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woensdag 10 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #338: - Where is the fight against the cruise industry? (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Last spring, the Sémaphore collective organized an action at the port of
Douarnenez to denounce the arrival of the cruise industry in the Penn
Sardin city. In Marseille, a few months earlier, the Stop Croisière
collective led a media action on the water in order to block access to
the port for a few hours for the largest liner in the world, the Wonder
of the Seas, which has since been surpassed in size and size. excess by
the Icon of the Seas. Elsewhere still, in Le Havre, in Cherbourg, in
Lorient, in La Ciotat, in Ajaccio, collectives are being created to
denounce the overall impact of this industry on our lives. On the eve of
a new tourist season, let's try to take stock of the state of this
growing mobilization. Are we going to experience a warm spring on the
coasts in this area?

In 2023, CLIA (Cruise Line International Association) estimated growth
in the number of passengers at 6% compared to 2019 (last "normal" year
before COVID) and expected a value close to 33% by 2027 Suffice it to
say that the industry is doing well. If luxury cruising on small units
(200-300 seats) remains a leisure activity for the upper middle class,
the cruise industry has adapted to the market to now reach all age
groups, all budgets and even families. Companies are adapting and the
average age of customers is decreasing. Activities on board are also
diversifying, and are no longer labeled as "retiree activities". On the
latest products from the Royal Caribbean International company, you can
now surf on an artificial wave or climb a 17-meter climbing wall, all
while passing from stopover port to stopover port, sometimes even
without disembarking.
Furthermore, the race for excess continues, and shipyards are adapting.
To take just the example of Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire,
a historic flagship of the French naval industry, the order book by 2038
is full. Out of 15 ship projects on order, 11 are cruise ships, not to
mention floating buildings (the rest are for the army...).
In this regard, in an article published in December 2023 on the website
statista.com, a site specializing in the analysis of economic data at a
global level, the author indicates that "Despite this renewed
popularity, the cruise industry is regularly singled out for its impact
on the environment and on the cities of stopover.» (1)

Once underway, these ships, whatever their size, must sell leisure,
dreams. That's their business. If the companies use numerous subterfuges
to attract cruise passengers on board, the main leisure sold by the
companies remains the choice of destination. The slogan of the Ponant
company is also categorical "Access by sea to the treasures of the
Earth". The dream is there... To speak only of Europe, Barcelona and
Venice have been two popular destinations for a long time, and the
damage inherent to the passage of boats is starting to be all too
visible. We have to drown the fish a little (and pollute it...) and here
too the companies are adapting and looking more and more for new
destinations. The luxury subsidiaries of these multinationals seek to
open other markets by accessing, with their small units, "off the beaten
track" destinations. An adventurer's cruise dressed as Hermès...

Added to this, local elected officials and port authorities often roll
out the red carpet for companies, under the eternal fallacious pretext
of benefits for the local economy. The inhabitants of the affected
localities, for their part, no longer have any choice but to adapt, and
above all not to complain. Between atmospheric, visual and noise
pollution, to which we add the social impacts inherent to any tourism
industry, local populations nevertheless have many reasons not to shut down.

During the current slack period, different groups have initiated actions
here and there, in order to show the deep disagreements that exist
towards cruise development policies, and this on the different maritime
facades, while the actions have been carried out until now mainly in
high season. This aperiodic novelty is notable and shows, although it
still needs to be proven, the desire not to let these nuisances take
hold. And this obviously bodes well for good things to come for sunny
days and first stops. If the Breton collectives are not decided to let
go of the positive dynamic of 2023 in terms of disruptions to tourist
stopovers, the Normans for their part have strongly mobilized this
winter against the electrification of the quays in Le Havre.

Meanwhile, in the Mediterranean, collectives continue to work to make
the fight more visible and create links with other cities affected by
this scourge in the Mediterranean basin. A coalition of collectives has
even been created on a European scale in order to try to coordinate
joint actions and avoid the isolation of smaller collectives in their
respective ports. Links have also been created with American collectives
mainly to inform and support each other on both sides of the Atlantic.

As always when we attack the very heart of capitalism, we must recognize
that our chances of winning are slim. But in the fight against the
cruise industry, despite the excess of the opposite camp, the activists
can nevertheless have a not insignificant impact for measured
risk-taking. Media actions in Finistère, Marseille and Barcelona in
recent years have clearly demonstrated this. There are in fact a
thousand and one ways to hinder a good stopover on a cruise ship,
whether at sea, in ports, or even on land by disrupting excursions and
blocking the roads used by coaches.
Any action aimed at breaking the dream image sold by companies to their
customers is a small victory. A customer who is dissatisfied during his
vacation is a customer who, we hope, will be reluctant to return,
regardless of the cruise line's social class.
However, to measure our joy a little, we frequently see on the side of
public opinion, as on the side of certain anti-cruise activists, that
environmental and public health questions are often the central points
of the criticism made to the industry of the sector. Actions are often
organized by so-called "eco" movements or collectives.

Social and political criticism is often secondary, the environmental
issue being much more media-oriented and concrete in the eyes of a good
number of activists. It is also not uncommon to see members of EELV,
Alternatiba or other reformist organizations getting involved in the
organization of these collectives, bringing with them economic means and
very, not to say too much, framed... Which does not bode well in the
perspective of victory against capitalism and cruises! If the
environmental issue is obviously essential in this fight, it
nevertheless seems utopian to undermine this industry by focusing only
on this aspect. There is no point in repeating that capitalism has no
use for the environment and will always find one way or another to adapt
and make money off our backs, even if it means we don't know. what
ecological transition of cruising. Green capitalism remains capitalism,
which must therefore be destroyed. A utopian green cruise exploits
workers and their environment just as much... Bringing such an industry
to its knees requires above all a global critique of it on class
dimensions. Likewise, direct actions carried out on the ground must be
against its economy, and not for publicity purposes.

Despite these few criticisms of this mobilization currently under
construction, it is very pleasing to see the mayonnaise take hold. We
will see in the coming months if this struggle takes on a new dimension.
And of course, we all hope that the actions on the ground to come will
make shipowners and industrialists waver a little, so that they think
twice about the future before ordering the construction of a ship
costing more than a billion dollars.(2).

Arturo, Marseille, February 2024

1. https://fr.statista.com/themes/3644...
2. https://sbcnews.fr/combien-coute-un...

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