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zondag 7 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: São Paulo municipal employees go on strike. All our solidarity! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

São Paulo's municipal public service is experiencing a calamity.
Devaluation of wages, terrible working conditions, as well as the
retreat of the struggle of the various categories and sectors that make
up the city, show the face of Ricardo Nunes's (MDB) city hall, in line
with governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans). ---- On March 8, 2024,
Education professionals from the city of São Paulo, around the
Coordination of Specific Union Entities for Municipal Education (Coeduc)
(integrating Sinpeem, Sedin and Sinesp, unions specific to municipal
public education) declared a strike, scheduling meetings for the 13th
and 19th of the same month. Days later, municipal employees, gathered
through the Forum of Trade Union Entities (which brings together
Aprofem, Sindsep, Simesp and others) also declared a strike. The main
demand is wage appreciation and an end to abusive pension confiscation,
but issues of working conditions are also on the agenda.

The mobilization of workers faces a difficulty: the split established
between the Forum of Entities (which brings together municipal civil
service unions as a whole) and the Unions that formed Coeduc (a
bureaucratic alliance, not discussed with the category as a whole) . The
dispute (evident since at least 2021) is mainly between the management
of Sinpeem - led by Cláudio Fonseca for 37 years - and Sindsep, the
general civil service union. The split has made it difficult for a deep
alliance between the different sectors of municipal officials to pursue
objectives and outline common strategies.

The institutional left, in turn, does not have the strength, either to
deal with the attacks from the right-wing and far-right sectors in
power, or to break down the union bureaucracy of such entities,
mobilizing workers. However, even with several defeats traced by such
bureaucratism and even the categories retreated due to the electoral
agenda during these years - without facing the Bolsonarist and extreme
right phenomenon head on - it is possible to visualize the will and
willingness to fight of sectors of the categories active in the bases.

On the 14th, Mayor Ricardo Nunes, when visiting a UPA in São Miguel
Paulista, east zone of São Paulo, for a pre-campaign event, found
employees who were on strike. His entourage reacted aggressively,
expelling the protesters.

In the Education sector, several schools were completely or partially
paralyzed, and strike commands were activated, often through
self-organization and direct action, building a struggle beyond
bureaucracies, and constituting a grassroots and combative unionism. ,
as a tradition of the struggle of this category in several other
campaigns, strikes and acts.

The bourgeois and hegmonic media sell that the mobilization would be "a
political strike" and that it would "disrupt the population". In an
authoritarian manner, the mayor submitted a Bill to the Chamber that
would increase only around 2.16% in civil servants' salaries, and only
3.62% in the form of a supplementary bonus. A lack of respect not only
for workers, but for the general population who depend on this service.
It is worth remembering that, in 2022, Ricardo Nunes had a 46% increase
in his salary. The city hall currently has more than R$34 billion in
cash; offering crumbs to workers and blackmailing with subsidy policy
(which destroys the career plan built in decades of struggle),
therefore, is a political option of a privatizing and neoliberal
government. Nunes, in fact, was recently exposed due to the fact that
most contracts for emergency works without bidding have signs of price
combination between competing companies.

The Libertarian Socalist Organization (OSL), which operates in the
education sector building the Independent, Classist and Combative Unity
front, in addition to acting in strike commands and as union
representatives in various school units, supports and builds this
grassroots and combative, despite the great difficulties imposed.

We call everyone to the event on 19/03, at 12pm, in front of City Hall
and, afterwards, to participate in the walk towards the Municipal
Chamber of São Paulo.

Without trust in union bureaucracies or institutional political
struggle, we trust in the social strength of workers who are mobilized,
organized and combative in defense of labor rights and essential public
services for the entire population. The debate between privatization
versus nationalization (in a bourgeois or bureaucratic state), we defend
the takeover of these public services by the working class!

We believe in the resumption of combative unionism, as a mass instrument
used for social transformation against the State and Capital, which is
guided not by bureaucrats and professional politicians, but by the
interests and methods of workers.

For combative unionism! For a dignified life and public services guided
by the working class and the oppressed!

Libertarian Socialist Organization

March 16, 2024.

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