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zondag 26 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL-Lamouette Enragee: Relaxation of a Calais activist accused of insulting Darmanin (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


This May 7, at two and a half hours before his summons for a hearing, it
is motivated, smiling and sure of his rights that Grégory Lefebvre
arrives at the support rally organized in front of the Court of
Boulognesur-mer. Activist of LFI and Yellow Vest, active participant in
the fight against pension reform, today denouncer of state violence, the
comrade has everything to displease him. ---- It was under a flood of
rebellious flags that we were able, very briefly, to exchange a few words.
Grégory is being heard for contempt of the Minister of the Interior. He
is in fact accused of having shouted "Darmanin assassin, you have blood
on your hands!"», during the peaceful demonstration "for social justice,
against racism and police violence" on September 23, 2023 in Calais.

As usual for twenty years

On the one hand, this slogan has been taken up since 2021, since the
first 27 migrants were more victims of Europe's anti-migratory policy -
and of the Franco-English agreements still in force - than of the waters
of the Pas-de-Strait. Calais. On the other hand, Grégory is not at the
origin of the slogan chanted by the procession. But he obviously
supports it without reservation. And even so, the solidarity of all the
participants makes them all litigants.

Grégory explains that what is at stake is freedom of expression but also
support for suffering foreigners, who travel on European lands and who
end up dead, now on the beaches of the Opal Coast. This was recently the
case for six of them.

Lex iniusta est sed lex est (1)

Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure requires officers and civil
servants to report crimes or offenses of which they become aware. This
was expressly reminded to armed civil servants on the very day of the
demonstration. Grégory will pay the price that day.

Wallets are like armor, the thinner they are, the more vulnerable the
individual behind them is. The fine is therefore calibrated at EUR15,000
and the lawyer's fees currently amount to EUR2,000. The good old proven
method often pays off: the cops spot a worker - who in this case does
not even earn the minimum wage - preferably a little active; they make
him cook and increase the intimidation; and it ends in court, often
alone and "naked" to finish him off, to "silence" him as Grégory says.
To the point of suggesting he "plead guilty" - an attempt at legal
corruption - which Grégory refused to sign.

Like the Yellow Vests arrested (and bruised) massively, like the
strikers and "blockers" of the movement against pension reform,
opponents of state racism are also targets: intimidation, GAV,
threats... And often even a way for the armed arms of the State to
supplement their income by taking civil action for rebellion.

Except this time, the "client" is not alone and is determined to fight.


We did not go to the hearing and cannot report what happened.
However, one thing is certain, Grégory Lefebvre enters with the firm
conviction: his trial is based on political positions and not on common
law facts. This will be his line of defense.
More than "double standards", it is a balance of power between an
assumed political commitment and a power that is actually malicious in
its own terms(2). However, he tells us, always with a smile: "I hope
that this time, the justice of the Republic will be on the side of the

Grégory benefits from support that his predecessors at the helm would
undoubtedly envy: political organizations (LFI, POI, PCF), trade unions
(CGT) and associations (ATTAC, Extinction Rébellion, etc.) and even the
LFI deputy Ugo Bernalicis must make the trip.
The campaign for European women may not have had nothing to do with it;
Let's dare say we don't care.
In fact, it is essential in a fighting situation to count on your
organization. That's the least.

This is why we associate ourselves with Grégory Lefebvre as with all
those who maintain the political dimension of their struggle before the
Let's ensure that the courts are full to overflowing (for good!) with
open mouths against the primary violence of the State. It is time to
move from the criminalization of struggles by the State to the fight
against its crimes!

And watch out! for revenge: When all the poor will do it

- As we write these few lines, we learn with the greatest satisfaction
that Grégory has been released!

Boulogne sur Mer on May 8, 2024

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