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maandag 16 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #342 - National rehabilitation, With Gabriel Attal it's the return of the Blanquer method! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

With the appointment of Gabriel Attal, the good student of Macronie, tothe Ministry of National Education we expected the worst... and,immediately, we were not disappointed! It is still and always an archaicand outdated vision of school which gives pride of place to thefantasies of the right and the extreme right. Evaluations, uniforms,nationalism and facade secularism, hiding a real Islamophobia, are there.Throughout his five years as minister during Macron's first five-yearterm[1], Blanquer tore up National Education with his authoritarian andliberal reforms. Then, for a year, Pap Ndiaye's exercise, althoughcarried out under an identical managerial dogma, gave the staff a littlebreak, in particular by distinguishing himself from his predecessor byfreeing his action from the influence of extreme RIGHT. The appointmentof Gabriel Attal on July 20, 2023 announces the return of Blanquer'smethod and whims to this ministry.The message sent by Macron and Gabriel Attal for the 2023 school year isclear: the problem of National Education is not the glaring lack ofresources and teachers (1,433 unfilled positions for this school year),nor the absence of a real ambition to fight against the ableist societywith a school that gives itself the means to be truly inclusive, nor theimprovement of the disastrous status of AED[2], AESH[3]colleagues (inthe vast majority women) and other technical and administrative staffwhose salary increases will not even catch up with inflation - forexample AESH colleagues cap at salaries below 1,000 euros due to anunfavorable salary scale and imposed part-time work -, nor yet thefinancial struggles of families in working-class neighborhoods affectedby inflation and the increase in school, housing and food costs.Not that we say it: for the liberal bourgeoisie the problem would be torestore order after the urban riots following the assassination of Nahelby the police and therefore to force the working classes to stay longerwithin this school which remains, due to lack of means, unequal. Thedanger would also be the calling into question of secularism andtherefore the urgent need to ban... the abaya (67 refusal to "complywith the rule") thus stigmatizing students of Muslim faith or supposedto be Muslim. being and demonstrating once again the desire to controlwomen's bodies, the ban on the male equivalent, the quamis, having beenadded subsequently.A minister who flirts again with the far rightHowever, if we want to evoke a simple and strong measure in terms ofsecularism, it would suffice to look at private schools, in fact privateeducation under contract, mainly Catholic, brought together more than 2million students at the start of the 2022 school year, or 17.6% of theschool population, in a little more than 7,500 establishments and whichmonopolize through its 8 billion euros of public agent according to thefirst report of the Court of Auditors submitted in June 2023[4]withoutmentioning of the concordat in Alsace-Moselle. As we can observe, Attalopens his mandate with an Islamophobic measure by targeting students ofMuslim faith, or supposed to be, positioning themselves under the directinfluence of the nauseating ideas of the extreme right (such as byexample the Zemourian entryism strategy in parent-teacher associations,see article below).Unbridled liberalism in the service of an authoritarian pedagogyBy continuing the implementation of the "teaching pact"[5], a managerialtool for unraveling statuses and establishing contractualization and thesubordination of the teaching profession to the hierarchy, Attal showsits desire to prolong the attacks liberal on school. Since Macron'selection in 6 years, more than 8,000 teaching positions have beeneliminated in parallel with the reception of more than 20,000 additionalstudents in public secondary education.By imposing the implementation of new national assessments in CM1 and4th grade, it is the culture of assessment and competition that Attalintends to strengthen within the "education nation start-up". And in thefever of this noisy start to the school year, the architect of theimplementation of the SNU (Universal National Service) intends tocontinue Pap Ndiaye's project of introducing militarism and the crassestnationalism into high schools by creating a week called "cohesion" whichwould allow second year students to do part of the SNU during schooltime. And the icing on the cake, teachers could participate through thePACTE...We also do not forget the major attack against working class studentswith the reform of the vocational high school which will see theexposure of young people to exploitation by companies through a greaterpresence in internships, and the reduction of teaching time inprofessional high schools[6]Anger could quickly brewBut make no mistake, the government is coming out of a sequence ofsocial movements on pensions, where it was certainly able to impose itsreform, but where it lost considerably in confidence and credibility.National Education personnel were able to play a role in this period,and the ferment of combativeness could well continue to grow andconstitute a beautiful grain of sand in the cogs of Macronie. For thisreason, unionists were able to observe the notable influx of colleagueswho came in large numbers to the union information hours in June todecipher the issues of the implementation of the PACTE which is causingthe staff rooms to rumble.Did you say secularism? Laurent didn't hear well...Youth certainly also have their say regarding the desire to come intoline with the SNU, and the disruption of the SNU villages during thecaravan's tour suggests that things are not quite right for the new SNUtandem. , Prisca Thévenot - Gabriel Attal[7]We libertarian communists, on the contrary, defend a change in societyand the advent of an emancipatory school which gives students the meansto equip themselves to lead the fight against all discrimination,whether social, racial or gender. or disability. This involvespopularizing the contributions of critical and libertarian pedagogieswithin our teaching teams, through the development of emancipatory andcooperative pedagogies. This also involves strengthening our union toolsand building fighting collectives within establishments.The Buissonnière ClassClasse truant brings together UCL education workers.To validate[1]https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Vers-la-demission-de-Blanquer-et-au-dela[2]AED: educational assistants, they supervise and monitor students inmiddle and high schools.[3]AESH: accompanying students with disabilities, accompany and providesupport in class to students with disabilities or special educational needs.[4]"Private education under contract", report available on the websiteof the Court of Auditors, www.ccomptes.fr[5]"teacher pact": sets of measures intended to revalorize and"modernize" the teaching profession proposed to volunteer teachersconsisting essentially of the acceptance of additional missions servingto compensate for the shortcomings of the institution, in particularreplacing absent colleagues.[6]"Professional high school: The Blanquer chainsaw", Alternativelibertaire, n°286, September 2018.[7]"No to universal national service!"», Press release from UCL, July21, 2022, on www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Avec-Gabriel-Attal-c-est-le-retour-de-la-methode-Blanquer_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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