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dinsdag 9 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #347 - International, Geopolitics: Sweden enters NATO and gives in to Turkish blackmail (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Turkish state had until now blocked Sweden's accession to NATO with,

among the main reasons, that of harboring Kurdish "terrorists". Sweden
having given in to Turkish demands, the veto was lifted last month, and
concern is spreading among the country's Kurdish community. Twenty
months after Sweden's request for membership, Erdogan's decision ends a
tense diplomatic situation, leaving Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor
Orban the final decision-maker on Sweden's presence in NATO. It also
represents one more step in the current hawkish escalation.
The Kurds of Sweden say: this diplomatic "success" is detrimental to
them. They now feel in the sights of Swedish repression, like the
situation in Germany or France[1], as well as other European countries
whose doctrine regarding the repression of activists Kurds are evolving
in favor of the expectations of the Turkish state. "I have never gone
through a more difficult time than today in Sweden. The Kurds suffered
here. I suffered too. A lot of people need help," says Kurdo Baksi, a
Swedish-Kurdish author. The Kurdish community (from Turkey, Syria, Iraq
or Iran) is very large in Sweden, numbering more than 100,000 people.

"Political mobilization of Kurds in Sweden has been high in recent
years, giving more prominence to PKK-linked associations," says Paul
Levini, director of the Institute of Turkish Studies at Stockholm
University. "Although the PKK has been classified as a terrorist
organization since the 1980s in Sweden, the authorities have been more
tolerant towards it than in other European countries. " So far.

Erdogan has accused historically neutral Sweden of harboring members of
the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), despite becoming the first country
after Turkey to label the PKK a terrorist group. A designation later
approved by the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United
States. The Turkish president is exercising his right to veto entry into
NATO on this accusation.

Sweden bends over backwards to satisfy Erdogan
To convince Erdogan, responding to pressure from its European partners
and promoting his political agenda, Sweden went so far as to reform its
Constitution and adopt a new anti-terrorism law. The Swedish authorities
are now stepping up surveillance of Kurds living in Sweden, subjecting
asylum requests to investigations by Säpo, the security police, and
closing the bank accounts of Kurdish charities. The residence permits of
dozens of people were also reportedly revoked. Another striking example:
immediately after Turkey gave its approval to Sweden's presence in NATO,
the public channel Sveriges Radio announced that it would close its
Kurdish editorial staff on April 1.

Although the channel mentions financial issues, many people are
convinced that this is a move aimed at appeasing Turkey. Also note the
closure of the Kurdish Red Crescent in Sweden. Several asylum seekers,
after having been imprisoned or detained in Turkey, are accused of being
associated with the PKK and wait in vain for their requests to be
studied. This situation is reminiscent of the aftermath of the
assassination of Olof Palme, former Swedish prime minister, in 1986. The
PKK was then wrongly accused (investigation closed in 2020 following the
death of the main suspect).

Former Swedish MP Amineh Kakabaveh, of Kurdish-Iranian origin,
previously under police protection following death threats, says she is
troubled by Stockholm's change of heart: "Many Swedish Kurds are afraid
to speak openly about the current situation. In Sweden we always talk
about values, human rights, the safety of immigrants or asylum seekers,
but now they are no longer safe." In 2022, she was described by Ankara's
ambassador to Sweden as "a person likely to be extradited to Turkey".

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and U.S. Secretary of State
Antony Blinken during the NATO ratification ceremony at the State
Department in Washington, D.C., March 7, 2024
U.S. Department of State
F-16s that weigh in the balance
Another demand from Erdogan in exchange for his green light: the
simultaneous approval by the American Congress of the sale of F-16
fighter planes to Turkey. Previously, Turkey was excluded from the US
military aviation program for F-35 fighter jets because it purchased its
S-400 air defense system from Russia. For its part, the American
Congress, worried about the postures of the Turkish president,
particularly against Israel, had requested the green light from Sweden
in NATO as a prerequisite, before providing these planes. A fool's game.

As Turkey prepares to sign the membership ratification, the last act
before Sweden's entry into NATO is now being played out in Hungary.
Hungary has given Sweden its support in principle, but is dragging its
feet. In 2022, the Hungarian government submitted Sweden's membership
ratification to Parliament but the final vote was repeatedly delayed.
Several voices denounce a new strategy of blackmail by Viktor Orbán to
obtain concessions from the EU, others a sign of his proximity to
Russian President Vladimir Putin. In addition, Budapest has taken a
negative view of Stockholm's criticism of its retreat from the EU's
democratic principles.

Block the war machine
Eager to form a united front against Moscow, Western imperialisms
welcome this step. It is also a big military strategic advantage for
them. Not to mention Sweden's advanced defense industry and considerable
air fleet, Russia's Baltic Fleet port in the Kaliningrad enclave will
soon be surrounded by countries that all belong to the alliance...

Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, discuss possible war with Russia. Grant
Shapps, British Defense Minister, speaks of the transition "from a
post-war world to a pre-war world". The Swedish government, allied to
the far right, does not hide the fact that it seriously considers the
possibility of a war on its soil, considering that the Russia-Ukraine
conflict is "only a stage" and is prepare for it. The political rupture
that the country is going through echoes the end of its two-century-old

This is all the more a very worrying signal of Turkish influence and the
desire of the powers involved to maintain a situation of extreme
tension. Let us hope that the Russian army will break its teeth on
Ukraine, putting an end to this dangerous escalation, and that the
mobilizations in favor of the Kurds and other peoples oppressed by the
wars waged by the capitalist states will bear fruit. Let us block the
war machine by all possible means and rebuild social and class resistance.

Wanted (UCL Grenoble)

To validate

[1]"Kurdish movement: Repression does not weaken", Libertarian
Alternative n° 346, January 2024.

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