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vrijdag 5 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SLOVAKIA CZECH BRNO - news journal UPDATE - (en) Slovakia, Brno, Prima Akcia: Open meeting of the Priama Akcia union in Brno[SK/CZ] (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

After previous good experiences and interest in our activities in the
Czech Republic, we decided to try to organize an open meeting in Brno as
well. We will meet at the Three Tails Base on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at
7:00 p.m. The goal remains the same as in the case of meetings in
Slovakia - to connect with people who want to actively solve problems at
work or on the job, have ideas for activities in the region or want to
get involved in some, or want to discuss topics related to
anarcho-syndicalism and get to know similar like-minded people from the
neighborhood. If you are interested in contact, but cannot come to the
meeting, contact us via FB or e-mail (contact us via riseup.net) or fill
out the online questionnaire. Our promotional materials and publications
will also be on site. (FB event)

Practical overlap of meetings

We try to organize open meetings in such a way that they have a
practical dimension - so that they create activities based on the needs
and interests of the people who come to the meeting. Recently, we have
successfully solved problems in a specific company regarding severance
pay during the cancellation of a work shift, lying about the amount of
wages in job advertisements compared to reality, the issue of maternity
leave for men, how to deal with online harassment, activities within the
campaign Idesh na brigadje etc.

At the meetings, we also plan benefit and promotional activities,
various types of training (the last time it was a creative graphic
workshop), but also hiking and barbecues.

Meetings are therefore a place where:
- we solve problems related to workplaces,
- we discuss ideas for activities of various kinds,
- we evaluate the activities carried out,
- we share our experiences and lessons learned.

Anyone can bring their own point to the discussion.

Our intention is that the meetings contribute to the development of
class-oriented activities (for a better understanding, we recommend
viewing this link to a short text about the class -

Who do we welcome at meetings?

Direct Action is an anarcho-syndicalist union that does not cooperate
with political parties or initiatives of the pro-parliamentary left. In
our activity, we do not rely on political parties, capital or the state.

If you feel the same way as us, we look forward to meeting you.

If you are interested in a different approach or if you are in a
political party, security forces or someone's boss, you better stay at home.

Persons openly spreading opinions that deny the principle of equality
based on gender, skin color or sexual orientation are also not welcome
at open meetings.

Meetings in other regions and connecting

We regularly organize open meetings in the Slovak cities of Bratislava,
Trnava and Koshice. If you are from a region other than Brno, let us
know about yourself, maybe we know someone you could connect with.

If you have your own ideas that would be worth discussion and activity,
we welcome them. We are interested in what problems you solve, what you
think could be improved in the region, what annoys you and how we could
organize ourselves more effectively (we also recommend filling out the
following questionnaire https://www.priamaakcia.sk/zapoj-sa).

We look forward to the meeting on Tuesday, April 16!

Union Direct Action

Direct action is a solidarity union of workers, which focuses on solving
problems at the workplace and in the community, and on organizing
solidarity actions for the rights and demands of workers in Slovakia and
abroad. Since 2000, it has been a section of the International Workers'
Association (MAP), which currently unites unions and groups from more
than 20 countries around the world.

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