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zaterdag 14 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN CATALONIA PALESTINE GAZA News Journal Update - (en) Catalunya, EMBAT: Against the destruction of Gaza (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 From Embat, the Libertarian Organization of Catalonia, we want to

express our condolences for the victims of the new war in Gaza, at thispoint in the conflict. The ongoing war situation, with continuousepisodes of murder, torture and humiliation against the Palestinianpopulation exacerbates a popular resistance that we understand asabsolutely legitimate and that leads to situations of enormous tensionand conflict that can inevitably lead to and have led to responsesviolent ---- Given the enormous complexity of the conflict, theinability to know deeply and have a direct, global and transparentvision of the different subjects involved, their relationships andintentions and the disinformation to which we are currently subjected,we consider that it is impossible for us to make a deeper and morecomprehensive analysis and judgment of the situation.Nevertheless, we want to make it clear that we hope and wish that,despite the cruelty that any military conflict represents, the actionsthat have taken place during the last days and those that will takeplace in the future, faithfully represent the true will of thePalestinian people, this being free from any form of internalrepression, authoritarianism or manipulation and that, if this is notthe case, it can also be done, at the time it is considered appropriate,a careful analysis and subsequent criticism.However, we unreservedly condemn the attack by the Israeli state againstthe civilian population of Gaza. The massacres of innocent people - onboth sides - cannot leave us indifferent and we call for rallies anddemonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people to take placein our territory. Understanding self-defense, the struggle for the totalliberation of the oppressions suffered by the Palestinian people (thesecan be both external and internal) and the achievement of their absolutesovereignty, as those who seem to be, right now, the only ones means fora fair resolution of this conflict.Long live Free PalestineEntry navigationhttps://embat.info/contra-la-destruccio-de-gaza/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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