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vrijdag 5 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: VIRTUOUS COMMUNITIES (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Energy communities represent a model of alternative society, very dear

to anarchists, since they combine production, distribution and
consumption (separate economic sectors in the capitalist world) and
present glimpses of life potentially alien to the protection and control
of states. ---- However, as happened in the past with mutualism, trade
unionism, cooperativism and communalism that arose from below, from the
real needs of the popular masses and from the aspiration for a free and
egalitarian society, energy communities also risk be totally entangled
in the statist swamp and recovered, in one way or another, by the
mechanisms that regulate current political and economic inequalities.

Regulation, in fact, is the main vehicle for this recovery. With the
excuse of "giving a line" and "creating order" the potential
development, self-centered, coordinated and as free as possible, is
limited, as well as of every source of life, including community energy.

This is the meaning of the first and last of the government decrees,
which claim to limit and bring back to the control of the State, with
the aid of considerable funding (certainly attractive but which we can
also do without), an area of the new protean economy, fluid, elusive,
but also generally opposed to government plans. "Energy community"
essentially means rejection of the logic of the mass-produced,
standardized, scale-based, predatory, colonial economy, of the cartels
and multinationals, dominated and above all complicit, like the
governments that support them, of the oil companies and the local
entrepreneurs of fossil fuels and polluting production.

"Compatibility" with the national energy system: this is the watchword
of the latest government measures; we could add another: "integration"
to market logic; and end up with "growing economic profitability", but
always a niche one, if compared to the billion-dollar deals guaranteed
by a "green" reconversion totally subservient to large industrial and
commercial groups, and to international geopolitical interests.

Yet "energy communities" could allow us to experiment with economic
realities completely free from bureaucracy, managed directly by citizens
(with participatory and transparent decision-making processes),
supported by technological innovations that partly already exist, which
make it possible, with limited expenditure and ease of use, not only
producing energy on its own but exchanging it from below, in a virtuous
circuit of territorial reciprocity. Without unnatural connections with
the current masters of energy and without pro-institutional interference.

This will certainly trigger new generation struggles to build and
maintain management autonomy and control of the plants. It will probably
be necessary to connect with the ongoing struggles against invasive
mega-plants, environmental devastation and the wild exploitation of the
human and material resources of the territories. You cannot win alone
and without the help of local populations.

As was the case with those forms of mutualism, trade unionism,
cooperativism and communalism that have emancipated themselves, energy
communities too will have to make room for the awareness of their
otherness to the dominant system and the vision of a viable social
alternative, participatory, part of a large and supportive human
community which, despite everything, grows with every passing hour. Even
though we often don't realize it.

Natale Musarra

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