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maandag 16 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN GRANADA News Journal Update - (en) Spain, Granada, CNT-AIT: Chronicle of the March to Albolote Prison in 2023 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On October 1, the 2023 March to the Albolote Prison took place within

the framework of the activities convened by our organization and theGranada Social Summit. On this occasion, the political role that prisonshave in European policies was discussed as indispensable elements forthe imposition of their tax measures on the population and an economybased on inequality that allows the concentration of wealth and theprecariousness necessary to control to the popular and working classes.---- The recent case was also reported of a classmate who has enteredthird grade and as soon as he left he received complaints for a video hemade a while ago, with the aim of achieving a new sentence and havinganother one go to jail. time for daring to tell with data what happensinside prisons. Although it is in an instruction phase and we do notknow its final scope, the intentionality of certain officials is striking.As on other occasions, the relationship between the attendees and thevisitors and families of the prisoners who come on Sunday mornings wasfluid. Again complaints about the situation of the Albolote prison, theterrible food, the almost obligatory expenses in the commissary, thepoor health care (with cases such as the death due to non-attendance ofa prisoner who recently suffered a heart attack), etc. The families whowere present believe that this type of act should be carried out morefrequently, but they understand the difficulties it poses in the face ofso much criminalization and disregard for the economic and socialreality of those who mostly populate the prisons. Some decided toparticipate for a time in the bulk of the concentration. Everything wehave reported was denounced through leaflets, banners and loudspeakersof a certain power. It is necessary for the authorities to see thatthere are supportive people who are not ignorant of what happens inpenitentiary institutions.Our Organization shares this criterion and will maintain the marchesagainst the Albolote prison, hoping to encourage other similaractivities and support groups for prisoners in all their diversity. Ajournalist was present who will make a news report on the event, whichwill be published if no unforeseen circumstances arise. She is also anSAT classmate. As always, we appreciate the efforts of all thoseattending the event; Those who attend a protest march against a prisonknow well the efforts required. But that is what the struggle anddefense of social emancipation consists of.https://granada.cntait.org/content/cr%C3%B3nica-de-la-marcha-la-c%C3%A1rcel-de-albolote-de-2023_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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