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maandag 16 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, OCL CA #333 - Punish the parents too! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Several ministers and political figures, including Macron, have

threatened to punish the parents of young people who participated inlast June's revolt. A despicable threat, particularly unjust and whichclearly indicates that this power knows nothing other than punishing.---- First, several sociologists (Laurent Mucchielli, among others) saythat, when a young person begins to engage in more or less delinquentbehavior, his parents almost always notice it. It is then a question forthese parents to intervene, but a question arises: do they have enoughauthority over their child to be able to be effective?We are not asking for more parental authority here, especially notregarding the riots of last June. However, it is a question ofdissecting the State's discourse and understanding the reasons for thelack of authority which can sometimes occur in a certain number offamilies living in working-class neighborhoods and, therefore, how thereproach is leveled against these families. to lack authority is paradoxicalOur unequal capitalist society places working class parents in greatmaterial difficulties: housing, food, energy, etc. This hasrepercussions particularly when it comes to playing their role asparents. There are not only these material causes of course, we are herein the human domain and several factors can play a role. But we mostoften ignore the importance of living conditions.When you don't have money to buy your children a computer while otherchildren have them, or fashionable clothes while other children havethem, and you don't have a car or money to take them on vacation whenthe other parents do, etc., it may happen that your children wonder ifyou are an adequate parent, a parent as valid as the others. If,moreover, you have unsanitary, cramped housing, your children from theage of 8 or 9 have spent a lot of time on the street, and it thenhappens that it is the authority of the gang leader which takesprecedence over yours. In fact, it is the living conditions in which youlive that can deprive you of this authority that parents from wealthierbackgrounds may normally have. But this does not stop these people fromwealthier backgrounds (whether they are in government or not) who havenever experienced the slightest of the difficulties with which youstruggle every day, from coming to lecture you and threaten you.punishment if your child behaves in a way that bothers them.We must also consider the situation of single parents with children, thevast majority of whom are women. If they are from a modest background,their life is to do their 7 or 8 hours of work, laborer or otherwise,very tiring and for a small salary and, as soon as they return home, towork on cleaning and cleaning. cooking, taking care of the childrenbefore going to bed exhausted. It is also the difficult negotiation,never satisfactory, with the employer to have schedules that allow youto be present a little before the children leave for class or when theycome home in the evening or also during school holidays. We understand,or rather we should understand, that some people are unable to establishor consolidate with their children, especially if they are teenagers, agood relationship which would mean that, when necessary, their word isheard with sufficient weight.Furthermore, let us also point out that the ways of dealing withchildren in a working class environment are not, or were not, the sameas in a middle class environment. They are more "physical" (We canthink, for example, of Annie Ernaux, who says in "A Woman." that herworking-class mother educated her with slaps and punches). Thesepractices are now discredited in the media or on the part of socialworkers as at school, that is to say where a "modern" educational modelis valued, which, in fact, is more common in the "middle classes», whereit is the discussion that is put forward. This is undoubtedly desirable,but many parents cannot easily adopt other ways of doing things. By thismeans too, we disqualify parents in the eyes of their children and thenreproach them for not having authority.And then finally, and perhaps above all, how would parents who arethemselves revolted by Nahel's murder go, with sufficient confidence, toreproach their children for protesting in the street. How do parents whoare in widespread fear that their own children will one day be targetedby the police, parents who also experienced police pressure on youngpeople in the neighborhoods in their youth and still experience it onoccasion, how Would these parents be convincing if they decided to telltheir children not to protest the behavior of the police? How couldparents who experience near-misery and discrimination on a daily basiscredibly dissuade their children from rebelling against contempt anddetestable living conditions? Didn't some of these parents of 2023themselves participate in the revolt of 2005? Isn't it natural for themto believe that their children are right to protest? M. H. Bacquet (1),for example, declares: "It seems that families and youth professionals,youth leaders, those who are sometimes described as "big brothers" sharethe anger of young people, even if they do not do not join violentdemonstrations.»In the end, faced with the revolts, the State seeks to exonerate itselfby transferring responsibility to the parents of the working classes whowould not be able to support their offspring. But we have just seen it,it is this capitalist society that we impose on us that is verymaterially responsible. Responsible for the lack of authority,sometimes, of parents and responsible for the explosion of anger.Gerard(1) Marie-Hélène Bacquet, sociologist and urban planner (TheConversation July 9, 2023)http://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article3949_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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