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vrijdag 12 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Ponte de La Chisolfe / FAI: 6 April 2024 MOBILIZATION for the closure of all CPRs (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The legalized torture of state concentration camps is now an undeniable
certainty documented by hundreds of photos, videos, dossiers and
testimonies, which have also reached the courtrooms, revealing the shame
that has been kept hidden until now. ---- The truth of over 25 years of
abuse, violence and oppression behind the bars of places of
administrative detention to the detriment of people who, in hidden cages
in our cities, are deprived of personal freedom not for a crime, but for
a administrative offense that they cannot help but commit: that of not
possessing a residence permit which the law does not actually allow them
to have.

This hateful example of institutional racism (there is no administrative
detention for an Italian citizen) is the tail end of the same monster
who rests his head and bloody hands on the borders of Fortress Europe,
at the entrance to which our country carries out his infamous task as a
trusty watchdog.

Among its bitterest fruits:

* the memorandum signed by Minniti which, extended, still finances the
Libyan concentration camps and the coast guard which brings those who
have escaped back to hell;

* the Italy-Tunisia treaty signed by Lamorgese and renewed by Meloni,
which behind the cover of commercial exchanges favors the deportation of
thousands of Tunisian citizens who have fled their country, in the hands
of a xenophobic and starving dictator;

* the progressive spread of administrative detention even at the
borders, which no longer imprisons and criminalizes not only those
labeled as "economic migrants" but also the asylum seekers themselves
protected by the Constitution.

All this while the violence at the gates of the EU is preparing to be
even more subtle and sophisticated through the use of preventive filing
and biometric scanners to steal the identity and freedom of movement
from anyone over the age of six.

Then, the fate of those who dare to cross the threshold, surviving the
crossings and the Balkan "games", however, is the same as always: the
blackmail of clandestinity and total invisibility, under the constant
threat of deportation, which adds violence to violence, physical and

In the middle, the threat of administrative detention, which
institutionalizes that systematic violation of fundamental rights which
opens up dangerous chasms in our cities. Gray areas in which the law is
suspended and everything is permitted, creating a setback of rights
which constitutes a serious precedent not only for those who care about
solidarity with migrant people, but for everyone.

It is in fact the testing ground for the advance of the arbitrariness of
the State, which wields the club of the combination "security -
immigration" to the sound of liberticidal decrees poised on the fiction
of a perennial emergency and on the prospect of a constant danger for
our "values". This, in order to legitimize the use of violence and
generalized repression, from truncheons in the squares, to small and
large daily abuses.

And a scandalous example of this repressive advance that skilfully surfs
on the emotional wave was the obscene and paradoxical spectacle of
tough-faced ministers who, at the foot of a still warm wreck on a
Calabrian coast, usurped the name of yet another massacre of state, of
sea, precisely to make the Minnitian prospects of 2017 a concrete
reality. With, among other things, doubling the number of CPRs and
extending the maximum detention times six times. To then arrive at the
aberration of the project to relocate this system to Albanian territory,
like any call center, in order to continue even more undisturbed and
unpunished in the action of humiliating the human dignity of those who
are guilty of not having that piece of paper that you don't want to give

Well, now that the repressive tools - refined over the years also by a
certain left, in the right's devastating game of catch-up in the name of
security, decorum and legality - are in the hands of one of the most
fascist governments of our Republic, endangering everyone, there is no
longer even time to search for and address the faults, which remain
transversal and very evident.

Instead, it is time to demand and obtain with a broad front a reversal
of direction, the end of legalized violence, which sees the tip of the
iceberg and the most striking and symbolic example in the detention
centers for repatriation.

Furthermore, the facts now speak clearer than ever: there is no "Milan
case", there is no "Ousmane Sylla case"; it is administrative detention
itself that is desired and conceived as a place of psychophysical
torture and death, as a perennial warning for future entries, and as a
muscle test in favor of the camera in election times.

And if to the fairy tale of the CPR model advocated by some "democrats"
- one in which rights are monitored and respected - we have never
believed, we will not believe it now that the most recent events of the
CPR in Milan demonstrate its unfeasibility: placed under the
jurisdiction of the Prosecutor's Office, it remains the same
concentration camp as ever, featuring the same atrocities that have been
repeated for decades in all the CPRs, in all cities and regardless of
the operator: they are precisely conceived that way.

We cannot therefore stand by and watch the multiplication of these
places of repression and slow psychophysical torture, nor their forced
removal from the view of civil society: everyone's rights are at stake.

* It is the duty and interest of each and every one to mobilize so that
they are closed, starting with the CPR in Milan, which was already
closed about ten years ago: it is not just us and the approximately 1850
people who remained entangled among the its bars, but a mountain of
unequivocal evidence, even on the tables of various prosecutors, in
front of which it is no longer possible to pretend not to know.




* Appointment in Milan,
Saturday 6 April 2024 at 3pm
in Piazza Tricolore

* For collective membership: noaicpr@gmail.com

* To finance the mobilization: shorturl.at/fhMY8

   Here is the membership list being updated

National procession No CPR 6 April 2024 Milan
Without states or borders no one is clandestine

The Repatriation Permanence Centers (CPR) are a form of administrative
detention in which the State incarcerates, in Italy or Albania - for a
period of up to 18 months - those who do not have the required documents
- even without having committed any crime - in waiting to deport them to
their countries of origin. Real prisons were created starting in 1997
(then they were called C.P.T. Temporary Permanence Centres) by the then
centre-left ministers Turco and Napolitano. Since then we have been told
that these centers are fundamental for defending Italy from the
migratory invasion of the so-called third world. In reality the CPRs are
a fundamental part of the perverse mechanism of division and control of
the oppressed classes, to select, with the threat of expulsion and
imprisonment, an enormous mass of people who are forced to emigrate to
escape wars, social and environmental devastation, caused from the
neo-colonialism of European, North American, Russia and China states and
their multinationals, which in fact continue to rob the resources
(environmental and human) of the continents from which they come.

This multitude is forced to sell their work at low cost and under the
constant blackmail of legislation which leads to the loss of the
residence permit and finally to the CPR, if one remains unemployed*.

Tens of thousands of human lives drowned in the Mediterranean sea,
cynically left to die without any help, as in Cutro, matter little.
Respect for life and human dignity is even less important in CPRs where
suicides, mistreatment and violence have occurred several times among
those locked up there. The social landfill of the CPR, together with
that of the prison, must function to keep the mechanism of exploitation
and domination well oiled. A mechanism that is increasingly fueled by
the arms trade in favor of genocides such as the one underway by the
colonialist state of Israel against the Palestinian people or wars such
as those in Eastern Europe, in Congo, in Sudan and elsewhere.

Over the years, the struggles and revolts in the CPR have been constant
and have often led to the disuse and sometimes to the demolition of the
concentration camps by those imprisoned there*.

In addition to supporting these struggles and promptly denouncing
violations of human freedoms and dignity, it is necessary to defeat
government policy and overturn the media narrative on migration which
for decades has aimed to fuel the war between the poor. It is only by
building the unity and protagonism of all the exploited men and women
from below, regardless of their origins and genders, that we can change
the state of things for a world of equals without exploitation and
without borders.

The divisions serve the profit of the bosses and the survival of capitalism

Borders serve states, for their wars of capture and conquest, for the
division of the international proletariat!

National procession Saturday 6 April 2024, 3.00 pm

departing from Piazza Tricolore, Milan


Libertarian University - Anarchist Federation

Milan, Viale Monza 255

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