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donderdag 23 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE - EU EUobserver eu euobserver - ANALYSIS - OPINION - EUobserver daily news


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The Battery Show Europe and Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo, 18-20 June, 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany, bring together 19,000+ engineers, suppliers and thought leaders from across the advanced battery and H/EV supply chain. REGISTER NOW

Critics point to underfunding and transparency issues in European Health Union

Commissioners Margaritis Schinas and Stella Kyriakides celebrated the EU's unprecedented foray into health policy in the wake of the Covid pandemic. But critics warn that health care staff shortages are mounting, and the new Health Emergency and Preparedness and Response Authority is not transparent or subject to MEPs' scrutiny.Read on »

EU billions still flowing to Russia, diplomatic notes detail

Diplomatic notes detail how much EU money and technology continue to flow to Russia two years into the Ukraine war. Read on »

The instagram bodybuilder vying for the far-right male vote in rural SwedenANALYSIS

In Sweden, two far-right and scandal-embroiled parties are now vying for the European Parliament vote of young, rural – but mostly disinterested – men. One is the Sweden Democrats, the other is led by a bodybuilder who showcases his fast cars on Instagram.Read on »

New EU 'defence commissioner' speculation prompts focus on FinlandANALYSIS

As discussions about the possibility, scope, and role of an EU defence commissioner intensify, attention is turning to new Nato member Finland.Read on »

Why Iran’s abrupt transition matters to RussiaOPINION

Ebrahim Raisi made Iran a critical partner to Russia at a time when the Kremlin faces political isolation and pressure to sustain its attritional war in Ukraine. The Russian armed forces have become increasingly dependent on Iranian drones, artillery, and air-to-ground munitions. Yet mutual suspicion and distrust has been the default guiding principle of the relationship between Tehran and Moscow. Read on »

Trailing liberals go on attack at second 'Spitzkenkandidaten' debate

Sandro Gozi, one of Renew Europe’s three lead candidates, made a combative impression in a second debate ahead of the EU elections, in a stark contrast with his predecessor Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmerman. Still, the 'Spitzenkandidaten', minus the Greens and Left, found lots to agree on, advocating a less naive trade policy with China, and a stronger EU budget. Read on »

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