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maandag 16 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria, Oct-23: For voluntary and free motherhood (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In this dark period of crisis that we are experiencing, full of

uncertainty, restlessness and anguish, there are words that overwhelm ussuch as war, unemployment, climate crisis, economic crisis , oftenpronounced by the wrong people; the term birth rate has been added tothem . ---- There is a need to delve deeper and fully explain theirauthentic meaning to clear away the instrumental uses that are made ofthem. In this Special we tackle the latest addition, DENATALITY, tryingto dissect it from various points of view to decipher what thegovernment wants to pass off as an objective fact, and therefore saywhat government and Catholic propaganda avoids saying.We women have completed a historical journey that has led us to theconquest of a whole series of fundamental rights which are currentlybeing called into question; among them the issue of abortion is the onemost closely linked to that of the birth rate. Anyone who continues toprofess "god, homeland and family" as the founding values of theirbeliefs is expected to in fact launch a subtle and heavy attack on theright to self-determination not only of women but also of LGBTQIA+people. Women did not want to be defined through motherhood, despite artand literature indicating this role, after the "Nations" needed ourchildren for their wars, after the absence of motherhood was seen as asocial disvalue , after we had tried to dismantle the ideology of thematernal role that denied us as a person. Now the traditionalpatriarchal model is back in vogue which sees women through the solesocial function of motherhood: producing children and doing so withinthe exclusive family model admitted by Church and State, which excludes,does not recognize, children born to same-parent families. For thewoman, her own ability to generate her own meant being sure of divineblessing and that of the homeland; on the contrary, the sterile womanwas (and is) considered cursed, a dead arm of the social body. We shouldhypothesize as possible that the next steps of this government are aimedat making maternity obligatory, canceling the free and consciousmotherhood that we have all fought for. Now the traditional patriarchalmodel is back in vogue which sees women through the sole social functionof motherhood: producing children and doing so within the exclusivefamily model admitted by Church and State, which excludes, does notrecognize, children born to same-parent families. For the woman, her ownability to generate her own meant being sure of divine blessing and thatof the homeland; on the contrary, the sterile woman was (and is)considered cursed, a dead arm of the social body. We should hypothesizeas possible that the next steps of this government are aimed at makingmaternity obligatory, canceling the free and conscious motherhood thatwe have all fought for. Now the traditional patriarchal model is back invogue which sees women through the sole social function of motherhood:producing children and doing so within the exclusive family modeladmitted by Church and State, which excludes, does not recognize,children born to same-parent families. For the woman, her own ability togenerate her own meant being sure of divine blessing and that of thehomeland; on the contrary, the sterile woman was (and is) consideredcursed, a dead arm of the social body. We should hypothesize as possiblethat the next steps of this government are aimed at making maternityobligatory, canceling the free and conscious motherhood that we have allfought for. produce children and do so within the exclusive family modeladmitted by Church and State, which excludes and does not recognizechildren born to same-parent families. For women, their ability togenerate meant being sure of divine blessing and that of their homeland;on the contrary, the sterile woman was (and is) considered cursed, adead arm of the social body. We should hypothesize as possible that thenext steps of this government are aimed at making maternity obligatory,canceling the free and conscious motherhood that we have all fought for.produce children and do so within the exclusive family model admitted byChurch and State, which excludes and does not recognize children born tosame-parent families. For women, their ability to generate meant beingsure of divine blessing and that of their homeland; on the contrary, thesterile woman was (and is) considered cursed, a dead arm of the socialbody. We should hypothesize as possible that the next steps of thisgovernment are aimed at making maternity obligatory, canceling the freeand conscious motherhood that we have all fought for. For women, theirability to generate meant being sure of divine blessing and that oftheir homeland; on the contrary, the sterile woman was (and is)considered cursed, a dead arm of the social body. We should hypothesizeas possible that the next steps of this government are aimed at makingmaternity obligatory, canceling the free and conscious motherhood thatwe have all fought for. For women, their ability to generate meant beingsure of divine blessing and that of their homeland; on the contrary, thesterile woman was (and is) considered cursed, a dead arm of the socialbody. We should hypothesize as possible that the next steps of thisgovernment are aimed at making maternity obligatory, canceling the freeand conscious motherhood that we have all fought for.We know that since the times of Lady Sapiens people had control of theirbodies to avoid unwanted pregnancies; as the anthropologist MichèleCoquet wrote: "Women... are able to control their own cycle and theirown fertility. They practice abstinence, in case they do not wish toprocreate." This makes us reflect on the fact that conscious birthcontrol (the birth rate) can be the result of moments, of precise erasof humanity in which women become aware of the historical moment inwhich they live and act accordingly.In the early years of the 20th century another moment of birth declineand depopulation occurred, but for completely different reasons thanwhat we are experiencing now. Eugenic thought stated: "The history ofnations is not determined on the battlefields, but in nurseries, and thebattalions that achieve lasting victory are the battalions of children.The politics of the future will be family politics." Within this thoughtthere were thinkers who proposed the subjection of women as the price topay because their intellectual development damaged their reproductivefaculties. At this point we think:Another point: the concern about national depopulation that disturbs theaforementioned characters so much does not actually hide the completelyunfounded (but clever weapon of mass distraction) fear that if thepopulation does not grow there is the risk that it will be replaced byothers peoples, that is, from other "races", from which derives thesacredness of motherhood as a duty and destiny of women to rebalance thedomination of the "white race".These are two aspects that stimulate other reflections that we areforced to make whether we like it or not. The tones and themes of thedebate concern the defense of fertility combined and connected with thecontinuity of the human race, and let's say it, in particular of thatpart of the more progressive, more mature, culturally richer humanpopulation, which coincidentally is made to coincide with that Westernworld, Europe and the United States in the lead, both threatened bydeclining birth rates.How is the free choice not to have children interpreted today? withwidespread alarmism that accuses every way of conceiving one's life insociety, based on self-determination, on choices and decisions that leadto other, alternative, free reasoning on the family and motherhood.Clerico-fascists think that we can grow infinitely, ignoring the alreadyquite irreversible consequences of the planet's overpopulation.The theme raised as a flag over the years by the various feministmovements, both those with reformist tendencies and those radical orrevolutionary, has been and continues to be that of birth control, of"voluntary motherhood" (with various nuances depending on the groups towhich they belong ) who rebels against the role of procreatornecessarily imposed on women. Today, taking up this definition we cangive it a new meaning and talk about "voluntary motherhood" asopposition to a birth strategy that reaffirms the function of women asreproductive machines. Reconsider and therefore claim the birth rate asa way of opposing a policy that contrasts the right toself-determination, contraception, abortion, and which defends thetraditional patriarchal family as a unique model,Letizia Giarratanahttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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