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zaterdag 14 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE PALESTINE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL press release: No to the criminalization of just support for the Palestinian cause (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The criminalization of spontaneous support for the Palestinian cause is

increasing. UCL denounces this criminalization and reaffirms its supportfor the Palestinian cause, without any complacency towards attempts atexploitation. ---- Following the Hamas offensive on Saturday October 7and the massive military reprisals launched by the Israeli state in theaftermath, numerous calls to gather in support of the oppressedPalestinian people, across all French cities, have been broadcast. ----The French State and its Minister of the Interior Darmanin, always adeptat security and authoritarian escalation, bans and dissolutions,confusing anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism without a single blow, greatfriend of the racist and colonial Israeli State , decided in response toban several of these gatherings.As we wrote in our previous press release, "we oppose thecriminalization of support for the Palestinian resistance in Europe andtheir designation as "terrorists". We also oppose all exploitation ofviolence for racist purposes, whether anti-Arab or anti-Semitic."Among the gatherings that Darmanin tries to ban, several are calledaround slogans in which the UCL finds itself:support for the popular, secular, democratic and revolutionaryPalestinian resistance in its fight against colonization and apartheid;support for Israeli anti-colonialist opponents and activists;respect for international resolutions, search for a solutionguaranteeing lasting peace;no complacency towards massacres of civilians, whatever they may be, ortowards war crimes;denunciation of the heavy responsibility of the far-right Israeligovernment;denunciation of the methods and the nationalist and fundamentalistpolitical project of Hamas;no assimilation between the warlike ruling classes and the populations,whether in Israel or Palestine.The Libertarian Communist Union denounces the bans on these gatherings.We denounce the long authoritarian and Islamophobic drift of theMacronist government into which these bans are part, a drift which canonly benefit the extreme right. We denounce the ferocious repressionwhich is taking place against several left-wing political organizationshaving expressed their support for the Palestinian people and, althoughlucid about the hasty and sometimes deplorable judgments which may havebeen theirs in the face of the scale of the massacre committed by theHamas, we reaffirm our solidarity with these organizations, in the unityof our social camp and in the face of Macronist war-mongering behavior.We will participate in the ongoing gatherings, provided that theirslogans are clear, and without any complacency towards attempts atexploitation, whatever they may be.Libertarian Communist Union, October 11, 2023.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Non-a-la-criminalisation-du-juste-soutien-a-la-cause-palestinienne_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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