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maandag 8 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FDCA, Cantier #24: March 8th, nothing to celebrate! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On this date of war, we believe it is appropriate to underline that in

Italy, in 2023 alone, 118 women killed, of which 96 in the family or
emotional context, were killed at the hands of exes, partners, husbands,
boyfriends and the number continues to grow also in 2024. ---- The
following is an elaboration of the "Ethical and gender policy commission
of the Federation of Anarchist Communists" which dates back to 8 March
2013, old in terms of time but very current in its contents which we
claim entirely and which, as "Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA, we propose
again as a contribution to the reflection as we approach 8 March 2024,
in a world shocked by bloody conflicts which still see women personally
involved as victims.

After centuries of silence, Italy too finally discovers feminicide. And
the showgirl woman (object for sale) gives way to the victim woman
(object of violence).
Sacrosanctly account for the increase in gender violence, undermine the
silence of the system and denounce the absence of support networks. But
the media attention to extreme victimization remains at best a
denunciation, it privileges good women, often overshadowing the
irregular and the most fragile women (prostitutes, foreigners, trans),
it denies the right to speak to the victims, usually dead, to leave it
to everyone around. Always, still, women are made weak.
It is the profound economic crisis, the social cuts, the exclusion from
the world of work that reduce them once again to home angels relegated
to the role of carers or "necessarily loving" mothers due to the
unaffordable costs of nursery schools, schools nursery schools and the
disappearance of full time in schools, disastrous economic situations,
families, at best, with a single income, seasoned with discontent,
hardship and sacrifices, which leads women to be increasingly exposed to
gender violence, violence which manifests itself through away in
different forms that can lead to the extreme act. Economic dependence on
the partner often gives rise to psychological violence caused by having
to ask for money at home in order to manage the
"primary" needs of the family unit in a tiring slalom in search of the
cheapest discount store.
But to make ourselves strong we need to start talking about work, about
rights, about claiming a space for women. Their ability to free
themselves from oppressive constraints, more or less consciously, and to
open up spaces of freedom and transformation depends on women's material
living conditions.
If capitalism has always considered us a reserve army for the labor
market, for centuries female workers have fought against subordination
to the logic of a female economy useful only as support for the family,
which could therefore be satisfied with an economic value inferior.
If in the nineties, in the face of a stable male employment rate, there
was a growth in women's participation in the labor market, this
coincided with a progressive "feminisation" of the labor market which
paved the way for the "flexibility" or the progressive dismantling of
the rights of male and female workers.
And if the feminization of the market has also led to phenomena of
desegregation in favor of women, at the expense of a widespread
phenomenon of subcontracting care work to other women, at the same time
it has meant an increase in demand for "poor" work and has favored the
process of flexibilization - precarization. Thus the ideology of the
natural destiny of women in the role of caring for children, the
elderly, the sick, the ideological counterattack, the so-called
patriarchal and capitalist backlash, against radical feminism and the
freedom of women in public and private choices, has worked to disavow of
women in their claim to participate in public space at 360 degrees as
collectively recognized actors in the social space, in the life of
so-called democratic countries.
The short circuit occurred in the (poor, more vaunted than real)
implementation of policies for "conciliation" of women's life and work
times, carried out in an unfortunate and contradictory way together with
the progressive dismantling of public welfare. Women were proposed, and
now imposed by the economic crisis, to reconcile their many obligatory
commitments in the workplace and in keeping the destinies of their
families going, instead of aiming for sharing and co-responsibility in
care tasks.
The progressive privatization of welfare has done the rest: very high
service costs in the face of very low wages for women, or the
progressive incentivization of part-time work, are leading to further
precariousness and the subsequent mass exit from the world of work,
precisely in conjunction with the crisis that was prepared for a long
time and struck at the end of the last decade. The result is before the
eyes of all of us, the women who have been forced culturally and
economically to suffer massively flexibility and precariousness to the
point of reaching levels of new poverty which reach tragic levels in the
lives of separated or divorced women with children. Gender violence, a
phenomenon that has always been present and strong in patriarchal
society against women who have expressed a desire for independence and
autonomy in the face of the rules given as natural and obvious within
family ties, has thus increased because the value of women in capitalism
it has decreased exponentially and so has the ability to actually act on
requests for freedom that women today experience as necessary for their
survival in a world that is becoming increasingly oppressive.
This is why as anarchist communist feminists we propose for this March
8th to put attention back at the center of the living and working
conditions of women, young and old, citizens of the earth and not of a
single nation, in an international and European perspective ,
encouraging spaces of cultural and economic-social awareness that lead
to a new conflict between women against capitalism which has targeted us
with its desire to destroy any recognition of the dignity of work and
the worker, of exploitation without any rules.
We must forcefully ask that in this historical phase there be no further
discrimination to the detriment of women, who have always been affected
in their most delicate phases of life, starting from the right to
We strongly desire to meet again and find solidarity, sisterhood, anger,
a constructive anger for our present and for a future that we do not
want and must not hand over to our young people with exploitation,
violence, discrimination of Today.
We want to take back our lives, the awareness of our value, our
abilities, we want to be able to live a dignified, free and conscious life.
May it be women today who say enough and present themselves as
revolutionary subjects, in a common path that goes beyond all
boundaries, because, after all, this is March 8th and it is the only
March 8th possible. With the hope and desire to continue building it all
year round.

Libertarian Alternative/FdCA

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