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zondag 7 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - journal news UPDATE - (en) France, UCL leaflet: Faced with racism and fascism: popular resistance (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Gérald Darmanin said it: his immigration law is "the firmest with the
toughest means of the last thirty years". And before the Senate he set
the stakes: it is a question of knowing in what society we want to live.
---- Our answer is clear: we do not want to live in a racist, security
and anti-social society! ---- Rights of foreigners in France: a critical
situation ---- For several years, the French state, with Macron in the
lead, has taken the path of repression of social movements, of the
destruction of hard-won social gains through the struggle with the
destruction of our pension system, our social security, our agriculture,
our national education. But it also takes a very particular path on the
question of racism, with a passage of a certain number of racist laws:
20 years ago the law on the veil in high school, then the numerous
immigration laws which followed one another with three last laws and
measures discriminating against an entire part of the population on
racist grounds: the separatist law, the decree banning the Abaya or the
famous Darmanin Law.

These measures have concrete consequences, we see that clearly. Foreign
minors are more than ever abandoned by Child Welfare and find themselves
on the street, housing rights collectives are criminalized in particular
with the recent Kasbarian Law, Administrative Retention Centers , real
prisons for foreigners continue to be built with ever more flagrant
violence and contempt for the law, young people from working-class
neighborhoods continue to be executed by the police, imams are expelled,
"Muslims", with or without papers and French or foreigners are made
scapegoats, against the backdrop of the omnipresent theory of the "Great
Replacement" directly fueling far-right terrorism.

PDF leaflet to download
Against systemic racism in France: we must act now!
In all of this, businesses benefit: precarious labor is inexpensive and
the legal production of undocumented immigrants has never been so
strong. We fully support the strikes and legitimate struggles of
undocumented workers.

The colonial and imperialist policy of the State does not decline:
Mayotte is a battlefield for French police officers, as well as for the
repression and treatment of "overseas territories".

It is urgent to build a strong anti-racist and anti-imperialist front,
at a time when Macron is doing Le Pen. Because the real separatists are
at the Elysée:

For the regularization of all undocumented immigrants
For the repeal of the Darmanin law
For the closure of Retention Centers
For respect for the right to asylum, State Medical Aid, housing, work
and a dignified life for all
For real resources for the ASE
For real measures against racist discrimination in access to work and
Against arbitrary expulsions and against loss of nationality
Against fascism and the racist policies that pave the way for it
Against the colonial and imperialist policy of the French state
Against police violence
Against state Islamophobia and the control of women's bodies through
laws against the veil

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