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woensdag 10 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: USB - THE DEAD ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]..

Three years ago the death of Fodie, a young agricultural worker, gave
rise to numerous initiatives, demonstrations, debates, assemblies in the
square with very specific demands which we have submitted to the local
administrations. ---- Fodie died while, like every morning at dawn, he
was going to work on his bike on a farm in the area between Vittoria and
Acate. A car hit him, leaving him to die on the side of the road. ----
Fodie left his wife and two children in Mali. Naturally he worked
illegally, for 35 euros a day, from 7 in the morning to the evening, the
normality of work in the fields in the transformed area.

In these 3 years we have witnessed other dead workers, other accidents
at work and workers abandoned in front of the emergency room, workers
abandoned in farmhouses lost in the middle of the countryside. We have
also witnessed workers disappearing into thin air, as happened in Douda.

Until the present day, when a young Senegalese worker died, his name was

He too, like Fodie, was going to work in the countryside at dawn with
his bike. The poor visibility and the absence of lighting were fatal, a
rush to the emergency room wasn't enough.

These episodes have been repeating themselves for years and the
so-called Italian civil society has become totally accustomed to these
events, while the only ones who never get used to them are the migrant
workers who knew and shared the same pains, the same exploitation of
Boubacar's Fodie di Daouda.

Exploitation is the factor that these workers have in common. An
exploitation of man by man which in the transformed segment becomes
particularly inhuman. Thousands of women and men employed in greenhouse
work, without rights, exploited, both at work and beyond, and forced to
live in the worst housing conditions. Isolated from the city context and
unable to carry out any form of integration.

Second-class deaths that do not concern politics, institutions, most
trade unions, so-called civil society. Invisible, for those who pretend
not to see, which support our economy and our "agricultural
entrepreneurial class". Agricultural entrepreneurs who manage to remain
on the market only thanks to exploitation, lowering wage costs and
illicitly disposing of the waste produced. In this context, large-scale
organized distribution dictates the law, free to aim downwards on the
purchase of agricultural products. A game of massacre that inevitably
hits the weakest link in the chain hardest: the workers.

After these deaths, these disappearances, these accidents at work, the
migrant workers, who have demonstrated on several occasions that they
are able to react and organize the protest, are now experiencing a phase
of decline, of discouragement and fear, of disillusionment because
nothing changes.

Our small union, together with the C.U.B. and some political groups have
long since begun a real battle on these issues, day after day,
demonstration after demonstration, while the confederal unions think
almost exclusively about how to maintain their bureaucratic apparatus
through procedures paid for by migrants and the political class is busy
to defend agricultural entrepreneurs and to exploit their requests.

U.S.B. Social Federation Ragusa

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