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woensdag 29 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE KANAK - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL: Kanaky No to recolonization! Solidarity with the Kanak people in struggle - Collectif Solidarité Kanaky (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


On the situation in Kanaky: a leaflet from the Solidarité Kanaky
collective, a summary of the events of the last 2 days which resemble a
precursor to civil war. And the May 15 press release from the CCAT
(Field Action Coordination Unit) ---- Kanaky/New Caledonia: ---- NO to
thawing the electorate! NO to recolonization! (Text from the Kanaky
solidarity collective ---- This Monday, May 13, the day before the vote
in the national assembly, the demonstrations of the separatists against
the thaw of the electorate increased;
blocked roads or filter dams, well-attended strike at the port and
airport of Nouméa, closure of numerous administrations, fires lit in
different places, start of mutiny in the Nouméa prison, clashes between
young Kanaks and the police in working-class neighborhoods , numerous
injuries and mass arrests.
It is in this insurrectional context that the vote in the national
assembly will take place on May 14 on the unfreezing of the electorate.
To try to stop this dangerous process for the future of the Kanak
people, the elected representatives of the Congress of New Caledonia met
this Monday, May 13 and managed to adopt, by a majority, a resolution
requesting the withdrawal of this bill. on the electorate.
Elected officials remind the State that the majority of them are against
this bill.

30 years after the Nouméa Accord, as well as the transfer of skills and
their rebalancing, inequalities remain very significant, the non-respect
of priority to local employment: in many sectors, it is the
metropolitans recently arrived in New Caledonia, due to attractive
conditions (salary level and indexation, advantages in terms of housing
or installation support), who occupy positions to the detriment of Kanak
workers with equal skills. Thus continues a long tradition of privileges
offered to French people going to work overseas.

Conditions which make it possible to strengthen the settlement colony
that this Pacific territory has always represented for the French state.
This is in total violation of international law. Indeed, Kanaky/New
Caledonia remains a non-autonomous territory under international law, as
such included on the list of countries to be decolonized according to
United Nations resolution 15-14.

The Nouméa Accord is a decolonization agreement. It provided for 3
self-determination referendum consultations. The second referendum
showed, in 2020, a surge in pro-independence votes: by only 9,000 votes,
the "Yes" to the full sovereignty of New Caledonia was in the majority.
The conditions of the third and final referendum, at the end of 2021,
are today still contested by all the independence currents, which had
requested following the Covid epidemic and the confinement which
prevented any campaign, the postponement of the consultation and the
respect for both Edouard Philippe's promise to keep it in 2022 and the
Kanak mourning period. This 3rd referendum is not recognized by the
separatists who did not participate in the vote. A complaint is planned
on this subject to the International Court of Justice.

Today, the French government has decided to take force. He unilaterally
presents two draft laws on the institutional future of Kanaky/New
Caledonia which put at stake the future of the Kanak people, and the
stability of the country. They are aiming for an exit under highly
contested and non-consensual conditions from the Nouméa Accord, with the
consequence of a considerable worsening of divisions.
The first bill concerning the postponement of provincial elections was
adopted last March, the second aims to modify the constitution is
central to the Nouméa Accord, no modification should be made by a
unilateral decision of the State, without a global agreement between
local political forces.

These bills revive the proven practices of putting the Kanak people in a
minority in their own country, for the benefit of a local right which
would like to find a majority in its favor by modifying the seats in the
Congress of New Caledonia.
The State is engaged in a brutal modification of the entire organization
of democratic life in New Caledonia. This is a way of promoting the
recolonization of the territory and the invisibility of the Kanak people!
n of Field Actions,) which brings together all the pro-independence
currents. The objectives are clear: the request for the withdrawal of
the bill on the unfreezing of the electorate, the non-recognition of the
3rd referendum, and the continuation of the decolonization trajectory.

This forceful move by the French state brings back sad memories and
promotes an extremely dangerous dynamic of tension. The May 1
mobilization was massive and this year marked politically by this
political context.
Today the slightest spark can set the country ablaze.

The week of May 4, 2024 until May 13, 2024, was a week of continued
mobilizations and actions by the CCAT. Started on May 4, 2024 - for the
anniversary of the death of Jean-Marie Tjibaou on May 4, 1989, and the
anniversary of the massacre of the 19 of the Ouvéa cave on May 5, 1988 -
until the presentation of the text to the National Assembly this May 13,
2024. Rallies in front of all the country's gendarmes on May 5, 2024,
marches in different cities every day. Many mines are already blocked,
such as in Houailou and Thio.
The mobilization is entering its 3rd phase.

This May 13, 2024, the two federations USTKE, T.H.T (Air and Land
Transport, Hotels) and Ports & Docks go on strike, followed by 99%.
At the port, only essential goods are released (perishable goods and
medicines), all port companies have decided to close at 3 p.m. Slowdown
in the economy today. The Wetr chiefdom in Lifou has decided to close
the island's airport.
At the Tontouta airport, plane flights were seriously delayed due to
employees leaving their posts, disrupting the operation of services at
the airport.
The CCAT's mobilizations on road access also disrupted the country.
The Country is mobilizing everywhere, with filter dams.
A mutiny began at the East camp prison, three guards were taken hostage,
RAID intervention.
Young people confronted the police, the mobile gendarmes, because the
same ones fired flash balls at the young people provoking their anger.

The country is experiencing extreme tension while awaiting the vote in
the national assembly.

Furthermore, repression is strong. Several people prosecuted since the
demonstration on February 21 were put on trial on April 19 at the Nouméa
Court, receiving very heavy sentences. Two demonstrators are locked up
in the East camps, five other demonstrators are free but with electronic
bracelets. Since then, there have been numerous arrests, some people
have been released but with prosecutions, others are in pre-trial
detention, or kept in police custody.
They are political prisoners!

Monday May 13, 2024, 18 people were to appear in immediate appearance
the trial was
postponed, for some for the simple reason of wearing the Kanaky flag!
Never seen ...!

The Solidarité Kanaky collective, created in 2007, brings together
different associative, trade union and political organizations with the
objective of organizing solidarity in France with the Kanak people in
their decolonization trajectory. Alongside the various pro-independence
currents, we reaffirm our solidarity with the union and political
struggles of Kanak and non-Kanak separatists, against the colonial,
racist, capitalist and repressive situation of the French State in Kanaky.

We appeal to parliamentarians who in the National Assembly will be
responsible for deciding on the law unfreezing the electoral body of New

Kanaky/New Caledonia is not a French territory, but under international
law a "non-autonomous territory". The constitutional bill proposed
unilaterally with a view to unfreezing the electoral body, in violation
of international law, leads parliamentarians to assume the
responsibility of deciding, more than 22,000 km away, the future of an
entire people. Or even a possible conflagration in Kanaky/New Caledonia.

This bill must be withdrawn.

Let us demand the release and dropping of charges for those accused of
the current mobilizations.
Let's take solidarity actions here in France against the two bills and
in solidarity with the current movement in Kanaky.
Solidarity with the CCAT and the mobilized Kanak people!
We call for participation in THE RALLY THIS TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 from 2
p.m. to 6 p.m. at Salvador Allende Square (closest authorized to the

The Kanaky Solidarity Collective:
MJKF (Young Kanak Movement in France), USTKE (Union Syndicale des
Travailleurs Kanak et des Exploités (in France), Union Solidaires, CNT
(National Confederation of Labor), STC (Sindicatu di i Travagliadori
Corsi), Association Survie, FASTI (Federation of Solidarity Associations
with All Immigrants), FUIQP (United Front of Immigration and
Working-class Neighborhoods), Neither War nor State of War, UP (Pacifist
Union), Together!, NPA (New Party Anti-capitalist), PCOF (Communist
Workers' Party of France), PEPS (For a Popular and Social Ecology), PIR
(Indigenous Party of the Republic), UCL (Libertarian Communist Union).

Last minute:

Tuesday May 14
The high commissioner, representative of the French state appointed by
the government, Louis Le Franc, organizes a press conference the day
after the first night of "violence".
At his side, the general commander of the New Caledonia gendarmerie and
no less than 3 representatives of the local Caldoche right: the mayor of
Nouméa (macronist), the LR mayor of Païa (northern suburb of Nouméa
where the airport is located international of Tontouta) and the
president of the South province, Sonia Backès (macronist, ex-UMP),
formerly in the government of E. Terminal in 2022-23.

These three caldoches, as well as the entire local right (from the
Macronists to the RN), called for more repression, the establishment of
a state of emergency and the deployment of the army in the archipelago.

The high commissioner said it is "not a good idea". The curfew (from 6
p.m. to 6 a.m.) is not of much use but the police and gendarmerie
reinforcements arriving from Polynesia and then from mainland France
should be enough (GM and CRS with RAID, GIGN, etc.)... as well as the
tripling staffing of the local judiciary in order to speed up trials by
immediate appearance.

And then, politically, the law has been passed... all that remains is to
convene Congress to change the Constitution. The decolonization process,
begun by the Matignon Accords of 1988, has just been stopped, destroyed,
pulverized, thus responding to the political interests of the local
right which coincide with those, more strategic, of the French State in
the Asia-Pacific region.

In two days, there were more than 200 arrests and GAV... a figure which
will increase in the coming days, because, even if the situation "calms
down" (to be seen and how, with what means?), the authorities have
announced that there will be prosecutions and arrests for the violence,
the ransacking, the fires (we are still talking about a hundred shops
and businesses burned) and the looting. Raids are therefore expected in
the coming weeks in the neighborhoods where young Kanaks in the Greater
Nouméa area are concentrated, many more numerous in this urban part of
the archipelago than in the years 1984-88.

As for the French State, with a Macron who breaks agreements and
consensuses, who clearly chooses to relaunch a logic of polarization and
confrontation, and to include this in constitutional law, he can always
declare that he is in favor of negotiated solutions... who can still
believe it?

On Wednesday May 15 in the evening the news broke: a state of emergency
will be declared at the request of Macron.

The State has therefore decided to have an even heavier hand... and free
rein on the spot, while agreeing with the anti-independenceists.

But it's true that between yesterday and today, the data has changed:
there are 3 deaths (3 young Kanaks), a cop in a critical situation with
a bullet in the head, "around 300 injured" which appears to be there are
around a hundred police officers, that the situation has become more
uncontrollable (even with a mutiny and attempted escape of inmates from
the Nouméa prison), that quite a few caldoches and metro workers have
locked themselves in and barricaded themselves in their neighborhoods ,
that everything is at a standstill (airport and schools closed, economy
paralyzed....), that many people are armed in this territory, a bit in
the American style... According to estimates, there are around 130,000
firearms in the archipelago (including 64,000 declared), for an
estimated population of 270,000 inhabitants.

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