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zondag 14 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMAN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: On the streets for the feminist revolution - action report from March 8, 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

March 8th is over. Across Germany, women, lesbians, inter, trans,
non-binary, agender people (FLINTA*s) and their allies took to the
streets on the feminist day of struggle to demonstrate for overcoming
the patriarchy. In most cities, the mobilization was led by local
feminist collectives or alliances. Anti-capitalist and revolutionary
positions were clearly visible and audible in many places. ---- We as an
organization have also taken part in or helped organize mobilizations
nationwide. In more cities than in previous years, our local groups were
able to appear in an organized manner and represent our points of view
to the outside world. We also published a joint statement for the first
time with the comrades from Perspective Self-Administration. A sign of
the increasingly strengthening connection between the two organizations.
Short reports from the individual cities follow.

This year, as a local group, we took part in a demonstration called for
by trade unions and civil coalitions. In addition to flags and a larger
banner, we also had a bunch of double-sided flyers with a short
statement and slogans. The flyers were practically ripped out of our
hands. The slogans met with a lot of approval and were then chanted
together. The demo ended near a rally by an alliance of left-wing
radical groups, in which we also took part. In total, an estimated 3,500
people were on the streets in Leipzig that day.

In the capital, together with other anarchists and the feminist
collective Azadi Berlin, we took part in a demonstration under the motto
"Feminism unlimited". Around 5,000 people followed the call. Our banner
read: "Against the state and capital - feminism everywhere!". On March
9th we also gave the platform's anarcha-feminism lecture as part of our
monthly cafe on line 206.

This year, the Hamburg Alliance called for an international March 8
strike under the motto "Unite fights against austerity policies, wars
and right-wing ideology". Thousands of FLINTA*s with and without
disabilities as well as cis men in solidarity gathered at Hamburg's town
hall market and marched through the city center with a powerful
demonstration. In addition to musical contributions, performances and
dance gave the gathering a lively, resistant expression. We from the
Hamburg local group were on the streets for a combative March 8th and
took part with printed out demo slogans and song lyrics.

This year, as the Ruhr local group, we joined the demonstration for
Feminist Day of Fight in Bochum. Around 4,000 people marched from the
main train station under the motto: "Show your teeth, stand your
ground!" to the theater. We took part with a banner that denounced lousy
wages, measly pensions and male violence as symptoms of patriarchy and
capitalism. The demonstration was embedded in a broader campaign, the
Feminist Action Weeks, for which events are taking place throughout March.

In the early evening of March 8th, around 5,000 people gathered in the
shadow of Cologne Cathedral for a feminist demonstration. The call was
made by an alliance of various feminist and revolutionary groups, in
which we also took part. In the first speech of the evening, two
comrades from our local group vented their anger about the patriarchal
conditions. They clearly showed the perspective we are fighting for:
down with patriarchy, state and capital. For a good, free life for all
people! At the demo itself we were represented with flags and a banner.

This year's March 8th in Siegen took place as part of the feminist
action weeks, which included a total of eleven workshops, concerts,
lectures, discussions and more. A discussion on anarcha-feminism
organized by FAU, a reading of children's books and a workshop on
feminism and climate stood out. The demo on the feminist day of struggle
itself, in which we from the initiative to build a local platform group
took part, was unfortunately only moderately well attended with 100 people.

We have been working as a local group with the Trier Feminist Network
for several years. This organized a demonstration again in 2024 for the
feminist day of struggle. Under the motto "Against bullies and fascists
- Fight the Power! Fight the System!" 450 people marched from the Porta
Nigra to the cattle market. In addition to the friends of the Kurdish
and Iranian communities, we were also represented again this year with a
speech. The demonstration sent a militant message in purple smoke and
ended with an exuberant collective Kurdish folk dance.

In the coming months and years we want to further deepen our
anti-patriarchal approach in theory and practice. Do you share our
perspective of anarchist feminism and want to fight for it together?
Then join us! Write a direct message or email to your nearest local
group or to the federation.

Resistance and organization - for the feminist revolution!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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