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vrijdag 12 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY BERLIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Youth, gather your multitudes! Off to the youth congress in Berlin from March 28th to 30th! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

From March 28th to 30th, the Autonomous Student Syndicate Berlin
invites you to an anarcho-syndicalist youth congress. After several
years, there is finally an opportunity for young comrades to come
together and discuss. ---- A youth delegation from the platform will
also be there on March 29th and 30th. You will find us at our stand on
these days. We would be happy if you come by, take brochures and
stickers with you and talk to us. ---- On March 29th, when the congress
will be open to the general public, we will also give our lecture on
anarcha-feminism at 11 a.m. As with the many other exciting events, we
look forward to lively discussions here.

You can find all information about the congress from the organizers on
Instagram at @ass.berlin.

For a fighting & organized libertarian youth!

Published on26. March 2024
CategoriesGermany, Federation, Event
KeywordsAnarcho-syndicalism, youth, youth congress, syndicalism
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Youth Congress in Berlin: Lecture and discussion on anarcha-feminism

On the public day of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Youth Congress of the
Autonomous Student Syndicate Berlin, we will give a lecture about
anarcha-feminism and the search for a revolutionary feminist practice.

We work out what patriarchy actually is, how it is related to other
power relations, how different feminist movements want to overcome it
and what anarcha-feminist theory and practice can look like. Afterwards
we want to exchange ideas and discuss it with you. So come and see us
and the many other exciting events.

We look forward to seeing you!

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