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zaterdag 13 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FDCA, Cantier #24: Gaza, Palestine the war, women - Meri Calvelli - Head of ACS mission in Palestine. - Association of Cooperation and Solidarity (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Brief historical notes of the feminist struggle in Palestine ---- The
active participation of Palestinian women in political and social life
dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, during the period of
the British Mandate in Palestine. However, it is with the Nakba of 1948,
which marks the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the
Palestinian diaspora, that women begin to play increasingly visible
roles in resistance and support for their communities. ---- During the
1960s and 1970s, with the formation of the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO), women actively participated in the national
struggle, although their contributions were often marginalized in
dominant historical narratives . This period also saw the rise of the
first women's organizations that sought to specifically address women's
issues within the broader context of the national struggle.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, during the first and second intifadas,
Palestinian women assumed prominent roles, not only as active
participants in the resistance, but also as community leaders, human
rights activists, and advocates. of participation and peace initiatives.
This period also marked a growing awareness and mobilization around
gender issues, with the creation of further women's and feminist
organizations aimed at promoting women's rights with

a new generation capable of

represent yourself.

Social challenges and current context

And it is precisely the women of the new generation who, both in the
Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, have faced a series of challenges
linked both to the context of the conflict and to deeply rooted
patriarchal structures that include domestic violence, limitations in
access to education and at work, legal and social discrimination, and a
disproportionate impact of employment violence.

Organized in associations or individuals, they continued to fight,
becoming protagonists and participants, while addressing the internal
Palestinian divisions between Fatah and Hamas, different authorities and
division of political factions, as well as the restrictions imposed by
the Israeli occupation.

They have always remained active both in non-violent resistance and in
supporting victims of violence, in promoting education and the economic
empowerment of women.

The struggle of women in Palestine is therefore characterized by a
double dimension: that against the occupation and for national
self-determination, and that for women's rights and gender equality
within their own society.

These challenges demonstrate a strong and notable resilience.

"MARCH is women's month

but in Palestine the occupation limits this right"; the spring that
should bloom everywhere, March 8, which represents "International
Women's Day" in the world, would have been a global opportunity to
celebrate the progress made towards gender equality, as well as to draw
attention to the rights of women and the challenges they still face in
many parts of the world.

In Gaza, for example, the construction of a very important structure for
that territory was planned: THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S HOUSE, which would
have allowed the union and organization of all women's associations and
committees existing in that territory.

Rights, political, economic and social participation., local and
international organizations united to promote gender equality, offering
education programs, legal support and economic initiatives.

The horror of the war in Gaza

... But then the horror of the Gaza war also destroyed this passage
together with the difficulty of possible solutions; Palestine is facing
yet another war, a shocking new military attack, a new unprecedented
Nakba, even stronger and more powerful than the first "Nakba", the
"Catastrophe" that began in 1948, which led to the displacement of
750,000 Palestinians from one's own homes and one's own land and never
again resolved or finished. All

this is a source of profound pain and suffering for the people involved,
for the entire civilian population. Gaza is completely destroyed and
despite this war, it has now filled the news pages of newspapers and the
media for almost 5 months, with its character of unprecedented war, it
cannot give us the idea of what they can be and how they can be

carry out intense military operations, in the field, on homes and on the
population. Air attacks, ground fighting and bombings that resulted in
the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, including 8000 women
(femicides?) and children, many children (infanticides?).

Civil infrastructures, such as hospitals, schools and homes and
logistical and human livability infrastructures, water, electricity,
communication, roads etc... have been hit to the point of total
demolition, crumbled and made to disappear from the human mind and
memory. I challenge anyone to be able to recognize that territory.
(personally I knew that strip inside and out, after over 20 years of
living there; today I can't recognise, through the photos and videos
that reach us, even a corner of the pavement or road along the seafront. )

If we then move on to the humanitarian situation, the situation is
almost indescribable; already previously described as highly critical,
due to the imposed and perpetual blockade, prolonged beyond the
impossible, where, both Israel and Egypt, allowed nothing but
restrictions on movement, both for people and for things. A situation
that every "international organization" that arrived on site defined as
disastrous and unlivable.

Besieged for 16 years (occupied and sealed), everything that was built
inside was destroyed, the population once again displaced in makeshift
tents and with an uncertain and unaware future. Gaza, a place where
unfortunately only weapons speak and desperation takes the place of
reason and justice.

Now, after the Hamas attack on October 7, on Israel, which unlike Gaza
was suffering some attacks in the distance, as a response to the
unliveability, the situation has seriously worsened:

Limited access to basic necessities: Restrictions imposed on the
movement of people and goods into and out of the Gaza Strip have
seriously affected

limited access to private property

but necessities, including food, medicine and fuel.

- Health system under pressure: Gaza's health system is extremely
overloaded, with shortages of medicines, medical equipment and health
workers. The health infrastructures have been damaged or destroyed, the
few remaining hospitals are attacked daily, with the killing of the
hospitalized wounded and displaced people who have sought shelter around
the structures.

- Limited or no access to drinking water: Most of the water in Gaza is
polluted and undrinkable. The water crisis is exacerbated by damaged or
totally destroyed water infrastructure and limited access to the fuel
needed to operate desalination and water treatment stations.

- Energy crisis: frequent power cuts, with electricity available only
through solar panels where it is possible to install the system in
emergency for a few hours a day.

- Housing conditions: most of the 2 million and 300 thousand people no
longer have a home, if they are lucky, they only have makeshift tents
that can be brought in or built with wood and plastic. The population
has been living in overcrowded conditions in confined spaces for 5 months.

International humanitarian organizations continue to ask for unhindered
access to provide aid and support to the people of Gaza but the response
continues to be evaded and denied.

The IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE is the only and first step that must be imposed
by the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY and respected by the parties to stop the
loss of human lives and allow the entry of humanitarian aid.


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