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zaterdag 13 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: Marielle Franco: murdered by the power game of the State and capitalism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

About 6 years ago, councilor Marielle Franco, a black and popular leader
based in the Maré favela complex, was brutally murdered in Rio de
Janeiro. This week, three suspects were presented by the police as the
masterminds and organizers of the murder. In addition to Chiquinho and
his brother, Domingos Brazão (both from União Brasil), the former head
of the civil police, who coordinated the case, Rivaldo Barbosa, was also
arrested. ---- It is necessary to remember the political context of
Marielle's murder. Marielle was murdered in 2018, after a
legal-parliamentary coup that overthrew Dilma's government and placed
her deputy, Michel Temer, in power. Temer approached the already active
uniformed party as a way of supporting his fragile coup and neoliberal
government. It was Temer who appointed members of the Armed Forces to
the Ministry of Defense and Public Security and decreed a Law and Order
Guarantee (GLO) operation in February 2018, which determined a military
mission throughout the national territory.

This mission was coordinated by General Sergio Etchegoyen, minister of
the Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI) - (recently "recreated" by
Temer) -, an excrescence that is a legacy of the dictatorship and aims
to monitor popular movements and qualify the apparatus of state
repression . This coup, reactionary and neoliberal government placed the
state of Rio de Janeiro under federal intervention, the first since the
end of the military dictatorship in Brazil. The military intervention in
Rio de Janeiro was carried out by General Braga Netto, future minister
in the Bolsonaro government.

   Marielle, who was one of the public figures most critical of federal
intervention, was murdered on March 14, 2018, just 15 days into federal
intervention. An intervention that was organized by the most reactionary
military sector, which would articulate the candidacy of Bolsonaro,
elected president in October 2018. It was this sector that appointed
Rivaldo Barbosa as head of the Civil Police.

Solving crime is political, not just "criminal"

Since 2015, there has been an offensive by the ruling class - which
began under the Dilma/Temer Government - in an attempt to consolidate a
reactionary political bloc, which would advance neoliberal
counter-reforms and prevent any minimally progressive or reformist
policies. This advance imposed on Rio de Janeiro, in 2017, a neoliberal
adjustment called "Fiscal Recovery Regime", which imposed harsh cuts in
social services, while at the same time, encouraging the increase in the
apparatus of state repression.

This reactionary and neoliberal bloc counts not only on extreme
right-wing political organizations, but on the uniformed party,
agribusiness, neo-Pentecostal leaders and the most reactionary sector of
the industrial bourgeoisie. The broad relationships and affinities
already proven between the Bolsonaro family (electoral representatives
of this bloc) and the militia demonstrate that they are part of the same
political group and integrate the same circle of relationships.

The militia apparatus, strongly embedded within state institutions, is
part of this broader neoliberal and reactionary offensive that
authorizes the assassination of left-wing leaders. It also organizes
political assassinations and pistol-whipping, such as that of the
political leader Nega Pataxó, murdered on January 21st of this year in
the context of the 'Zero Invasion' - an action organized by large Bahian
farmers. And the MST activist, José Roberto da Rocha, who was found on
March 24th, inside his charred car, in the Orlando Bernadino settlement,
in the municipality of Alhandra (state of Paraíba).

The Bolsonaro government armed these sectors, with the multiplication of
shooting clubs, weapons diverted to paramilitaries and the formation of
small agribusiness "militias". The militias also began to advance within
urban territories and gain more strength institutionally.

In Marielle's murder, we have, at least, four institutions involved
directly or indirectly in her murder: the civil police (Nivaldo
Barbosa), the military police (Ronnie Lessa), the Legislative Assembly
of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazão brothers) and the Armed Forces
(Braga Netto), which coordinated the intervention in Rio de Janeiro and
militarily supported the neoliberal adjustment.

Such a network demonstrates that the militias are not a parallel State,
but are part of the State itself and its institutions. Because, they act
politically through relationships and symbiosis with the uniformed party
(which includes the armed forces and police forces) and all the forces
mentioned above to advance their political and economic interests in the
country (mainly land grabbing and territorial domination). .

These relationships also create electoral corrals controlled by
militiamen who are "taken advantage of" by various political forces. The
election of Domingos Brazão as advisor to the Court of Auditors was
approved with 66 votes, 61 of which were in favor, including votes from
PT, PMDB, PR (current PL) and PP. Chiquinho Brazão was Eduardo Paes'
secretary, occupying the Community Action Secretariat. The Brazão family
continued to have influence in state governments in Rio de Janeiro,
including the Cláudio Castro government, a staunch ally of Bolsonaro.

Marielle's brutal murder is part of this offensive by the ruling class,
which began more clearly in 2015 and this offensive cannot be stopped by
the institutional system (corrupt to the core or complicit in these
actions) or by the elections. Either the left awakens from the
republican illusion, which believes that these forces will disappear in
the next elections, or we will pay a very high price, in terms of more
popular representatives and leaders being murdered by this reactionary
political bloc.

Only in a long-term construction of mass social movements, territorially
articulated, in the countryside and in the city, based on an
organizational process that uses varied forms and levels of struggle,
can we defeat this reactionary political bloc and its murderous tentacles. .

There are still many unanswered questions in the Marielle case, it is
the duty of social movements and the popular struggle to continue
pushing so that these political relations within the reactionary bloc
become more evident.

Marielle lives!

Libertarian Socialist Organization (OSL), March 27, 2024

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