes of theimplementation, growth and development of anarchism in general, andespecifista anarchism in particular.At OSL, we are already working to promote four objectives that, in ourview, were fundamental to the construction of our anarchist current inBrazil:First, expand action beyond the cultural field and invest, mainly, inthe construction and regular and permanent participation of/in popularmovements (union, community, student, agrarian, peasant, indigenous andothers), seeking to influence the social struggles of masses fromwithin, with a clear and defined program. Intervene in the Braziliansocial reality and have a role in shaping a left, built from movementsand not from traditional parties (especially the Workers' Party and itssatellites), through a grassroots, classist, combative, actionperspective direct, independent, self-managed, federalist and revolutionary.Second, form a real political force, which not only contributes to thestruggles of the oppressed classes, but which is recognized by otherpolitical forces and popular movements, which can develop alliancepolicies and attract workers to the struggle. In some way, work toreturn anarchism to its historic position as an active tool ofintervention in workers' struggles, and to build a revolutionary projectof popular power capable of transforming Brazilian society.Third, break with principism (purism that prevents us from acting inreality as it actually is, and thus adequately articulating politicalprinciples and practice) and iconoclasm (focus on aesthetically shockingsociety, not on transforming it) and , thus, recognizing that realitycertainly has many problems, but it is with them that we must dealconcretely. Our principles need to guide our actions, but we have toknow how to move politically in this concrete and material reality(which is not an idealized world). It is essential to leave asideanarchism that is restricted to "lifestyle" and act as a "fish in water"among workers, that is, as workers and among workers.Fourth, definitively abandon synthesis, in favor of a homogeneous andprogrammatic organizational position, with theoretical, ideological andpractical unity, with collective responsibility and discipline. Toachieve this, it is essential to separate ourselves from individualistsand focus on workers with another militant profile. We intend to build aprofile of commitment to the struggle and collective demands, and avoidproximity to ideas and practices that often come close to liberalism,even if they call themselves anarchist.At the same time, we incorporated into our organization five indicatorsthat, for us, summarize the lessons learned from these almost 30 yearsof activity of especifist anarchism in Brazil.First, since our creation we have been able to move forward withaccumulation, even if between ebbs and flows, even if we have to keep inmind that our project is long-term. Moving forward really requiresaccumulation, looking over time and seeing that the strategy isadvancing. It also requires maturity, both individual and collective.Collective accumulations must be respected, as well as the militancythat carries this accumulation.Second, unity cannot be built with disregard for collectiveaccumulations; Unity cannot be built with regional/state autonomy andexaggerated particularism in practice, nor with negligence andincoherent pluralism in theory. It is essential to build a political andorganizational culture that is not one of conflict, distrust,disrespect, accusations, implicit threats of split/disconnection andunnecessary disputes, but which, at the same time, does not encouragepermissiveness, which accepts inconsistencies, problems and unethicalattitudes. We must encourage freedom of thought, respect for minoritypositions and that education precede punishment.Terceiro, só se faz uma organização política nacional pensandonacionalmente e em unidade, e essa organização só tem condições depromover um projeto nacional se conseguir crescer e se diversificar nasregiões e nos estados. Isso exige a superação da cultura dos pequenosgrupos de afinidade pessoal e a promoção de uma cultura política eorganizacional que busque permanentemente a unidade teórica eestratégica, fundamentada na autogestão de base e nos mecanismosfederalistas, que constroem o todo a partir das partes. As partes nãopodem ser autônomas entre si e alienadas da construção do todo; e essaconstrução do todo deve ser feita de baixo para cima.Fourth, growing and diversifying nationally requires creating theconditions for it. It requires an adequate entry process, withoutmilitants coming and going, and the logic of concentric circles,allowing militants in different conditions to remain. It also requiresadequate political monitoring and training. It is essential to be ableto transmit practical accumulations and historical debates to newactivists, and not neglect training and practical guidance. We must notbe guided only by the search for hurried numerical growth, withoutorganicity.Fifth, a national project cannot be advanced without a criticalassessment of the past and a plan for the present and future. Popularpower cannot be built without work and social insertion - mass strugglesand anarchist influence in these struggles -, nor without concreteanalysis of reality and application of theory in practice. Good practicerequires good theory, and good theory requires good practice. This isbecause practice and theory are inseparable. Those who disdain thepractice do not change anything in the world. Those who disdain theorydo it without knowing what they are doing, and are constantly used inother people's projects without even realizing it.OUR PRINCIPLES: BRIEF SUMMARYThe OSL is based on a set of principles - non-negotiable concepts thatpermanently guide our political practice -, which express ourphilosophical, theoretical, strategic, programmatic and organizationalconcepts.These principles and conceptions are detailed in the document "OurPrinciples and General Strategy: philosophical, theoretical, strategic,programmatic and organizational conceptions". This document can be readby anyone who wants to know more about our positions.[Read this document]Libertarian Materialism/Realism and Libertarian Social TheoryIn terms of a theoretical-methodological approach to the analysis ofsocial reality, we adopt what we are calling materialism or libertarianrealism and libertarian social theory, drawn mainly from anarchistclassics. This approach differs from Marxist, postmodern,(neo)positivist and, obviously, liberal analytical assumptions; it isnot synonymous with economic determinism nor does it recommend anypragmatism of realpolitik, which implies the abandonment of ourprinciples and our political identity.In short, libertarian materialism/realism is a method of analysis thatis, at the same time, naturalistic, realistic, experimental,comprehensive and critical. Libertarian social theory is a concreteapplication of this libertarian materialism to the analysis of society.This theory, as an articulated set of scientific conceptual instrumentsfor understanding reality, is linked to anarchist ideology or doctrineand has a structural/systemic focus, supporting the analyzes of theforces at play (social conflicts), power/domination relations and of thescenarios in which these conflicts occur.This approach reconciles theory and history, social structure and humanaction, reproduction and social transformation. It proposes todistinguish, as necessary, facts from ideas, concrete elements fromabstract ones; structure, situation, action and thought/discourse,prioritizing the former over the latter, according to their depth andinfluence on social reality.Conception of a capitalist-statist systemTaking advantage of this approach, we conceive contemporary society as acapitalist-statist system, a mode of historical power/domination thatcan be analytically divided into three inseparable and interdependentfields: economic, political and intellectual-moral (cultural).Its structural logic is based on the permanent accumulation of economic,political and intellectual-moral capital; its social formation is theproduct of class struggle (social classes are not restricted to theeconomic field and relations of exploitation), of conjunctural andstructural changes and transformations. Capitalism-statism destroys theenvironment and natural resources; Furthermore, it incorporates andmodifies three other forms of structural domination:colonialism/imperialism, racism and patriarchy, which are structurallyrelevant in its reproduction.Revolutionary transformation and libertarian socialismWe support a political practice that culminates in a social revolution,abolishing class society, property (private and national/state) ofeconomic, political and intellectual/moral means, imperialism, racismand patriarchy. After a period of transition - now without capitalism,the State and its legitimizing institutions -, we defend theestablishment of socialism or libertarian communism, our finalobjective, a mode or system of power that is not based on domination.It will be an ecological society, based on equality, freedom andself-managed/federalist democracy. A society marked by the socializationof ownership of economic (production/distribution), political(administration and control) and intellectual-moral (production anddissemination of knowledge and beliefs) means; in which decisions willbe taken by the workers themselves in their councils and associations,in proportion to how much they are affected by the decisions.Self-managed popular power projectWe defend, as a path to this transformation, the construction ofself-managed popular power, the foundation of our general transformationstrategy. To achieve this, it is necessary to transform the capacity ofthe oppressed classes to achieve social strength. The most appropriatepath for this is to organize and engage the proletariat, the peasantryand other oppressed classes in popular movements (unions and socialmovements) and, in addition, give strategic and programmatic directionto these movements.When creating, strengthening and participating in these movements, wehave to defend certain characteristics and ways of promoting struggles,which involves: the breadth and massification of these movements; itsclassist and combative bases and perspectives; its class independenceand direct action policy; its organizational and decision-making methodsbased on self-management and federalism; the construction of atransformative and revolutionary perspective, through struggles forimmediate reforms and achievements; the unification of the oppressedclasses, crossing class-based combat with environmental, nationality,race-ethnicity and gender-sexuality issues.Role of the anarchist organizationIn this general strategy, the role of the political organization oranarchist party is central, as it affects the working masses (oppressedclasses). It does this by mobilizing, organizing and engaging workers inpopular movements, enhancing and accelerating the conversion of theircapacity for achievement into social strength. It also does this byfocusing on popular movements and promoting strategic and programmaticdirection (our self-managed popular power project).The anarchist organization enhances the social strength of anarchists inits action, and seeks to influence unions and social movements; takingthis further, he faces some of his tendencies, as well as enemies andadversaries. It promotes the need for social revolution and libertariansocialism, seeking to make movements and the masses the mainprotagonists of this process; discards avant-garde methods, as itconsiders that the relationship between anarchists/party andmovements/masses must be complementary, interdependent and based onself-management (anti-authoritarian and non-hierarchical, therefore);rejects "base" perspectives and the role of rearguard.Concept of anarchist organizationWe demand a conception of anarchist organization: organizational dualism- anarchists organizing themselves, at the same time, as workers, inpopular movements, and as anarchists, in the specific politicalorganization. This means sustaining the differentiation between thesocial level (of masses) and the political level (of cadres, anarchist),and the relationship described above between them. At the social level,our proposal is close to the historical forms of revolutionarysyndicalism; at the political level, it has references in the historicalforms of homogeneous and programmatic organizations: platformism andespecifism.We are an anarchist organization of cadres (active minority), whichexpresses, articulates, organizes and coordinates ideological anddoctrinal (anarchist) positions of a sector of the oppressed classes.And it operates around four organizational principles: 1.)Self-management/Federalism: bottom-up decisions; base-controlled,rotating, and revocable delegations; concentric circles, consensus/vote;2.) Theoretical and ideological unity: clear and unitary political line,defended and promoted by all activists; 3.) Strategic and tacticalunity: clear and unitary programmatic (strategic and tactical) line,defended and promoted by the entire militancy; 4.) Collectiveresponsibility: each militant is responsible for the organization andthe organization is responsible for each militant.OUR MILITANCEWe have encouraged a certain profile of activism, both for those who arepart of the organization and for those who intend to join. They aremilitants (first of all, workers like others, who do not need todedicate themselves to in-depth studies of anarchism or beintellectuals), who have the conditions and interest in organizedanarchist militancy, and who are willing to participate in the anarchiststruggle on a daily basis. , with internal organizational work andsocial work in popular movements. In general, we join people who alreadyparticipate in unions, social movements and various struggles, but alsothose who are interested in starting work of this type.Our activism is in agreement with the principles and conceptions of theorganization; she develops and follows a militant style and collectivework method. This requires adopting certain postures and discardingothers. Among the postures to be adopted are: encouraging organicity,unity and self-discipline; focus on constructive work (focusing onreality and not just criticizing or self-discussing); collective workpractice; rational engagement in debates; development of the capacityfor criticism (respectful and constructive), self-criticism and constantlearning; maintaining ethical relationships of trust and respect;promoting healthy relationships between activists and in work spaces.Among the postures to be discarded are: informality, autonomy,individualism and lack of responsibility; debates based on subjectivism,disrespectful or destructive criticism; moral/moralistic disputes;promotion of a climate of permanent conflict; arrogance, arrogance andself-proclamation; condescension to unethical conduct; "lynchings" andtrials outside our libertarian criteria; permanent surveillance of themilitants' private life.Ethics, commitment, freedom!Fight, create, people power!For the advancement of organized anarchism in Brazil!Libertarian Socialist Organization (OSL)July 2023https://socialismolibertario.net/home/manifesto-de-fundacao/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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