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zaterdag 14 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE PALESTINE MIDDLE EAST SOUTH WEST News Journal Update - (en) France, FA: Press release and anarchist positions on the situation in Palestine (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The French-speaking Anarchist Federation denounces and condemns the

military aggressions which have ignited the Middle East or South-WestAsia since October 6, to be more just, relaunching a war which has neverreally stopped for 75 years on the territories of Palestine. ---- TheFrench-speaking Anarchist Federation expresses its solidarity with theArab and Jewish populations who suffer violence and war because onceagain, it is the civilian populations, always at the forefront, who paywith their blood, with their conditions of life and their freedomsclashes with nationalist, capitalist, military and religious logics.Hamas, its allies Islamic Jihad and the PFLP, which came to power in2006 through the ballot box taking advantage of the corruption anddiscredit of Yasser Arafat's Fatah and the decay of the PLO, are takingadvantage of the anger, the frustration of the Palestinian majority bythus transforming the fight against colonialist oppression into areligious fight, Jihad, with its anti-Semitic excesses. At the sametime, colonization and violence against Palestinians have reached alevel this year never reached in more than 10 years, multiplying landtheft, destruction of homes, expulsions, imprisonments, murders andintensifying its policy of supremacism. ethnic.Israeli governments have always sought this religious conflict, and havetherefore favored the rise of a fundamentalist Islamist current, thusseeking to legitimize in the eyes of Western countries their policy ofcolonization, domination, and ethnic segregation. The arrival of thefar-right to power entangled in corruption cases has exacerbated theauthoritarianism and anti-social policies of the government, mobilizingyouth and workers in massive demonstrations like in May 2023.Hamas, which has not organized elections for 17 years, sees its powerand legitimacy contested by massive and regular popular mobilizationswhich it fiercely represses, like the last one on July 30, 2023 whentens of thousands of Gazans demonstrated under the slogan "we want tolive" to demand better living conditions, the return of public freedomsand new pluralist elections. The Palestinians are not fooled and knowwell that the reactionary and anti-Semitic program of Hamas is in no waya solution but that the resistance and revolts of the populationsagainst colonialism and Zionism are legitimate.On the international level, the rapprochement and recognition of theIsraeli state by many Arab states, first Egypt then after the AbrahamAccords of 2020 by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Moroccocontinues with the influential Qatar and Saudi Arabia, guardian of theholy places and fierce enemy of the Muslim Brotherhood of which Hamas isan offshoot. Israel's diplomatic, economic and security cooperation withSunni countries would constitute an anti-Shiite arc against the Iranianthreat and would marginalize the centrality of the Palestinian questionin the geopolitics of the region.Hamas plans to perpetuate its power and domination over Palestiniansociety. The Israeli far-right in power obeys the same logic and wantsto eliminate social protest by declaring a state of war and nationalunity. For several days the Gaza Strip has been under siege and IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he wants to kill people anddo as much damage as possible, obviously without worrying about the twomillion Palestinians in Gaza.As anarchists we know that states separate people by establishingborders. Just as the creation of the State of Israel resolved nothingfor this region, and for the exiled Jews, who were also in a desperatesituation at another time. The creation of a real Palestinian statecannot satisfy us because where is the social emancipation in that? Hatebetween peoples, refugees behind possible barbed wire in theirrespective States, would crystallize in national communities, a diffuse,misleading and interclassist concept.Anarchists propose libertarian federalism, fundamentally egalitarian andadapted to this region made up of mosaics of peoples, advocating freeassociation and economic and social equality. The distribution of wealthas well as generalized self-management are essential steps in thisregion as elsewhere, where there are poor and rich, States which covetaccess to the sea, to water, to fertile lands, and to oil.An alternative can emerge if the Israeli and Palestinian people unite toput an end to colonialism, and against their common enemies, thepolitical, economic, religious and military powers, to build togetherthe foundations of a society ensuring peace and harmony.The existence of collectives of Palestinian and Israeli individualssupporting the struggles of women and minorities, deserters andopponents of militarism and religious fundamentalism proves once againthat what unites us, mutual aid and solidarity is stronger than whatdivides us.The French-speaking Anarchist Federation calls on all the forces of thesocial movement as well as all individuals loving justice, peace, andfreedom to protest by all possible means and show our internationalsolidarity, so that this disastrous situation and this massacre can endas quickly as possible.!For the self-determination of peoples! Down with all borders and armies!Down with religions and states! Down with colonialism!https://federation-anarchiste.org/?g=Lien_Permanent&b=1_239_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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