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zondag 14 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, FOB: 60 years of a Dictatorship that has not ended (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Six decades have passed since the coup that established the military
corporate dictatorship in Brazil in 1964. Its beginning can be marked
between March 31st and April 1st, but its end in 1985 does not imply
that we live in a democracy for the people . The military did not leave
power, on the contrary, they became even more entrenched within this
regime where democracy only exists for a powerful minority, while the
exploited majority still experiences torture and killing in their daily
lives. ---- Lula and the Military: Accomplices in the same misfortune
---- President Lula with military commanders Marcos Olsen, Tomás Paiva,
Marcelo Damasceno, as well as the Minister of Defense, José Múcio.
Photo: Ricardo Stuckert.
At the beginning of March this year, President Lula ordered the
cancellation of an entire program of the Ministry of Human Rights in
memory of the 60th anniversary of the military coup and said that he is
not interested in dwelling on the past, that the important thing is to
move Brazil forward. . This omission by Lula echoes the stance of his
minister André Singer, who in 2004 made the same statement during the
Lula 1st government.

Therefore, a statement like this should not surprise us. It is
consistent with the policy that Lula has pursued since the beginning of
his journey. In fact, his 3rd term goes hand in hand with the military.
The choice of José Múcio to be his Minister of Defense was praised by
Hamilton Mourão (REPUBLICANS), who celebrates the 1964 coup as a
salvation for the nation and also denies the reports of those tortured.
Bolsonaro (PL), of whom Mourão was vice-president during the
presidential term, has already declared his passion for the minister
appointed by Lula.

It is through José Múcio that many of Lula's complicities with the
military are established. Be it the renaming and promotion of military
personnel, allocation of 5.6 billion to the Ministry of Defense and
Armed Forces in the 2024 budget, or maintaining them as interveners in
the State's actions towards the Yanomami people, which continued with an
increase in deaths in 2023. Not least, Despite its actions, the Lula
Government continues to have commercial and military relations with the
Israeli government, providing million-dollar contracts for the sale of
Brazilian Air Force Drones for the genocide of the Palestinian people.

It is also undeniable that the military today promotes the
militarization of the entire society. We have this with the military
police's repression of poor communities and favelas, driven by the
approval of the PM's Organic Law in the Lula 3 government.
Civic-military schools are used as a magic formula to guarantee order
within this system of death. Although discontinued by federal power,
many state governments maintain proposals for the development of these
schools, such as the government of the State of Santa Catarina.

In this sense, it is necessary to repudiate any political coup by the
military, but we must also have no commitment to this democracy that
bathes the people in blood and delivers gold to the powerful in this
country and to the imperialists.

To those who fell with rifles, we owe a lifetime of fighting!

National Liberation Action (ALN) poster.
Marginalized by the right and erased by the left, the group of workers
who joined the armed struggle against the military dictatorship should
not be treated as two sides of the same coin with the military
torturers. In fact, even with possible questions about their strategy,
these guerrillas were on the side of the workers, defending the
overcoming of this capitalist system of exploitation.

In this sense, it is the role of today's fighters to defend the memory
of those who fell in the armed struggle against the Brazilian military
dictatorship. The illusion of seeing this without connection to the
present, led the left to understand that the fight for liberation takes
place at the polls of this cachectic democracy, something that makes the
people just run in circles. The present time, however, does not call for
the development of a guerrilla focus, but rather the development of a
revolutionary syndicalist federation that can mobilize the people in
their places of study, work and housing and organize their self-defense
to create a new world in the shell of the old outside the State.

Massacre of students, workers and peasants
The idea that the military dictatorship only persecuted and tortured
militants who fought for the armed resistance is equally erroneous.
Peasants, for example, were the first to be repressed by the military
coup. The peasant leagues had a very strong insertion in rural areas and
were advancing in the self-defense of the class, but they were
surrounded by the military right from the beginning, without general
support from the city, the main leaders were tortured and murdered.

According to Gilney Viana, researcher at UNB, former member of Ação
Libertadora Nacional (ALN), 1,654 deaths and disappearances of peasants
can be counted during the Brazilian military dictatorship until 1988.
The political persecution of peasants, together with the military's
alliance with the field colonels, provoked a series of violence that we
will never have the full extent of due to the erasures.

Krenak indigenous people in a concentration camp, in Minas Gerais,
established by the military during the dictatorship. National Archives.
There were more than 8,350 deaths of indigenous people caused by the
Brazilian military dictatorship, according to the final text of the
National Truth Commission (Vol. 2). People like the Krenak had immense
lands stolen by the military because of their developmental project, in
addition to the creation of prisons called reformatories where the
indigenous people went through hell on earth.

The workers, having their class organizations criminalized, suffered
absurdly in the workplace from the tyranny of bosses and military
governments. In the construction of the Itaipu Plant alone, from 1978 to
1984, there were more than 100 deaths from work accidents and more than
40 thousand accidents on construction sites in total.

Students burning the flag of the United States on Bloody Friday, Rio de
Janeiro, June 21, 1968. Photography by Evandro Teixeira, Colorized by
artificial intelligence.
Students, like Ísis Dias, were a great force in armed resistance during
the dictatorship. Mobilizing own fronts in the study locations to
confront the military. His boldness avenged deaths such as that of Edson
Luiz, a high school student murdered on March 28, 1968 in Rio de
Janeiro. Currently, RECC (Rede Estudantil Classista e Combativa),
federated to FOB, keeps the memory of Edson Luiz's martyrdom alive every
year, making this date the day of classist and combative students.

Turning the memory of the military dictatorship into gasoline for the
struggles of the present
The past does not serve us to dwell on, but rather to connect us with
those who fell on the paths of struggle. It is the people's duty to take
care of their memory, as governments and employers will do everything to
erase and distort the marks of resistance. That in these 60 years of the
military business coup we can deepen our commitment to overcoming this
system that exploits and oppresses. In strengthening the organization of
the people, their self-defense and their sovereignty against those who
want to sell fantasized illusions of freedom.


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