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dinsdag 9 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SLOVENIA - online news UPDATE - (en) Slovenia, Ljubljana, [A]Infoshop: We are joining in calling for a protest rally No NATO, give us peace! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

on Thursday, March 28, at 5 p.m., in Ljubljana, on the square of the
French Revolution. ---- LET'S STOP THE DEATH MACHINE! ---- The 20th
anniversary of Slovenia's entry into the NATO pact will take place in
the same way as its entry took place. The ruling classes and their
helpers (read: the implementers of their policies) will toast with
champagne in elite locations, smile for the cameras and count the
profits under the table, while the people will protest in the streets
against this nonchalance, hypocrisy, sea and devastation brought by
their policies. And count our victims of their wars.
We have nothing to celebrate. NATO remains the representative and
military wing of the regime of capitalist domination, which is based on
colonialism, subjugation and oppression of the majority part of the
world. The genocide in Palestine, which claimed 40 thousand human lives
in recent months alone, is only its most obvious expression. Even in the
member states of the NATO pact, this regime is expressed through the
growing gap between the rich elite and the poor majority, the
exploitation of working people, the subjugation of all life to the
interests of capital and the destruction of the planet.

In the context of war propaganda and global confusion, we must remain
collected and precise both in our analyzes and appeals and in our
activities and protests. It is necessary to reject all expressions of
vilified "anti-imperialism", which builds an alternative to Western
imperialism through support for other imperialisms. Washington and
Moscow are two centers of capitalist domination, and their policies are
two sides of the same coin. They are based on the same drive for
domination, profit and subjugation and as such are against the interests
of people all over the world.

Twenty years ago, a broad social movement raised its voice against both
the NATO pact and Slovenian participation in it. The reasons remain the
same today: as long as society is organized around ensuring military
dominance over the entire world, until then there will be oppression.

But there will also be popular resistance against it. Let's be part of
this resistance.

We join the statement For peace and solidarity, stand up for its demands
and call for a protest rally No NATO, give us peace on March 28 in

Against all nationalism and imperialism!
Solidarity with the victims of wars!
Stop the genocide in Gaza!

*Ljubljana anarchist initiative
*black cats
*Federation for Anarchist Organizing
*Urban cooperative
*Anarchist Front of Posavje

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