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zondag 26 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, CAS: OUR DECLARATION AGAINST WAR (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

In connection with the attack of Russian troops on Ukraine, the
Czechoslovak Anarchist Association (CAS) expresses its solidarity with
the civilian population of Ukraine, Ukrainian trade unions and all
workers from Ukraine living and working in the Czech Republic and
Slovakia. We also stand in solidarity with the workers of the Russian
Federation protesting against war and militarism. We support the
examples of Russian deserters' decisions to lay down their arms and not
participate in war killing. And likewise their proletarian brothers on
the Ukrainian side. We support all those who decide to emigrate so that
they are not mobilized as cannon fodder.

Armed conflicts serve only the financial elite who grow rich from the
trade in arms and natural resources, speculators in food and energy
prices, and rulers who build their political capital on the threat or
conduct of war. Imperialism - regardless of who is behind it - is always
against the interests of working people, regardless of their
nationality. We reject nationalism, which is supposed to divide the
working people through war and provoke them with weapons against each
other. Our real enemy is only those who get rich from our wage labor and
those who rule us and make decisions for us. Our enemies are those who
send us to the slaughterhouses of the wars they wage among themselves!

The global struggle for power and wealth means only death, destruction
and even more poverty for millions of workers. They are working people
fighting on the front lines in wars they did not cause. It is their
homes that bombs and rockets are dropped on. Last week, for example,
Ukrainian public opinion was shocked by the news that politicians,
politicians and oligarchs were leaving Ukraine aboard private jets and
chartered planes. This shows that the workers on one side and the bosses
and politicians on the other have never been and never will be in the
same boat. Ukrainian trade unions and social organizations have even
announced a demand for the nationalization of their property and its
allocation to support the civilian population.
We express our full solidarity with our colleagues in workplaces of
Ukrainian and Russian nationality, all victims of wars and persecution
for their anti-war stance. We declare our participation in anti-war
protests and help both working people fleeing with their families from
the war in Ukraine and persecuted and imprisoned workers and youth in
Russia for their brave resistance against the war of their rulers, which
they do not agree with and make it known loudly.
Workers must not be fodder for cannons or dungeons! No wars! Yes to
international workers' solidarity!
Czechoslovak Anarchist Association (CAS)

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