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zondag 7 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, AFED: Report from the Okraj - from the participation of the AF group from Olomouc at the book fair/zinefest Okraj #001 in Orlová (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Saturday, March 16, 2024, the AF-Olomouc membership took part in the

zinfest and book fair Okraj #001 in Orlov's Futra club. Various events
are organized in its cozy premises - theatrical performances, concerts
or exhibitions, and the program of this event reflected the great
usability of the club. The start was already at 10 o'clock, but the
membership of the Anarchist Federation did not arrive until around
eleven due to problematic train connections. We were warmly welcomed,
regardless of whether we came through the front or back entrance, we
placed a black and red flag on the table and then a distro with our
publishing house's publications on it.

The greatest interest was in the booklet The Spanish Idea of Freedom,
which we published in October 2016. Other individual titles purchased by
visitors to the bookfair include Notes of an Anti-Globalist, Sabaté,
A-song, History of Anarchism in the Caucasus, and Anarchism in Palestine
and Israel. There was also interest in Kropotkin's Existence from 2021
and the no longer available Anarchix - an Anarchist comic from the
depths of the 90s, the only piece of which we brought to Okraj was
promptly the first to disappear. The sale was a success, we made some
money, and although we'd rather see a world without money, it's always
nice to know that there will be something to print new publications for.
At the end of the day, we couldn't find the jar with contributions for
printed materials for a few minutes, but eventually it showed up again.

In addition to the Anarchist Federation Publishing House, the publishing
houses Nevim, Utopia Libri, Neklid, Risko and Centrala also offered
their publications at the book fair. Of course, the Fringe program did
not consist only of selling (not only anarchist) publications. The
visitors were treated to the reading of children's fairy tales from the
book about the dog spy Mia by Jan Dvorák and Jana Macecková. Jakub
Urbanec, author of the collection Z pírka básní, presented several of
his poems. Mir Michela's lecture on the archive of zines from various
Czech and Slovak subcultures, especially the punk subculture, was also
very interesting - his collection also includes punk posters for
concerts from the early 1990s in Slovakia, which today are often the
only proof that those concerts when they played We were also present at
the presentation of the book Holidays by Tomásh Stanek. We didn't make
it to the evening concert, which was certainly successful, because we
had a long journey from Orlová to Olomouc with four transfers.

We would like to thank the team of the Futra club for the hot
refreshments in the form of spicy vegan goulash, which they arranged for
us free of charge, and in general for the opportunity to present our
publishing house's publications during this event. It was very pleasant
to spend a day in Futra and we hope to return there again!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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